Begin the Holy Grail War with the Sombra Legion

Chapter 141: Shadow Eater

"The command spells have all been transferred, Lord Roland."

"Well, thank you, Kirei, for me as a contestant, this gift is really impeccable."

Roland put one hand flat, and then Kotomine Kirei's shadow-devouring group immediately jumped into his palm, lowered his head, and rubbed his hand.

"These children are the Shadow Eaters, and they are the ones who have the best relationship with you... It's not surprising. When they were first summoned, they were very weak, but as long as they eat other people's shadows, their size and strength will be reduced. It will all go up.”

"If they eat enough, their size will be as huge as a mountain, and their defensive and destructive power will be terrifying."

Kotomine Kirei looked at the little shadow soldier on his shoulder, and touched it lightly with his index finger. Regardless of his size, the ability to swallow shadows was already scary enough.

However, there was still something that puzzled him.

"What happens to the person whose shadow is eaten?"

"You will lose part of the 'qi'. You simply understand it as the combination of vitality and spirit. If you don't defeat the soldier who devoured the shadow and return the shadow, ordinary people will fall into a coma."

"If it is a magician with a circuit, even if there is no corresponding method to unlock the spell, he will be unconscious, but even if he wakes up, he will permanently lose part of his lifespan. For a truly exceptional powerhouse, the Shadow Eater Group is not very useful. But there are very few trash fishes below that who can resist him."

"I see, then, let my father sleep for a while, before the war is over."

"Looks like you already have your own plans, so I'll say goodbye first," Roland stood up and patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, "I have to deal with the foxes at home, then, good night, Kirei, Have a good dream."

"Good night, Lord Roland."

Kotomine Kirei took a deep breath and turned his father back to his bedroom. Next, he still had a lot of things to do, because Kotomine Li was in a coma, and the work of the aftermath was already on his head. .

Thinking of the situation Kotomine Rizheng described, Kotomine Kirei also had a headache. He had already used the reason for the explosion of the pipeline once. What should I say about the explosion that was said to have leveled the Tohsaka house this time?

Let the gas explode.

Really, the Tohsaka family doesn't pay much attention to prevention. Their master is such an elegant and calm person, but he is always careless in such trivial matters. Well, let's send it out for this reason.

There are not a few stars in the thick ink-like night outside the window, as if the extremes are the opposite. The explosion in the first half of the night alarmed too many people. After being busy for most of the night, Fuyuki City fell into a long-lost silence, as if the city itself Also fell asleep.

What kind of dream will appear in such a quiet night?



Matou Kariya woke up and rubbed his forehead to ease the phantom pain of falling from a dream.

There was a dark grotto all around, and I couldn't hear any movement. Mordred was wearing the casual clothes he bought yesterday, lying on the sleeping bag, holding potato chips in one hand, and flipping a comic book in the other.

"Oh, Master, are you awake?"

Seeing Matou Kariya's actions, Mordred waved his hand at will, and then focused his attention on the comics again. Her Master would give her a cold look, and then took out the bug, not knowing where it was. What kind of strange props, Mordred is used to this kind of relationship.

But today, it's a little different.

After realizing that Matou Kariya was staring at him, Mordred chewed the potato chips in his mouth, picked up the packaging bag on the side, and handed it to Kariya.

"Have potato chips? Salty."

"No need, you guy, you only have an absolute king's stomach in terms of appetite."

"Hey, are you complimenting me?"

"I'm complimenting you."

Matou Kariya turned his head, thinking of the picture he saw in his dream before, from being instructed by Morgan to hide his face and joining the Knights of the Round Table, to the excitement and satisfaction of being revealed to be kinship with King Arthur, but finally broke, carrying hatred to be killed. The pain of the holy spear stabbing to death.

Mordred's life was quickly read by him, which made this man who was good at caring for people very emotional.

Compared to inheriting the throne and proving himself, this guy clearly just wants the approval of his father.

From the initial longing to the resentment and rebellion after the hope was broken, Mordred's actions were exactly the same as his own.

But unlike herself, Mordred has power. She is just still looking for an answer that can make her feel at ease. Compared with herself who has come to an end, she should not stop here.

... Anyway, they are all contributing to Lord Roland.

When Tohsaka Tokiomi is killed, let's target Saber.

It's not that he is soft-hearted, it's just the cowardice of a coward who has never been wiped out.

Matou Kariya is always fierce to himself, but always has expectations for children, no matter how refined, Matou is just Matou.

The soul of Matou in the mouth of the old bug does not mean that the Matou family are all victims who embrace naive ideals, right? If so, that would be ridiculous too.

Matou Kariya leaned against the wall, took out the bug, and started making a new dress.


"Go forward! Towards the sea! Go forward!"

The men came together, gathered under a banner, and began the expedition.

The goal is the ocean at the end of the world, across the grasslands, over the mountains, and across the desert. They shouted this dream that sounded out of reach and kept moving forward.

Conquering a city that has a city, winning one impossible war after another, but not ruling after occupying it, but after replenishing, it continues to move forward, just as the man who took the lead followed, defeat without humiliation .

All he asked for was conquest, and the vision he asked for was the ethereal sea.

Although no one told them if the sea really existed.

On this arduous journey, teenagers turned into men, men turned into heroes, and the partners who started together fell down one after another, but the number of people in this team became more and more.

The footsteps of this expedition will never stop, because everyone has the same dream and accepts the guidance of the same king, so they will never regret setting out.

The world-famous strategist, the famous general, one after another joined this distant dream, joined the conquest of men.

They will be saddened by the fall of their partner, but will never slow down, and the newcomers, like those who have died, laugh out loud.

"Toward the sea at the end of the world, move forward!"

Headed by the red man, gathered under the banner, the magnificent team, laughing and singing, was a dream that Weber had already done once.

But this time, next to the man's cape, he saw the familiar Weber got up, looked blank, but tried his best to recall the shadow in his dream. The deputy looked overworked, but there was no doubt that it was himself.

Has he finally been recognized as a subject of the Conqueror King?

Can he dream of this same dream in the future?

Webber looked at the rough man lying on the floor next to him, with a half unfinished pancake on it, and forgot to turn off the TV next to him. He clenched his fists.

This is his king.

Weber finally recognized his goals and ideals.

I'm sorry, Roland.

I am a servant of the conquering king, and I have to follow his will and move forward, so even if I do win, I will break my promise.

I'm taking the Holy Grail for this guy.

In the darkness of the night, the young man made up his mind, like walking towards the sea at the end of the world, never regretting it.