Be a Cartoonist In the Fairy World

Chapter 588: swim

"Don't!" Pei Mingyang's whole person is square, "I tell you, you really did this and we are all friends!"

"Hehe." Du Ziyuan smiled and didn't speak.

With a smile, Pei Mingyang got goose bumps behind him, and he quickly turned off Yunchao.

"It's really bad for me for eight lifetimes to actually sign such an author."

Behind him, the old fifth came with a box in his hand: "My son, it seems that you didn't say that last time."

"What did I say?"

"You said that you are really lucky for Sansheng to sign for such a genius."

"...Then, eight minus three, anyway, I have lost five lifetimes!"

"Just be happy."

Pei Mingyang suddenly noticed the box in the fifth hand: "Fifth, what are you holding in your hand?"

"I don't know," Old Five said, "It was sent by the lady just now, saying it was a gift for you."


"Ding ding dong dong dong dong dong, Fu Lu baby..." Du Ziyuan was very happy to see Pei Mingyang so miserable, and he planned to go out for a swim while humming a song.

Of course, it is the kind with a lifebuoy, after all... he is a land duck.

Only then did he take out the swan-headed lifebuoy, before he even breathed out, he was stopped by Lilydia.

"What do you want to do again?"

Lilydia said: "I'm here to urge more."

"Blow root?" Du Ziyuan looked down at his swimming trunks.

"The comic you drew for me last time, I still want to read it." Lilydia grabbed his hand and refused to let it go.

"Oh, I need inspiration to draw comics. Without inspiration, how would you let me draw? You can do whatever you want with this kind of thing." Du Ziyuan babbled.

However, Lilydia was wronged and said: "You lie, last time Xiaoyu wanted to see, you painted hundreds of pages overnight, now I want to see you not to paint." She said, her eyes were red. .

Du Ziyuan saw her crying rhythm, and quickly said: "Okay, okay, I'll paint for you, can't I paint for you?"

"Really?" Lilydia didn't expect Du Ziyuan to agree, and she couldn't believe it for a while.

[You have to cry and show me, can I not agree? 】Du Ziyuan complained so much in his heart, but he said: "But you have also seen it, I am going out for a swim now, and I will draw it for you when I come back."

"No," Lilydia said warily, "what if you can't come out if you go out?"

"Am I so unbelievable?" Du Ziyuan said uncomfortably.

Then I saw Lilydia nodding sharply.

"Okay, then you can follow along together." Du Ziyuan really wanted to slip away, and he teleported out, Lilydia couldn't catch up with him even if it was an angel, after all, she didn't know the direction.

"Oh!" Lilydia was as happy as a child, but soon she frowned, "But I don't have a swimsuit."

"I'll get you a new one. You can't wear the ones you have at home." Du Ziyuan's family has the swimsuits of Xiaojin and Lin Yufan. No matter what size they are, they are much larger than Lilydia's pair A, so Du Ziyuan can only look at the system fan value store to see if there is anything suitable.

Soon, Du Ziyuan found one.

Pink one-piece swimsuit with bow: Shimura Miao same style. (Out of the automatic painting "Gintama" episode 217)

Lilydia was very happy to get the swimsuit from Du Ziyuan, and immediately ran to the bathroom to change it and ran out: "Let's go to the sea!"

"How do you feel that you want to go swimming more than me?" Du Ziyuan was pushed into the sea by her.

He came to the place just below his knees and squatted down: "Okay, just stay here."

"What are you talking about? Where are we going, let's go deeper!" Lilydia grabbed the swan head to pull Du Ziyuan into the deep water area.

"Stop it!" Du Ziyuan yelled, "I don't want to go to such a deep place!" It is true that he can move freely in the water during his exercises, but that which requires effort is contrary to his purpose of relaxing. .

Lilydia didn't care about him, and smiled and pulled him to an area with a water depth of more than five meters.

"It's fun here." She swam around Du Ziyuan flexibly, like a mermaid.

"Okay, fun! I'm going back!" Du Ziyuan hugged his lifebuoy tightly, pedaling with both feet irregularly.

Heizi's teleporting ability has a weakness, that is, it must be fully focused before it can be used, and it will fail under high tension conditions, such as Du Ziyuan's current situation. So he intends to fly back to the shore and talk about it.

However, where Lilydia was willing to let go, she relied on herself to have recovered a lot of cultivation base, and forced Du Ziyuan to refuse to let go.

"Let go!" Du Ziyuan's face turned green.

"What are you afraid of, a big man, come on, let's play together!" Lilydia smiled happily.

"I'm here to relax, not to waste my strength!" Du Ziyuan confidently issued his salted fish declaration.

"You are so lazy!" Lilydia grabbed his leg, "Quickly pat and fight! Just take advantage of this time to learn to swim!"

"No! You let go!" Du Ziyuan struggled wildly, suddenly as if pushing something soft, Lilydia followed and let go.

He didn't care too much, the girl's body was all limp, and he didn't know where he touched. In short, the lazy angel finally let go. Du Ziyuan couldn't wait to fly to the shallow sea area, and he was relieved when his feet were on the ground.

"That's why I don't like the sea," Du Ziyuan sighed, and the rare relaxation was destroyed by this lazy angel, "Huh? What about people?"

Du Ziyuan turned his head, but did not see Lilydia ~ 80% of them hid in the sea to startle me. "Du Ziyuan can't be fooled. Change you, would you believe that an angel is drowning?"

He simply went ashore and lay on the beach to bask in the sun. This was something he used to do when he was young, especially when the sea water hit his body and pushed him forward, and he could move without effort.

From then on, Lilydia was sinking on the bottom of the sea with her hands on her knees. If she got close, she could see that her cheeks were flushed.

After a while, her face returned to normal before she came out of the sea. She rubbed her face to make her expression more natural, and then ran to the shore to find Du Ziyuan who was pretending to be a dead fish: "Hey, are you drawing a manga?"

"Okay, okay, I'll paint for you now." Du Ziyuan reluctantly stood up from the beach, shaking his whole body, and the sea and sand were all shaken off. So if you have a cultivation base, you can do whatever you want, all kinds of fancy laziness.

Lilydia looked expectantly as Du Ziyuan took out sheets of drawing paper.

The latter smiled slightly: "Then, let's tell a gourd story today..."