Beast Piercing The Heavens

Chapter 1082: Black line black line! (2)

~.<>-~[Text]. Chapter black line black line! (2)


The news spread and the whole devil world shook!

In addition, not long ago, more than one hundred small holy sites affiliated with Obama and Augu were slaughtered by the night. Such a big thing, even if you want to hide, there is a trace of clues. All the demons and monarchs affirmed the authenticity of this news!

The demon world set off an uproar, all the monarchs were dispatched, and the demon world trillions of shadows were all dispatched, and countless night-night families were placed in the small holy world. In the endless void outside the demon world, the black wind bursts and the dark tide surges.

Ogu was under pressure, and finally released the projection of Barbara and the night light cold war. For a time, the night was light and cold, and spread throughout the demon world! Countless mainland kings, offer a reward, as long as you find the night light, what to give.

Regardless of the Supreme Salute, even if the monarchs of the gods smothered the people of the devil world. This has already caused the same enemy in the entire demon world, and the night is completely a celebrity in the devil world!

However, the monarchs of the demon world, the angry, crazy looking protagonists, are now lying on a medium-sized plane that doesn't know how far they are, and sleeps! They are very likely to find this celebrity forever!


The night lightly opened his eyes and stretched out comfortably. This time he slept for a whole month. The soul of the ocean gets enough rest time, and when the whole person wakes up, he feels lazy and comfortable.

The knowledge of the gods was quietly explored around the square, and after confirming that there was no danger, the night was light and the first time began to look inside the body!

But as soon as he probed, his indifferent face suddenly became iron and his body shook. He was scared to death! More than a hundred times more thunder than the discovery of thunder in the ocean of the soul!

"How can this be? Thieves, you are making a joke!"

The body is fine, Shenjing is fine! The accident is still... soul! And something big!

The shield outside the soul ocean is fine. The power of the source floating above the ocean is not a big problem except for the lack of points. The lightning above is still not a hit, which is normal.

What is not normal is that there are countless black lines on the ocean of two souls, dense, staggered, and horrible. Dividing his soul into pieces, I felt like a white meat ball, **** by countless black ropes, circled and stunned!

The first time his soul appeared a black line, and he almost died. Finally, the soul split into two, and the black line became the white bridge.

At the moment, there are at least nearly a hundred black lines on the soul, and each black line varies in length. The longest is going through the whole soul, and there must be at least thirty full black lines running through the soul...

When the first black line penetrated the soul, when his soul was divided into two, he almost died because of the pain and the soul collapsed! At the moment, it is 30 black lines that will run through. If they run through at the same time, the night is extremely cold, and they will become the first in the world, because the supreme and powerful who live and die...

Besides, even if it doesn't hurt, the soul is constantly split by these black lines. Doesn't it mean collapse?

Also, in the white bridge between the two souls, he can easily explore the road, and there is also a group of extremely evil and cold demon atmosphere. He explored the entire body and did not detect the devil's breath.

This shows a problem... the devil atmosphere in the white bridge must have hidden the body of Obama!

He didn't know why his soul had such a change, but he knew that the tyrannical Obama had finished playing, and he probably also had to finish playing...

