Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 451: long term supply

Originally, Serov made up his mind to give the Japanese a great deal, but the other party came up with the conditions that made his heart move. The Soviet auto industry is indeed inferior to the other party. This is a fact. If Serov's momentary anger just ignores it, this is not a good security cadre. Standard, where it doesn't work, it should be recognized. The Soviet Union is more powerful in the tractor industry related to tanks, but this thing cannot let the people drive the wind.

From a general perspective, the stronger the Soviet Union's national strength, the more technological blockades it will receive in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of the fact that the Soviet Union is not so strong, and make the best technical reserves. If your own national capacity is temporarily insufficient, borrow It is also possible to look at Japanese technology.

   Serov does not know whether there are cars in the later Soviet Union's blocked industry technology, but certainly not now. The Volga sedan most familiar to the Soviet people was actually provided by the American Ford company with great technical assistance. This time was also a few years ago. With the technical assistance of Ford, the Gorky Automobile Factory produced the Volga brand car named after the mother river of the former Soviet Union. high-end cars” and exported to seventy-five countries, including China. The Volga brand sedan has the characteristics of durability and strong horsepower, and is loved by car fans from all over the world. The Belgians call it a tank on wheels, and the British call it a horse that can carry loads.

  Since Ford can provide technical support to the Soviet Union, Japan should have no problem. It is impossible to import the technology that the Soviet Union needs. Japan is an enemy country. Expanding imports is equivalent to expanding the degree of dependence on the other side. This is the most taboo issue of the Soviet Union, and it must be strictly guarded against. Even if Toyota and Mitsubishi provided technical support, the cars would still be produced in the Soviet Union.

If there is no such thing as today, the Soviet Union will also focus on introducing foreign technology and equipment, but the target is not Japan. In a few years, it will cooperate with the Italian Fiat company and the French Renault company to build a new Volga car factory for the production of cars. The product brand is Lada . At the same time, through the introduction of technology, the Kamahe Automobile Plant with an annual output of 150,000 heavy-duty trucks and 250,000 diesel engines has been established. The latter part of this stage is a mature period with stable production, and new varieties of cars are continuously increasing. In the 1970s, the automobile production of the former Soviet Union exceeded 2 million, and then reached 2.3 million, ranking fifth in the world. The Soviet automobile industry has reached the peak of its development history.

   But it wasn't a statistic I received this morning, Serov really wouldn't have thought about it. In the morning, Servanov sent a statistic, which stated that the KGB branches throughout the country spent 40 million rubles on car maintenance this year. Serov was in a mess when he saw this bill, how could he spend so much money?

   There are a total of 1.1 million tires received from the supply department. Are these cars running nonstop 24 hours a day? Even so, you won't use so many tires, will you? After a simple calculation, Serov concluded that there is something tricky in it. As for what it is, it must be an inherent problem of state-owned enterprises, waste...

"We must ask the General Administration of Technology to get the dash cam out as soon as possible. This is terrible!" After sending the two Japanese away, Serov asked the Ministry of Finance to continue to allocate 40 million rubles for monitoring equipment. The cost of car maintenance costs, including other costs, the KGB’s expenditure cannot be imagined. This is a year, and the situation will last for ten or eight years. This money is enough for the General Administration of Technology to build the production line of the driving recorder. Press directly on the car.

   "Head, Secretary Brezhnev will hold a meeting tomorrow, do you need to prepare?" Servanov walked in and asked what kind of preparations should be made.

"You don't need to prepare. Secretary Brezhnev is holding a production meeting. I'm just going to listen to it. No special preparations are required!" Serov asked Servanov to keep an eye on the movements of the Japanese, and handle the rest by himself. .

Since returning to the Secretariat, Brezhnev would sometimes convene meetings in accordance with Khrushchev's wishes. Brezhnev, who has the right to organize, presided over this meeting together with Kosygin. It is a major production department under the Soviet Council of Ministers. Including the Ministry of Coal, a large department of non-ferrous and ferrous metals, and of course the Ministry of Agriculture.

Serov was really just listening in, and in the afternoon he would also attend the judicial meeting chaired by Shelepin, "Comrades from the Coal Ministry need to pay attention, the progress of this year's completion has not yet reached the planned progress, and delaying production will have a negative impact on our country's economy. , the first secretary is very concerned about the supply of coal, let's not let the first secretary down!"

"Secretary Brezhnev, first vice-chairman of Kosygin, coal mining has encountered certain difficulties, mainly due to insufficient transportation and reserves of old coal mines to continue to support. And the coal mines in Siberia still need time to be put into production." Minister of Coal Ministry With an embarrassed face, he said his difficulties.

   "There are difficulties that need to be overcome in the work. The difficulties are temporary. Our country's coal reserves are very high, and difficulties cannot be an excuse for the Ministry of Coal to fail to complete the plan." Although Brezhnev was accusing, his tone was far from harsh.

