Beast Piercing The Heavens

Chapter 1082: Black line black line! (1)

~.<>-~[Text]. Chapter black line black line! (1)


Chapter 1082 Black Line Black Line!

"Princess, the evil spirit of this person is gone!"

The woman in Huangyi is like seeing the New World. She stares at the night and looks at the cold. She looks left and right, but she can’t feel it. It is the evil atmosphere that makes them extremely annoying.

"Oh, I said, he is a good person, you don't believe my eyes! Hey!" The little princess wrinkled a cute little nose, and Yang Wei said to the four people.

"Good guy..."

The woman in white, looking at the simple little princess, sighed slightly: "Princess, is there a good man in this world? Which one is not superficially ethical, and what is done in the back for the sake of profit? We used to be the most faithful Holy See, tearing Have a hypocritical coat, what else do they have?"

The little princess had just ignited the light of excitement, and then dimmed it down, and then quietly glanced at the man who slept sideways, squinting at his own man, shy and squinting, trotting away!

The woman in red dress nodded to the blue and yellow women. The two immediately chased them up, but she stayed and said to the woman in white: "Hey, this character of the princess, no wonder her cousin deceived the throne. Help him talk, Alice, I think it is still not insurance, or do we four people take the princess away? Go to a no-man's corner, quietly after a lifetime? Not to mention that after the man wakes up, will it hurt? Princess, I am afraid... Once the Highness and the Holy See have cleared the foreign enemies, it will be detrimental to the princess. How to say that the princess is the only son of His Majesty!"

A white woman named Alice, her brows tightly picked up, and for a moment, she nodded. "The character of the princess is really not suitable for the life of intrigue. She has no powerful force, even if it is difficult for her to be a queen. ...Hilas, do you think the princess’s stubborn temper will agree? You didn’t see her crying all night when she was sleeping. If she can’t take revenge, she will probably spend it in pain in her life. It’s very likely that she will be fragrant. die…"

Alice and Silas looked at each other and sighed a little. Syrah looked at the night in the night, and Silas finally said, "As long as this man can help the princess, me, me." Willing to give my body and soul to her, the princess is too poor..."

Alice, a beautiful smile, a golden hair, a delicate facial features, full of endless desolate, faintly said: "If she can help the princess, how about the four of us dedicated to him? Just... you don't know, really Who is killing His Majesty and the Queen? His strength is strong, and his fists are hard to beat."

The two looked at each other again, walked away with a smile and walked toward the new room of the little princess.


Odila and Alto La are very bitter! Of course, the more bitter than them is Ogi.

The three returned to the city of Obama. It is certainly unrealistic for Odella and Alto Lar to know the long-term hidden, and the news that Obama is sucked in by the space black hole. So Odila and Alto La, the two thought of a trick!

They let the children of the Wind Shadow family begin to spread a message in the 18 continents of the Devils! Three monarchs in the realm of the gods secretly sneaked into the vicinity of the demon world, and one of the monarchs held in their hands - the ancestors of the ancestors.

Because of the great intention, the Ambara monarch was seriously injured by the Supreme Salute, and now he was concealed and healed in one place. The three monarchs of the gods were lurking. And affirmed that this can be testified by the Aogu monarch, because Barbara, the master of Ogujun, had fought with the three monarchs.

