Battle of the Third Reich

v5 Chapter 8: Hydera (Part 1)

"Assault!" Snyder roared standing on the tank command tower, he led his 13 remaining tanks into the thick smoke, and behind the thick fog were forty powerful French tank.

At the moment of rushing into the wall of fog, a strange feeling appeared in Snyder's heart, pungent smoke, fire, metal impact, soldier's wailing, and the scene before him made him feel so strange and strange. So familiar. He suddenly felt that the current scene seemed to have been experienced before, he had participated in similar battles, in his grandfather's arms, on the yellowed pages, in his dreams.

One hundred German warriors wearing armor covered with animal skins, wielding sharp swords and heavy battle axes roared towards the Thousand People Phalanx of heavy infantry in Rome, behind them was the retreating tribe Old and weak women and children. For the sake of their families and ethnic groups, the soldiers have no turning back. Everyone has only one thought in their hearts. They must let the enemy shed more blood before falling down. With Snyder and them, he could even feel the peace and quiet of the moment when the Roman-style dagger pierced his body.

Five hundred Germanic knights straddled their horses, wearing hard and cold armor, wielding knights' swords, propelling their spears, and roaring to charge. On the snowy white wind, black crosses fluttered with the wind. In front of them were 20,000 Muslims. The elite cavalry is behind the broken walls of Jerusalem. For the glory of the knights, in order to protect those things that they must guard, the German Knights did not hesitate to face the assault of death, Snyder was with them, fighting blood for the faith, only to be inlaid with luxury The Persian machete of the gem cut under the horse.

The blood in Snyder's heart began to boil, just like his ancestors, he was embodies the same blood of the same strong and brave, he will not shrink back, for the honor of the warrior, for the great motherland, he is like his ancestors Like us, sneer and charge towards death.

"Sir! We finally arrived, and the forward unit sent a report and found that the French armored unit, our company is still fighting!" Dougan turned back from his electromechanical seat and loudly reported that his voice was full of With excitement and comfort.

"Oh? Really?" Xu Jun opened his eyes slowly, slammed a big breathlessly.

"Take over the communication, I'm going to talk to Cassnet." The German head of state sat on the narrow tank captain's seat and rubbed his eyes while stretching his waist: "This sleep is really comfortable!"

Xu Jun has now discovered a good way to not only vent his mental stress but also to activate brain activity by the way. The young German head of state is infatuated with a tank. The closed environment of the tank, the roaring engine, the rich smell of engine oil, and even the steady trembling of the car body while driving made Xu Jun feel a feeling of home, familiar and intimate, and an incomparable sense of security.

What made his subordinates even more incomprehensible was that in the steel monster that could shake off their bones, his young master could sleep peacefully, which made them have to deal with this again. The sergeant's special qualifications were amazed.

Since Xu Jun realized the benefits of the tank, the luxury heavy cars prepared by the headquarters for the head of state were almost half-laid off. As long as it was not in a hurry, the German head of state refused to take transportation other than the tank. For the strange hobby that the head of state suddenly produced, no one opposed it, and even a large number of military officers expressed great welcome, including Xu Jun’s chief deputy general Brigadier General Hans. For Hans, the head of state chose a kind of The transport that most assured him. This seems to be the case. For Xu Jun, who has been calculated several times, there is no safer means of transportation than a tank. Xu Jun’s deputy regiment agreed with all of them raising their hands, although Hans and they have not yet adapted to ride this exaggerated vehicle.

And the old-fashioned marshals of the command headquarters miraculously did not express any objection. In their eyes, Xu Jun is the first example of all soldiers, soldiers among the soldiers, and then a head of state. For a distinguished German marshal, there is no more suitable seat than a majestic tank. Commander-in-Chief Feng. Marshal Brauchic also said that if it weren't for some of their old bones, they would never be able to stand up anymore. They had long wanted to get a car out of the street for everyone, and they didn't know if the old guy really said it. I still want to take the opportunity to clap my ass, but looking at the smirk of the old thing, Xu Jun feels that the latter is most likely.

"Major Cassnet, this is Reinhardt." Xu Jun put on his headphones and pulled the microphone to his mouth.

"Report the situation ahead."

"Follow me, Your Excellency." Cassnett reported loudly in his headphones: "French tanks were found in front of them, the number is more than forty. The smoke on the battlefield is very heavy, but we can still tell that it must be French armor. The main force of the regiment. Our tank company is in close combat with French tanks. They have rushed into each other's formation. We are not yet aware of their losses and I am trying to contact them. Request instructions."

