Best Movie Star

Chapter 728: how to choose

Caught between the two walls for a while, I can't squeeze out. If we really faced the Daum-Cobb situation, Matthew would have to cry. Fortunately, this is a movie. Even if there is an unexpected situation, the shooting can still go on. .

Matthew squeezed forward while pulling his suit. Before, he ran faster than a rabbit, leaving the other actors behind for a distance, and it was impossible for those people to catch up in a few seconds.

Christopher Nolan has discovered Matthew's dilemma, and if he were a normal director, he might just stop.

But this long shot was done very well before. He didn't want to have a cut in the middle. He glanced at Michael Fassbender, who was standing next to him, and immediately had an idea.

"Michael, come in," he whispered. "Come on."

Time was limited, and Christopher Nolan couldn’t say much. Fortunately, Michael Fassbender had been watching the filming, and he immediately understood what Christopher Nolan meant. He rushed into the studio and came to the crack in the wall.

He reached out to Matthew just in time.

Matthew is still moving forward little by little, and now in this environment, there is no way to take off that thick suit jacket...

Seeing Michael Fassbender stretch out his hand, he didn't think much of it, and held Michael Fassbender's hand tightly.

Michael Fassbender suddenly exerted his strength, Matthew struggled forward with his strength, and with the tearing sound of "stab", he finally squeezed out of the crack in the wall.

He immediately turned out from the crack in the wall, and the moment he turned around, the two actors who played the killer rushed to the other end of the crack in the wall.

With Michael Fassbender on set, shooting took a turn for the unknown.

Christopher Nolan did not say anything, the plot is completely different from the script, and now it depends on the actors' on-the-spot performance.

A black Mercedes-Benz came from behind and stopped in front of Matthew, and the door on the side close to Matthew was opened from the inside.

"Get in the car!" Watanabe Ken waved at Matthew in the car.

Without saying a word, Matthew ran to the car and greeted Michael Fassbender, "Eames, get in the car!"

Michael Fassbender was no slower than Matthew, opened the passenger's door, got into the car, and the Mercedes-Benz door closed and drove forward.

"Stop!" Christopher Nolan shouted to stop filming, and when the Mercedes stopped, Matthew and Michael Fassbender got out of the car and said to the other side, "Good job!"

Matthew looked down at the suit jacket. There were two holes in it, and a button was dropped, and it was muddy.

He quickly took off his suit jacket because it was too hot.

"Look, are you stuck?" Michael Fassbender came over, showing a shark-like smile again, "If I hadn't helped you, I'd have to find a demolition company."

Matthew shrugged. "As a thank you, I invite you tonight."

Michael Fassbender winked at him, lowered his voice, and said, "I know that there is a good bar, and there are many girls. Those black beauties especially like actors from Hollywood."

"Forget it." Matthew shook his head, "Michael, this is Africa, where AIDS is rampant."

Michael Fassbender added, "You should find a black beauty, it's really unusual."

Matthew had heard him say this before, and he was a little tempted at the time, but then he thought it was okay, after all, it was not good.

If you don't like black pearls and the like, let them enjoy them. If you don't like them, if you reluctantly eat them, you will not be enjoying them, but will suffer.

At this time, a costumer took the suit jacket from Matthew's hand. Michael Fassbender also took off the suit jacket and handed it to the costumer. Like Matthew, his shirt was almost in the hot weather. Soggy.

"Nolan always likes suits." Michael Fassbender whispered. "All characters with a bit of weight must wear formal clothes, even someone like Eames who hangs out in Africa is no exception."

Matthew nodded in agreement, "This is a commonality of his characters in the film, which may have something to do with Christopher Nolan's personal preferences."

For the role of Dom Cobb, he studied Christopher Nolan's several films since "Batman: Hour of War", where the characters are basically dressed up, and Bruce Wayne is dressed in formal clothes when he is not Batman. , The ninja master who got out of the car was in a neat suit. The two magicians, Robert Angel and Alfred Bourdain, were standard British gentlemen. Even the clown was wearing a worn suit jacket.

This has almost become a commonality and hallmark of Christopher Nolan's films.

The crew was about to switch scenes, and Matthew and Michael Fassbender got into the same Mercedes-Benz car, blowing the cold air from the air conditioner, and both of them felt much refreshed.

"Mercedes-Benz is following in your footsteps now." Michael Fassbender adjusted the air-conditioning vent and said with emotion, "You can see the sponsorship of Mercedes-Benz in the movies you star in."

