Battlefield Contractor

Chapter 3179: Aerial salvage

On the Hercules transport plane that had taken off, the mercenaries were tantrums against Bruno.

"You can take off later, now our boss is below, facing a group of militants. You fucking!" Sergey pointed at Bruno and cursed.

"I want to wait for them too, but you can see that they didn't come to our side at the time, and they were running in the opposite direction." Bruno defended, "Besides, the plane has finished accelerating and the runway is almost at the end. The pilot only Can choose to lift off! We have no choice."

"Then let the pilot hover for two weeks before returning." Crazy Horse said solemnly, "This time we won't go anywhere without our boss."

"This is impossible. There are a large group of militants at the airport. We can't land back again." Lieutenant Bruno shook his head, "Moreover, we still have tasks. You are mercenaries, don't you understand the priority of tasks?!"

"We are mercenaries, and it is precisely because of the priority of the mission that we let you go back to pick them up." Crazy Horse nodded, "With Rick, the mission will be guaranteed."

Lieutenant Bruno shook his head, "Sorry, I have to refuse your request."

"Then we have to kill you and occupy this plane. Then use it to go back and save people." Sergey raised his gun.

"Are you crazy?" Lieutenant Bruno said in amazement, "You are going to hijack the employer? Kill a six-man US special team and hijack the plane belonging to the CIA?"

"Despite what you said, we still understand it as a necessity for the task." Yelena said. "Kill you, take control of the plane, we go back to save people, and then we can continue to complete the mission."

"You are crazy!" Lieutenant Bruno shook his head. "Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Crazy Mara moved the gun. "When writing the report, we would say that you were covering your target at the airport to evacuate, and as a result, you were surrounded by militants. As a result, your team, all of you were martyred. We can tell the military that you are heroes. , You used your own lives to write loyalty and guaranteed this mission. The veteran is not dead, but withered. No matter what, there is no proof of death anyway."

"Mad, you crazy guys." Lieutenant Bruno could only look at them and shook his head.

"Go back, don't force us to do such a thing." Crazy Horse shook his head.

The pilot said loudly in front, "Lieutenant, we must return."

"This is impossible. There are enemies everywhere in the airport. I won't take this mission to risk it." Lieutenant Bruno shook his head.

"No, it's not like that, Lieutenant, it's a beacon," the pilot said loudly. "It's Fulton beacons, there are two in total. They escaped and are floating in the air."

"What?" Lieutenant Bruno was startled, "floating in the air?"

"It's STARS. They used the STARS Fulton ground-to-air recovery system. Now they are suspended in the air. We can use the V-shaped frame on the nose to engage the parachute straps and roll them up with a reel. Pull them into the cabin." The pilot said loudly.

"Are you sure this is fine?" Lieutenant Bruno said loudly.

"I have operated at least a dozen times in similar situations, Afghanistan and Syria, but they are not military operations. Most of them are ground recovery missions in cooperation with CIA agents. This is actually not complicated. It is like salvaging objects floating in the air. . And the whole system is quite mature.” The pilot replied.

"Lieutenant, he needs your order." Sergey raised his gun. "I don't want to fight in the cabin."

"Okay, okay, then go back home and salvage them. I didn't make this decision because of your threat." Lieutenant Bruno said bitterly, "I just don't want to leave Rick behind, so Take your **** gun away. Pilot, go back home and lock the two Fulton beacons."

Scarface floating in the air is already a little restless, "Boss, I have never tried hanging in the air for such a long time."

"Oh, then how does it feel to look down on the world? Don't worry, they should be coming soon." Lin Rui whispered, "For the better part, if they can't come, we can also go down by parachute."

"You can only deceive the layman by saying that, boss. We are on the island. Although the Canary Island is relatively large, we will drift off the island sooner or later at this wind speed. By then, parachuting will be useless. Because we will parachute down into the sea to feed the sharks." Scarface shook his head with a wry smile.

"It's possible, but that's a pity for your tough scar face." Lin Rui smiled.

Scarface said in a low voice, "Will our height be too high? I feel cold all over now."

"It's just the wind that won't be too high," Lin Rui said loudly. "The Yankee Fulton system, although it is a technology in the 1970s, is quite mature. It was originally used for ground recovery, and only recently has the air recovery technology been developed. That kind of balloon has air pressure control, and it is filled and discharged. Air pressurization and decompression can keep us suspended at a certain height. Now we are waiting for Yankee’s plane to receive us."

"Come here, they are here!" Scarface said loudly, he spotted the distant plane earlier than Lin Rui.

At the same time, people on the plane also found them. The pilot was nervous, "Damn, they use the latest Fulton recovery system, aerial salvage plan. It's a bit difficult with the recovery equipment on our plane."

"Can you do it?" Lieutenant Bruno said loudly.

"No problem, but I have only done ground recovery before. In theory, aerial recovery is the same, but it is a bit risky. I am slowing down, otherwise they can't stand it. They are living people, not materials. I must reduce the acceleration of gravity to Only under 7G can they survive." The pilot fully controlled the transport plane.

Lin Rui saw the huge plane tilting its fuselage, flying towards him from a height of about 500 feet. Ten seconds later, the Hercules transport plane flew over his head, and then hooked the luminous rope tied to the balloon. He felt the rope move, and then swished and was immediately dragged. At that time, Lin Rui felt as if he was tied to the end of a large rubber band, flying in the air at a speed of 130 miles per hour, and the gravitational acceleration he suffered at this time was at least 6G or more! The embarrassment that was suddenly pulled into the air, like a cartoon character, stretched out his arms, trying to grab the window or the big branch, but was helplessly pulled away!

The huge inertia dragged Lin Rui higher than the plane's position, and then began to fall down! At this moment, a thought flashed in his mind. He was completely thrown into the air, and he even had the urge to pull the parachute.