"Immediately launch an attack! Those French tanks must be annihilated, and they must never be allowed to escape. The striker you lead immediately detours to the enemy's flanks." Xu Jun ordered lightly.

"Follow your orders, Your Excellency. But what about the tank company, and whether to let them withdraw from the battle and withdraw first."

"Absolutely you can't do this! Do you want them to expose their fragile tail in front of the French?" Xu Jun's voice rose loudly, and he ordered loudly. "After contacting them, let them attack with all their strength, penetrate the French tank formation, and leave the battlefield from behind the French. The rest is our performance."

"Comply, sir."

"Bring me General Guderian." Xu Jun ordered to Dougan.

"Follow your orders, sir." Daogen's rapid cāo made the radio station.

"Contacted, sir."

"Very good." Xu Jun flicked the communicator switch on the headset wire.

"General Goodrian, this is Reinhardt."

"My Excellency, this is Guderian, request for instructions." Guderian replied loudly.

"Oh, oh, my lieutenant general, you can't relax a little." Xu Jun scratched his head and said with a wry smile. Xu Jun never understood why Guderian was nervous when he saw him, and he stretched like a bow every time. Xu Jun is afraid that one day the German armored day will break, which will be an inestimable loss for himself.

"Sorry, I will do my best, my head." Guderian replied that loudly.

"It seems that this guy is dead." Xu Jun shook his head with a wry smile.

"General, I don’t think I’m going to tell you anything anymore. Let’s start fighting, let me see the true strength of your armored soldier director, highly respected by soldiers."

"Follow your orders, head of state. I will not let you down again." Guderian replied firmly.

"That's good, I look forward to your performance, my director." Xu Jun smiled and cut off the communication.

"I think His Excellency Goodrian is serious this time. I have never heard him use such a firm tone to promise anything. I haven't seen him like this before the implementation of the Yellow Plan." Dougan said loudly.

"Yeah, it seems that the French are going to suffer this time. I think this time our adult director will definitely vent all the grudges he accumulated before this one time on these French people. Haha, think about it It makes people shudder." Randolph said with a smile while sitting on the driver's seat, struggling to pull the vertical bar.

"Turn on your tank, you are not qualified to comment on the general, you still have to be careful not to let us fall into the pit." Dougan interjected, with an explicit threat in his voice. With the radio and engine dashboard in between, Colonel Dougan really wanted to give Randolph a head. This guy was getting bigger and bigger, and he dared to make a joke of a senior general in front of the head of state. Dougan decided to go back. After that, you must give yourself this idiot deputy and take another military law class.

"Got it, you know, Colonel, you can still trust my skills. How often have you seen me drive a tank into a ditch. Ah, General Goodrian’s tank battalion began to accelerate, Your Excellency." Randolph also found his previous remarks a little out of the ordinary, and he quickly changed the subject.

"Your Excellency, Weiller Chief of Staff is going to talk to you. He wants to know when his troops are going to fight." Dogen shouted to Xu Jun.

"Take it... Oh, is it Weierle? I'm Reinhardt." Xu Jun said loudly.

"Sir, my troops are ready to fight and ask for the next step." Weierle said with satisfaction on the radio station.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be so belligerent."

"Don't say that, sir, isn't it just right now. Besides, I have never commanded such a powerful firepower, I heard that the number of Frenchmen in front is not too large..."

"Because the quantity is not large, we don't need us to do it anymore. I have handed over the French to Guderian to clean up. Let's watch it behind." Xu Jun's face smiled, no The thought that this chief of staff who has always appeared in the image of a sly old cunning fox has a **** side.

"Oh, I see, everything will act according to your will." Weiller's voice revealed a hint of disappointment.

"Are you disappointed? My head of staff." Xu Jun asked with a smile.

"Where is it, my head of state. I just feel that such a powerful force can't participate in the battle, I feel a pity, hehe." The old fox covered it with a dry smile.

"Relax, we will have a chance to play, as long as Mueller can complete their turn according to my plan, we can launch a final fatal blow to the French. By that time, there will be a chance of fighting, like this now. A battle of scale, even appetizers are not enough, and we don't need our shots. The position of Hydera's fangs should always be on the enemy's point."

"I understand, Your Excellency. It seems that I am anxious. It is indeed like you said. Now these little characters are still not in the hands of Hydera. I just want to see how it exposes the enemy's fangs. Hahahaha "" The old fox grinned and ended the newsletter.