  The coal reserves of the Soviet Union, according to the world record in the 1960s, should account for 40% of the world's reserves, which is a very large number, but the main coal mines that can be mined are concentrated in Ukraine. Ninety percent of the coal mines in the Soviet Union are in Siberia, and there are only a handful of open-pit coal mines in the Soviet Union, almost all of which are approaching the Arctic Circle.

"In fact, in terms of cost and climate, the comrades in the coal ministry have done a good enough job. In this case, in fact, I think the main reason is that there are too few open-pit coal mines in our country. I have a different view on this matter." Shelov After thinking about it, he opened his mouth to help the Minister of Coal Ministry.

"Yura, you still don't know much about production, but if you have any suggestions, I'd like to hear it!" Brezhnev's voice could not contain any emotion, and he always showed the reason in such public occasions Listen to other people's opinions.

"Because whether the information is correct or not has yet to be confirmed, after the meeting, I am willing to report to Secretary Brezhnev and First Vice-Chairman Kosygin in private!" Serov accidentally remembered a place, a coal mine in Mongolia. So I can still remember it because China has suffered losses in this coal mine.

   Don't look at the Soviet Union's treatment of Mongolia, but in fact, even after the Soviet Union disintegrated, Mongolia has always had a pro-Russian tradition. Not only is this the case at the government level, but even the people have this kind of soil. Let Mongolia choose between China and Russia, and Mongolia will definitely not choose China.

"Okay, after the meeting, Comrade Kosygin and I will talk to you!" Brezhnev nodded and continued the meeting. Another top priority was the issue of agriculture. This year, the climate in the Soviet Union tends to be arid, and food production is somewhat limited. As expected, this production meeting ended after specifically talking about ensuring food production.

"In Mongolia's border area near China, our comrades from the Second General Administration once said that there is a place that seems to contain coal resources, but this report is a bit vague, and now I decided to send someone to investigate." Shelov Tell your news.

   Mongolia's KGB work is not directed by the General Directorate of Foreign Intelligence, but by the General Directorate of Internal Defense. This is Serov's work adjustment after he was promoted to the chairman of the KGB. Anyway, the Soviet Union has always believed that Mongolia is the 16th republic, so there is no need for the First General Administration to devote its energy to it. Mongolia is not fortified against the Soviet Union, and domestic espionage defense is not necessary. The General Administration is doing a good job.

   "Are you sure?" Brezhnev's own character was not very optimistic about this kind of uncertainty, but considering that the chairman of the KGB would generally not lie, he asked again.

"If you take into account the coal reserves in China's Inner Mongolia region, you are still very sure!" The coal mine in Shelov's mouth is the Taben Tolgoi coal mine, the world's largest unmined coal mine, located in Mongolia, with a coal storage area of ​​400 Square kilometers, the thickness of the coal seam is more than 100 meters, with a total of 16 layers. The coal mine belongs to high-quality coking coal. The coking rate of raw coal is more than 60%, which is the most scarce coal in the world.

Mentioning China made Brezhnev's heart abruptly increase his attention. After a few words, he asked Serov to confirm whether the news was true, "If it is not difficult to mine, this will be a good source of energy, and our work will Much better!"

   Of course it will go smoothly. The climate in the area close to the Chinese border is definitely much better than that of Siberia. By building a railway linking Ulaanbaatar to Irkutsk, access to the Soviet coal supply network was possible.

   Serov, who had attended the judicial meeting in the evening, returned to Lubyanka to generate electricity for the KGB agency in Mongolia, "I will go to Mongolia's South Gobi Province immediately to conduct a suitable coal mine. Once the location is confirmed, I will submit a report immediately."

   If Mongolia hadn't used this coal mine to get China's neck later, Serov would definitely not remember this place. Now the conditions for getting stuck do not exist, and Mongolia does not have the conditions to challenge the Soviet Union? Why? Just because one third of the wives of the Mongolian Central Committee members are Russians? Among those Russian wives, there are also KGB spies lurking in them. As long as there is any change, they will be replaced by the Soviet Union.

"President Serov, I have communicated with our president. In fact, Mitsubishi has always been interested in the intention of automobile cooperation. Now that we have this opportunity, we are willing to provide technology and cooperate with Soviet car manufacturers like Ford in the United States. It's a letter of intent!" As soon as Zhongfu Daolong arrived in Lubyanka, he took out a letter of intent for Serov to watch.

"We only solve our problems, and the car issues are handled by the comrades in the relevant departments." Shelov did not open the letter of intent but said, "You can discuss the rest with the local party committee of the Khabarovsk Krai! I hope it is Long-term cooperation supply!" (To be continued~^~)