Big Time 1958

v1 Chapter 452: South Vietnam coup

   National security cadres must give local cadres enough respect, or at least not make these local cadres feel threatened. So Serov can't interfere with the projects of the local government, just let the Japanese and the Soviet government talk about it. Because Nippon Oji Paper wanted to take advantage of the wood friction, this was the end of it.

In fact, what is more urgent than the automobile is the related tire industry. There are so many tire losses reported in less than a year. On the one hand, the tire manufacturing technology of the Soviet Union is indeed inferior. There are many reasons, but the biggest reason is that the Soviet Union did not produce Allies of natural rubber can only manufacture artificial rubber in large quantities. Because of the lack of rubber, it also limited the Soviet Union's automobile production to a certain extent. The more automobiles the Soviet Union makes, the more problems in this regard will be accentuated if the tire supply is not sufficient.

Artificial is not as good as natural. Stalin and Khrushchev would ask about rubber every time they met Chinese leaders. They must also know the shortcomings of the Soviet Union in this regard. A small rubber will involve many industries in the Soviet Union. . In Serov's impression, the Soviet Union had not solved this problem during the Cold War, and finally found Vietnam suitable for growing bananas. In a few years, the Soviet Union would not be able to.

   "The Indonesian army quickly coup, if I do you, the Soviet Union's rubber problem will be solved." The reason why Indonesia has received attention is largely because of rubber, food and other things are second. When the Soviet Union obtains a stable source of rubber, it will be able to unlock a seal on the Soviet Union's auto industry. Steel and oil are not lacking in the Soviet Union, but what is lacking is rubber.

  Resources are indeed the biggest bottleneck in production capacity. The Third Reich occupied the entire European industry and went to war with the Soviet Union. In terms of industrial strength, it was absolutely above the Soviet Union, but in Western Europe, apart from coal, basically, only land could be cultivated. Even if there is industrial power, it will not be able to exert itself, and the final result will definitely be pushed back by the Soviet Union. No one can change this fact. In later generations, China's industry is a force that smashes the world. From the perspective of the steel industry, it has already surpassed the peak of the Soviet Union several times. Why is there no military equal to the Soviet Union and the United States? Because China's iron ore is imported, The country that controls all sea and land transportation is the United States.

It is this gap that has caused China's economy to be similar to that of the Soviet Union, but its military power is far inferior to that of the Soviet Union. Although the cost of domestic resources in the Soviet Union is a little higher, it can support the country's development in all aspects. China's resources are not enough, and oil has to be imported. , iron ore to be imported, steel and oil are all stuck in the neck, China can not fight against the United States like the Soviet Union.

"Shervanov, where's the chairman?" The first vice-chairman Itvasov had come to discuss the matter with Serov, but found that the head of the KGB was not in Lubyanka, and there was only Servasov in the chairman's office. The secretary is sorting documents.

"The chairman went to the general hospital to see a psychiatrist, and Yago told the doctor that the chairman was in a bad mood because he dealt with too many negative news, and he should do more peaceful things. At this time, the chairman should be wandering outside, having a picnic or in some swimming pool. ." Shervanov glanced at the mechanical watch on his wrist and said, "Or maybe you might just drink at a restaurant!"

   "I'll call the Aragvi restaurant and ask." Itvasov shook his head and left the chairman's office.

   Restaurant Aragvi is a special restaurant located on Tverskaya Street not far from Lubyanka Square. It was set up for security cadres during the Beliya period, and the signature dish is Georgian cuisine, because the general secretary and the minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at that time were both Georgian. Although times have changed, Georgian cuisine has been preserved as a tradition.

  Aragvi Restaurant is one of the few restaurants in Moscow with Transcaucasian ethnic characteristics. Itvasov asked people to find Serov. Everyone knows that the current KGB chairman actually grew up in Azerbaijan. But unfortunately it was empty, Serov was not there.

  Alagvi Restaurant Serov used to go to sit and sit, but then he discovered this special restaurant for security officials, and a group of cultural workers he was interested in often got together, so he began to try to avoid coming over as guests. At the same time, bugs were installed in many private rooms of the Aragvi restaurant to collect what the potential fifth column thought after the thaw of the cultural world during the Khrushchev period.

   I didn’t expect that Aragwe Meal would become a place frequented by social elites, and dining here is a symbol of identity and status. I really don't know what these people think. Are you looking for excitement in this special restaurant for security cadres? Or think that under the moderation of the general environment, they no longer have to be afraid of the KGB?

