Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3178: Fulton System

"They are about to take off." Scarface said loudly, "We can't catch up. This is bad. It may be possible for us to temporarily suppress them with the on-board firepower, but we certainly can't deal with so many enemies."

"I understand." Lin Rui whispered, "First ensure that they take off smoothly. The aircraft is most vulnerable to individual missile attacks during the takeoff phase. We have to ensure this."

"Okay, I understand. But where are you going? There is a runway ahead of us. We would be used as targets in such open areas." Scarface shouted while shooting at the enemy.

"We have to keep away from these terrorists." Lin Rui said loudly. "And we have to abandon the car. So we have to leave the car where we can block them. If they are blocked here, they will go to the other entrance in front. We have to block them in a few minutes."

"If we give up this car, our firepower will have no advantage." Scarface said loudly, "Even if we protect them from evacuation, we will be killed ourselves. Boss, is this your plan?"

"I never plan to die, I only plan to live. Take this rucksack." Lin Rui threw something like a parachute bag to Scarface.

"Are you kidding? Shall we carry an umbrella bag on the ground?" Scarface said while shooting.

"Trust me, this is not an umbrella bag, but our hope of escape!" Lin Rui said loudly. A series of bullets hit the body, sparks splashing everywhere. Lin Rui waved, "That direction!"

"I saw it!" Scarface turned his gun, a burst of firepower output, and the opponent was immediately suppressed. "No, the ammunition is almost gone." Scarface said loudly.

"I jump off the car with an umbrella bag on my back, and there is a machine gun in the back seat. Take it and follow me." Lin Rui slammed on the accelerator, then stuck the accelerator with a crowbar to ensure that the vehicle did not slow down, and then scared his face. Two people each bring their equipment and jump off the car.

The terrorists in the raid did not expect the other party to drive straight over. Although they raised their guns and shot them, they still failed. The frantically rushing vehicle hit the entrance of the vehicle heavily, and the heavy impact soon caused the vehicle to burn. , And then a large group of flames exploded. The speed of the terrorists' impact was once again suppressed at the entrance of the runway on the other side. At the same time the plane has taken off, getting farther and farther.

Lin Rui and Dao Scarface retreated while holding up their weapons and shooting.

"Boss, this time we are going to finish." Scarface whispered, "We are surrounded. They can't catch up to the plane, and they have broken so many hands in our hands. This time, we must be out of breath. "

"Don't worry, we won't give them a chance. Go, retreat in this or that direction." Lin Rui whispered while shooting.

"Are you sure there is a road there? I feel like a dead end." Scarface shook his head.

"There is a dead end," Lin Rui replied, "but we can survive."

"How to live? We rely on these two guns?" Scarface smiled bitterly.

"Remember the backpack behind you?" Lin Rui said.

Scarface frowned, "This parachute bag?"

"This is not a parachute bag. This is the Fulton surface-to-air recovery system, abbreviated: STARS is a system used by the US Central Intelligence Agency, the US Air Force and the US Navy to recover ground personnel using a single MC-130E CombatTalon I. Nickname Skyhook.

The system involves the use of an integral parachute harness and an auto-expandable hydrogen balloon with additional lift lines. MC-130E uses the V-shaped frame on the nose to engage the parachute strap and roll it up with a reel. During the day, the red flag on the lift line is used to guide the aircraft to recover, and the lights on the lift line are used at night. "Lin Rui whispered, "The Hercules we are riding in is an MC-130E model. And we can use this device to return to the Hercules transport plane. "

In fact, this Fulton system is not very advanced. It was first developed by Robert Edison Fulton Jr. for the CIA in the early 1950s. The system evolved from a similar system used by the American and British armies during World War II.

As early as 1958, the Fulton Air Recovery System, or "Sky Hook", had already taken shape. The ground part of the system includes a backpack that is convenient for airdrop, which contains the necessary equipment for recovery: a harness, a 500-foot-long high-strength nylon braided cord that connects the harness, a portable helium gas bottle, and a balloon for rapid inflation. After the balloon floats, the rope will be straightened so that the aircraft can hook the target.

In the aerial part of the system, a 30-foot-long V-shaped frame with a 70-degree angular distribution will be installed on the nose of the aircraft. During recovery, the aircraft will fly straight to the floating rope, and a 425-foot place on the rope will be used as a mark. Shiny tape. When the V-shaped frame on the nose catches the rope, the balloon will be released, and a spring trigger device sky anchor will ensure the connection of the rope to the aircraft. After the rope was pulled into a straight line under the fuselage, the crew hooked it with a J-hook and placed it on the winch to pull the recovered people or objects onto the plane.

The CIA’s first use of the Fulton ground-to-air recovery system was Operation Coldfoot. The purpose of the operation was to steal weather information from unmanned weather devices deployed on the Arctic Ocean by the Soviet Union. The agents were dropped to designated areas by air. The Calton system returns. This is a past event during the Cold War, so the Fulton system is already a very mature technology. It is a system that can receive ground personnel in the air without the need for a plane to land. It's just that this type of system is mostly used for special operations of one or two people, and cannot be applied to combat on a large scale.

Lin Rui Scarface ran to the hidden place, opened the insurance, and pressed the inflation button. Two huge balloons carried them off the ground. When the militants found the balloon in the sky, they were already too far away and had no chance to hit them again. "It's really exciting, boss. I admit it's a good way to get out. But, to be honest, I'm so scared to pee my pants now. I'd rather fight these **** on the ground, and don't want to float in the air like this. Know how we should go down?"

"This is not just for escape. When the balloon is inflated and we float off the ground, the Hercules transport aircraft will receive the signal, and then return to retrieve us into the cabin." Lin Rui said through the wireless headset.

"Okay. What if they can't come? We will keep floating in the air until the balloon explodes. Will we fall? I must say that the person who invented this system is really a lunatic." Scarface said loudly.

"No, the balloon will stop rising when it reaches a certain height. And when necessary, we can release the balloon and parachute down from the sky." Lin Rui replied.