Xu Jun pushed the hatch of the tank command tower at the beginning, leaned out the upper body and looked out of the car. The strong sunlight at noon reflected the dazzling brilliance on this tank's gorgeous armor plate. A total of 70 tanks lined up in three columns in the tank battalion directly under his head roared toward the battlefield ahead.

All equipment directly under the head of the tank battalion is Martin. Borman made it in one hand, as Xu Jun's number one loyal dog, this time the master, but this time, he has made a lot of blood.

Borman just listened to Xu Jun casually mentioning the desire for a beautiful guard tank like the Knights. He thought Xu Jun just wanted to show off his noble identity to the German citizens, or this young man. The head of state wanted to satisfy the noble's instinct to like gorgeous things. Anyway, he hadn't thought from the beginning that his young master might really lead this army to the front. As a result, Borman Bo, the steward who can meet the requirements of his master as the highest goal of rén's life, made this powerful armed force more like an honor guard than an honor guard.

This direct tank battalion is decorated with unparalleled conspicuousness, and it is the kind that people will never forget in a lifetime. Those tanks that were originally ugly and extremely murderous now look as gorgeous and exquisite as works of art. In fact, Bolman actually went to find a group of artists to participate in the decoration of these tanks.

The thick armor plates of those tanks were covered with a beautiful layer of thin silver-gray steel plates, each of which was polished and polished with a machine, as smooth and shiny as a mirror, and the edges of those steel plates were inlaid with brass-plated Changchun The rattan lace is even more shocking, even the barrel of the artillery is covered with this beautiful brass decoration. The huge German chariot cross badge was fired in enamel, and a silver-plated chassis was inlaid on both sides of the turret. The numbers of the chariots were baked on the turret with beautiful coral red magnetic lacquer. Obviously, they were also carefully polished and polished, until only those numbers can reflect the silhouette. Silver-plated Feng. The noble shield coat of arms of the Stade family was embedded on the front armor plate of the car body near the driver's observation window. Unknown people thought it was the factory logo of this tank. I have to think about it for a long time, thinking when Rheinmetall changed its sign again.

These tanks were escorted from the German mainland with heavy troops to the temporary headquarters of the French frontline. Maybe the big butler still wanted to give his young master a love (surprise), and the result was that the thick canvas was uncovered Previously, Xu Jun did not know that those tanks were made like this.

As a result, the successful and complete super-management of Boda Butler got the effect he wanted. These gleaming tanks shocked the jaws of the entire command team.

Just as the generals and generals of the command headquarters bent over to pick up their chins one by one, the German head of state was already in a crash. Borman hit his young master this time. This is not a deep blow. Xu Jun stared blankly at the group of shining tanks.

In the report of the Broad Butler, it is mentioned that these tanks have been properly modified. Xu Jun always thought that he only did a little processing on the paint or logo. He originally just wanted a new team of tanks to be used as the core force of his newly formed legion. But he never imagined that what he received turned out to be such a thing. The so-called proper decoration turned out to be such a big hand. These tanks are decorated as gorgeous as aristocratic carriages, making people feel so pleasing to the eye.

The first thought in Xu Jun’s heart was to take it, and to take it completely. The Germans are indeed a people who can push everything to the extreme, and weapons can be turned into works of art, which has to make people beat their chests. Sighed.

And his second thought is that the **** Borman must be trying to kill me, does he want to rebel?

Let yourself lead such a group of tanks to the battlefield, is it just shouting at the enemy and firing at me, and such a conspicuous target is only one thing in the world. The generals who were looking at themselves watched the tanks with admiration, and caressed the gorgeous armor plates carefully, and Xu Jun's anger did not hit one spot.

What's the matter? I wonder if I really want to drive these crafts on the battlefield. Xu Jun almost wanted to throw these tanks back into Germany and rebuild it, but now time does not allow him to do so. Anyway, these things are essentially sophisticated killing machines, and they are a weapon he urgently needs. In order to realize the current plan, Xu Jun had to dismiss the idea of ​​returning the goods.

Xu Jun looked at the glittering big guys and greeted the ancestors of the broad housekeeper in his heart. But after watching the gorgeous works of art for a while, Xu Jun's anger gradually subsided. The appearance is indeed pleasing, and it looks so gorgeous and beautiful, so that his little vanity really feels so satisfied.

Now the young ducái thinks that he still doesn't need to be angry about these little things. Besides, maybe these gorgeous big guys can really come in handy in future battles.

In between Xu Jun's thoughts, one of the most magnificent leaders of the future Hydera Corps, the most prominent head of the German ** team, directly under the tank battalion, has thus entered the stage of war.