   Shelov accompanies the pupils of the 51st Elementary School in the auditorium. In a sense, he is indeed cultivating his sentiments. On the stage, elementary school students with red scarves sing neatly, and among the accompaniments next to them is Serov, who wears a blue big-brimmed hat, playing the accordion skillfully.

   Burn it, campfire, blue night, we're all Young Pioneers. The glorious era has come today, our slogan: "Always be ready!" Brave, young, and loving group, we are ready to work and fight. We will always stand on the outpost, our slogan: "Always be ready!"

   raised his chest and sang loudly, our flag flying ahead. The glorious times have come today, our slogan: "Always be ready!" striding forward, beckoning happily, children of the world, our friends. We will always stand on the outpost, our slogan: "Always be ready!"

   Raise the bright red flag high, we are all children of workers and peasants. The glorious age, today has come, our slogan: "Always be ready!"

   The young children's voices sang the song of the Soviet Leninist Young Pioneers. The Young Pioneers are where children learn about communism and are a reserve team for building socialism and communism. Sheloff seems to have seen himself when he was very young. In elementary school, he was at the stage where the teacher said what the student listened to. At this stage, as long as the teacher is a responsible socialist gardener, there is usually no problem. The child is not yet rebellious and can be said to be very obedient.

Looking at the group of Soviet children wearing red scarves, Serov almost remembered his elementary school days, when the conditions were not very good. !" This was also the slogan of the Soviet Young Pioneers.

"Thank you, General! I didn't expect you to play the accordion so well!" After the chorus, the dean of the school held Serov's hand with a flattering smile. A scholar may not recognize the epaulettes on his shoulders and the stars. What does it represent, but I definitely recognize the iconic blue hat of the anti-revolutionary workers, which is an indelible memory.

"It can only be said to be proficient, not good!" Shelov smiled gently. For more than two months, he has not done anything. He routinely submits security reports to the Kremlin, and at the same time is still monitoring some not very honest Of course, it is limited to cadres below the level of the central committee members, and it is to see if the foundation for housing renovation has been laid.

   A week ago, Serov also reported to Khrushchev the results of rice and corn planting in Primorsky Krai, a bumper harvest. He himself also received praise from Khrushchev. This year's grain production in the Soviet Union did decrease, but because the newly opened Far East collective farms and imports from India and Sudan did not have problems, it was still within the country's tolerance range.

In real history, this should be the second time that the Soviet Union used the treasury to buy grain. The first time was to buy corn feed to ensure the continued development of the Soviet Union's animal husbandry, and the second time was to buy wheat to fill the shortage of Soviet grain production. , Both of these difficulties were passed without any risk. From this aspect, Serov has saved at least 500 tons of gold for the Soviet Union.

This achievement is enough to be awarded a hero of the Soviet Union, but no one knows, unless something happens, no one knows how serious the consequences will be, everyone thinks that the reduction of food production is just a small thing, and no one will count the absence of Sudan, India and the Far East The reclamation of collective farms, once there is a drought, how will the Soviet Union survive.

"Head, the first vice-chairman of Itvasov just called and said that there is news from the headquarters for you to go back and have a look. It seems to be very important!" At this time, Serov's guards hurried in. Whispering aside.

   "Got it!" Sheloff agreed lightly, then turned his head to the school leader and the children in front of him and waved, "Goodbye Comrade Dean, goodbye children."

   "Goodbye, Uncle General!" Simple children waved their hands to Serov constantly. They didn't think there was any difference between a general and an ordinary person, they just thought that the uncle's clothes were beautiful.

In the top floor conference room of the KGB on the 11th of Lubyanka Square, Serov reviewed the collected intelligence, looked at the heads of several general bureaus around him and said with admiration, "Our American counterparts are really unscrupulous, and they are much darker than us. Now, he killed a president directly, unlike us, who always carefully and carefully grasped the movement!"

   There was a coup in South Vietnam, Yang Wenming and others suddenly announced the seizure of power at a regular meeting, and shot the only opponent among them. Wu Tingyan escaped from the presidential palace through a secret passage, and the Wu brothers learned that the coup soldiers promised to let them go abroad safely and agreed to surrender. On their way to the military headquarters, the brothers were shot dead.

  The military coup in South Vietnam Shelov didn't pay too much attention, because he was doing the same preparation, just in a different country, but this event reminded him of another thing, that is, Kennedy is dying. I remember that the two events are less than a month apart, so I should prepare for it. (To be continued~^~)