Blackstone Code

Chapter 1471: ups and downs

Yares is not an international settlement currency. This kind of currency with a small number of users, a narrow range of use, and not a weight, will not be reserved by many people in the international market.

It's not like Fla and Saul. Whether it's the era of Gefla or the current federal era, the pace of these two countries has never stopped.

Coupled with the strength of the country and frequent foreign trade, it occupies an important position in the international financial market.

The high-speed and stable continuous development makes more people willing to hold these currencies, at least they are guaranteed.

At least they won't become waste paper overnight like Galil!

Since Ares does not have international settlement business, this batch of new currencies that have not been announced should be overissued!

The bank had no money and overissued currency. Lynch looked at the money in the suitcase and shook his head.

He thought it would take a lot of effort to bring down Lemar's National Bank, but he didn't expect that the other party had already prepared everything for Lynch himself, leaving only the last push!

Of course, he can also understand that when the national bank's funds are in short supply, it is the most wrong thing to do nothing!

Now the practice of the National Bank does not actually constitute a problem in essence. It issued a part of the currency, took it out when it was urgently needed, and then issued a re-announcement.

At most, the exchange rate of the currency will fluctuate, and the bank or the national leader in charge of this matter will be scolded, but it will not have any impact on the entity of the National Bank!

If there was anything National Bank did wrong here, it was their fault that Lynch had some ideas about them. .

The cooperation between the Independent Party and Lynch has aroused a very good response in the Lemar Islands, and the influence of the Independent Party is rapidly spreading outward.

The people who help the Democratic Party are very vigilant about this, but there is no good way.

Now Lemar's situation is very special. It is not like before, and it has no stake in anyone.

The chairman of the People's Democratic Party or Mr. President himself calls some heads of state with diplomatic relations to sell, and they can always sell their few products.

Now this situation is no longer feasible, they have also tried, but those people said that they have no need for this for the time being, after all, they are still afraid of offending the Federation and Penteo people.

Facing the all-out offensive launched by the Liberal Party, there is no good way to help the Democratic Party.

In the public opinion propaganda of the Independent Party, the reason why Lemar is in so much trouble now is because the President and the Helping Democratic Party have offended the federal people before, so the federal people have such a disturbing reaction!

And this kind of public opinion is occupying people's cognition.

Even Lemar's most famous current affairs program is spreading such ideas!

On the TV, the Chairman of the Independent Party sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, with a serious expression on his face. The host sat opposite him, and there were some pastries and tea on the tea table between them.

In the past, this show was very relaxed. At that time, there was nothing disturbing here, and everyone was living happily.

But now it's different.

"...If our president hadn't expressed his dissatisfaction with the federal people first, causing misunderstandings among the federal people, the subsequent series of things would not have happened."

"From my perspective, I, you, all of us, what we're going through right now, are paying for the mistakes of the President and the Help People's Party."

"The recession, the factories closed, and now you go and look at the factory districts that used to be very busy, and almost all of them have shut down."

"There are not many foreigners on the street, and those people have already run away with the money they made here!"

"It's because they are afraid that the federal people will really come over!"

"But what I want to ask is, will the Federals really hit us?"

"Are they really going to hit us?"

"is this necessary?"

Nowadays, many people are out of work, and people are idle at home. Watching TV is a good choice. Coupled with people's confusion about the present and the future, the ratings of the program are very high.

The question of the Chairman of the Independent Party is not only to the host, but also to all the audience in front of the TV.

They recalled what he said, and many of them shook their heads unconsciously.

The host also shook his head, "I don't know..."

He didn't give a clear answer, because he personally tends to support the Democratic Party, but in this program he can't show his biased political position, so he neither denies nor admits, but uses Avoid the question by answering "don't know".

The Chairman of the Independent Party had a little smile on his face, and he said meaningfully, "No, you know."

Then he looked towards the camera lens, "Actually, each of us knows!"

"The Federation never thought about embarrassing us from the very beginning, and when we rejected their kind invitation to join the World Development Council, they didn't force us to do anything either!"