Matthew replied casually, "The main reason is that Mercedes-Benz has performed well in the past two years."

Michael Fassbender said, "Now in the circle, it is said that Mercedes-Benz has found the best spokesperson."

"It's not that exaggerated." Matthew said in a rare modesty.

In fact, since last year, other car brands have approached Helen Herman and wanted to poach him as a spokesperson in the past, such as the British off-road brand Land Rover.

However, he refused all of them. First, he had a contract with Mercedes-Benz, which was far from expiring. Second, those car brands, including Land Rover, did not match his image positioning.

In the past two years, in addition to being the brand spokesperson of Armani, Mercedes-Benz and Rolex, Matthew has not received new advertising endorsements, and the most important thing is that there are no suitable ones.

Low-end brands Helen-Hellman and he are disdainful, and high-end brands have to wait for the opportunity.

The crew of the crew turned around in the narrow streets of the small town of Ouarzazate, and soon drove out of the Atlas Studios and ran along the road between the Atlas valleys. The driver worked hard all year round in Morocco. Americans, very professionally tell them from time to time that this movie was shot here, and that was the location of that movie.

The scenery outside the car window is already dazzling enough. The yellow villages and towns, the red desert and the white snow-capped mountains, coupled with the legendary experience in the movie, become even more mysterious.

The yellow and red soil here, the jagged stones, and the gentle stream under the mountain stream really have a unique temperament.

The next location was some distance away from Atlas Studios, and Michael Fassbender chatted with Matthew for a while before the conversation turned to work.

"Matthew, there's a work thing..." Michael Fassbender seemed a little embarrassed, "I don't know how to choose."

"Tell me?" Matthew could hear it, and Michael Fassbender wanted to hear his advice.

Michael Fassbender considered his words for a while and said, "Twentieth Century Fox has a project, and James' agent and I have won the opportunity to audition for us. The two of us also participated in the audition some time ago, although the film is next year. Filming will start, but James and I are basically certain to win the role."

Matthew moved in his heart and asked curiously, "What project?"

"Superhero movies," replied Michael Fassbender. "Marvel's superstar movies, X-Men."

He explained in detail, "I'm basically sure I can win Magneto, and James' role is Professor X."

Matthew nodded, "Is 20th Century Fox going to continue filming after the "X-Men" trilogy, or restart it?"

Michael Fassbender thought about it and said, "Reboot, with the three characters of Professor X, Magneto and Mystique as the core, telling the story of their youth."

"That's it." Matthew recalled roughly, as if he had seen several rebooted "X-Men" movies, so the reboot of Twentieth Century Fox should be a success, but superhero movies are not so simple. He thought for a while before saying, "The X-Men series is very popular and is the most popular group of superhero characters in the Marvel comics system. If the adapted movie has a good story and a good director, the chances of success are very high. ."

Michael Fassbender said, "The director is the director of the first and second X-Men."

"There are pros and cons to taking this Matthew said directly to Michael Fassbender, "Michael, if the movie is successful, you will become a real star, and the contract and the pay are no longer an issue. "

He said the positive side and the negative side, "but the superhero role is very restrictive of the actor's image, in the future you will be inseparable with Magneto, and you may even encounter the situation of Hugh Jackman, he is Wolverine, Wolverine is him."

Michael Fassbender frowned slightly, this is indeed a question that cannot be ignored.

Matthew sighed softly, "I can only stand on the sidelines and explain the pros and cons to you. It is up to you to carefully consider how to choose."

"I understand." Michael Fassbender nodded, "I'll think about it."

Matthew didn't say more, this is Michael Fassbender, and if it was someone else, he wouldn't say so much at all.

The era of superhero movies has come, and acting as a superhero will also become the fastest shortcut to fame. Actors like Michael Fassbender are not bad. , even if it is made popular by a superhero role, after leaving this role, it will not do much.

Soon, the crew of the crew entered a village in the Atlas Valley and stopped in front of a shanty town that stretched for dozens of meters. Matthew and the actors got out of the car and entered the make-up trailer to prepare for the next shooting.

Due to the small number of scenes, the crew of "Inception" only filmed in Morocco for a week, and then went to London, but Matthew stayed and went to Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, accompanied by several bodyguards of Brown Williams. , ready to join a team from the United Nations.

This time, not only the UNHCR team, but also a large number of women and children's funds.