"There are no military exercises not far from us, and there is no flight of funds, everything is the same as before!"

At this moment, the host interrupted him, "But the Federation built fortifications and forts around Modric Port. They regard the easternmost edge of Sedoras as the front line, and we are right in the middle of the battlefield!"

The host's defense was supported by many people. In fact, the president expressed his dissatisfaction with the federation's approach at the beginning, and it was also for this reason!

Once the front line is near the port of Modric, the Penteo people will definitely fight around this area if they want to continue westward.

Lemar is obviously located in the center of the battlefield, and will inevitably be baptized by artillery fire!

At that time, this program also interviewed people who helped the Democratic Party, and the other party's statement was actually recognized by the public.

If Lemar really becomes a battlefield, no one wants it. It can be said that behind the president's protest to the federal government, there is actually a driving force of public opinion.

But this time, the chairman of the Independent Party gave a different view.

"I think that narrative was problematic from the start."

The host looked at him, and many ordinary people in front of the TV also looked at him on the TV, "What's the problem?"

He said, "According to the meaning of the President and the People's Democratic Party, do you think that the federal people should not set up fortifications in Sadoras and make Sadoras a battlefield?"

"All this to take care of our neutral country?"

"Don't you think this statement is ridiculous?"

"They built fortifications on their own territory, and our president would protest against it, which caused a series of unnecessary contradictions and conflicts."

"Do you think this argument holds water?"

His series of questions made the host unable to respond!

After all, he is not a professional host like Federation. He has experienced all kinds of tricky situations. The host's reaction is not enough, which also affects the emotions of the audience from the side.

He couldn't object or refute, which was like telling the audience that there was nothing wrong with this point of view.

The audience thinks along with this idea, and it is true.

You don't participate in the war, and they don't have to force you to participate. They are just building fortifications on their own territory, but you have to go to protest. Isn't that a bit unreasonable?

Most Lemar people may not have a high degree of education, and there is only one Lemar National University in the whole of Lemar, but not having attended school does not mean that people cannot tell what is right and what is wrong!

Even scoundrels and villains know what to do and what not to do.

The actions of the President and the People's Democratic Party are obviously looking for trouble for nothing, and these evil results have been caused, and the emotions of the audience have begun to be mobilized.

The host realized something at this time, and quickly remedied, "But Mr. President's worries are true after all. If the battlefield is really near Lemar, it will be an unbearable injury for us."

"I don't think there is a problem with this approach itself. His ideas are good and he has no self-interest."


The Chairman of the Independent Party interrupted the host, "I was thinking of you, and then I stole your money. Do you think I should be forgiven?"

"This is the same as what you said. We are all doing good for others. Can we be forgiven for doing good for others?"

"Right is right, wrong is wrong, if not for his actions, we don't need to go through this now!"

The host's silence and the audience's silence are all because they cannot avoid the fact that it is the result.

Well-intentioned actions bring terrible consequences, and the outcome cannot be determined by the good or bad starting point. The host has nothing to say.

The influence brought by the program quickly spread in the Lemar Islands, and some people also expressed their dissatisfaction with the Helper Party and the president. In the past two decades, this is a very rare situation.

Various opposition parties immediately followed to launch a public opinion offensive. With the support of money, demonstrations continued to be staged.

At the same time, some people petitioned outside the parliament to ask the president to resign. Although he has indeed brought some benefits to this country, he has harmed this country and the people here much more than he has done to people.

The constantly changing situation has also made President Lemar very troublesome. All parties seem to realize that the change is now, and they are operating crazily.

This makes it difficult for the president and the Democrats to support, the most important thing is money!

If the bank has no money, it means that if they have money, they will not be able to take it out, but it is strange that, like the Independent Party, they are very rich.

They can spend money to incite the people, and they can give out various small favors to bribe the people. Everything seems to be slipping in the worst direction in an instant.

Even the President himself is considering these issues—

I did it, right? !