Blackstone Code

Chapter 1472: Who do you look like? ?

"Recently, you have to keep a low profile."

In the room, the chairman of the Auxiliary Democratic Party Committee chatted with the president and others, and they talked about the current dissatisfaction with the president in the Lemar Islands.

From a certain point of view, there is actually nothing wrong with what the media and the independent party said, and it is indeed because of the wrong decision of the president that led to a series of subsequent events.

This is the most important thing to do. 〖Umbrella

But looking at it from another angle, the president is right. If he does not express his position on such a major issue related to territorial security, the federal people will not take the initiative to think about the Lemar people.

Although the President's actions have caused some unfriendly follow-up problems, at the same time, at least part of the problems have been solved.

For example, the Federation people and Penteo people stopped contacting him recently and interfered with his thoughts, and everything seemed to be back to before.

In addition to the rapid recession on the economic front.

But if the economic recession can be exchanged for stable security, the president thinks it is worth it.

Before humans could easily cross the ocean, Lemar lived in a state of "solitude".

At that time, in the eyes of the Lemar people, the Lemar Islands were the whole world!

Without contact with the outside world, they can also live well on their own. Except that the winter is a bit difficult, their most basic needs for survival can be met by fishing at other times...

The words of the chairman of the Democratic Party brought the president back to his senses, and he nodded, "I will pay attention."

He didn't finish his sentence, and left some endings, which also made others realize that he still had something to say.

Sure enough, after waiting for three, four, five seconds, he said again, "I'm considering completely cutting off contact with the outside world, at least until the end of this world war."

"It just so happened that the escape of foreign capital gave us the possibility to implement this idea, what do you think?"

To cut off contact with the outside world is to completely cut off communication and contact. After the policy is implemented, all information from the outside world will not be accepted, and others will not be allowed to land on the Lemar Islands.

From the perspective of later generations, this practice of building a city wall without doors and windows on the periphery of the country is indeed stupid.

But judging from the current development trend of the international community, it is actually not that stupid.

We do not participate in the process of the world at all, everything has nothing to do with us!

This may be a small way for a weak country to preserve its own strength in the torrent of the times. After all, no one should take action against such a country that has completely given up.

And this situation is different from isolationism, which is not neutral, but completely separated from the world.

The chairman of the Helping Democratic Party was stunned for a moment, and the next second he thought of the money in his overseas bank account, and then smiled, "This is impossible, at least not now."

His brain was spinning very fast, so fast that he had already found a suitable reason, "That federal businessman is making a big investment. If we do this, he is likely to cause a second uncontrollable consequence!"

Lemar needs external funds to help revive the local economic market, which is inseparable from Lynch with a lot of money.

If you can't refuse investment from foreigners like Lynch, you can't talk about a closed policy.

The big president also understands this. He actually knew it was impossible when he said these words, but he just sighed.

The topic quickly returned to the current mainstream thinking in society. The mainstream people are dissatisfied with the President, and naturally they are also dissatisfied with the Helping Democratic Party.

Faced with such a situation, there is actually no good way to help the Democratic Party.

If you argue with those public opinions, it will lead to even greater unpredictable consequences. Otherwise, after simply explaining the situation, you will deal with it in a low-key manner for a period of time.

When the emotional outburst during this period is over and people's senses return, they will know who is good for them.

People always have a lot of simple and stupid, but at the same time very beautiful ideas.

This is like those high school students who are still busy exploring the mysteries of the human body and the new world of happiness with their boyfriends and girlfriends after their third year of high school. Some of them take it for granted that they will have a good job after leaving school.

At least four to five hundred yuan a month, and after working hard for a few years, the salary will be higher, and then save a sum of money, buy a house in a middle-class community, marry a woman of the same class, and build a family together.

But in fact, most high school students who graduate from high school end up going to reality.

The boys go to the factory to do the most tiring and dirtiest jobs, working ten or eleven or twelve hours a day, and then get three hundred yuan a month.

After removing all kinds of expenses, there is only about a hundred yuan left. If you are a little extravagant, you may spend all the money before the end of the month.

After walking for half their lives, they will realize that their dreams are getting farther and farther away, and they have been standing still for half their lives. All the pursuit of a better future is just a way to escape from their own inability to change the reality.

In the middle of the night, sleeping on the bed or on the sofa, with tears hanging from the corners of my eyes, thinking of myself and my dream.

Girls tend to marry a man they may not have met for a stable life, some older, not as funny and humorous as their high school boyfriend.

But this man can provide the stable life she wants, and all she has to do is marry this man, have children, and live a lifetime, just like her parents.

Rebellious, unconvinced by reality, girls' faces are worthless in the face of the truly cruel reality. No matter how they struggle, most of them come back here in the end.

Let a man who also has no sensibility, but is just picking a good-looking body to discover his physical desires to gallop on his body.

Having a baby and spending every day in the kitchen and working at home…

People always have such simple and sad thoughts, which can be called stupid "terrible" thoughts.

At this time, the people of Lemar will give the president who is dreaming a good word from "reality"!

At the beginning of May, the independent party in the Lemar Parliament suddenly launched an impeachment motion against the president. This sudden political incident immediately aroused the attention of the Lemar Islands and even the whole world.

In this period of increasing tension, the Lemar Islands have been seen as a preview of the war before it breaks out.

Every qualified politician believes that the Federation and Penteo are still fighting!

It's just that their current confrontation is invisible!

Until this moment, the president didn't realize that his silence and the cold treatment of the Democratic Party not only failed to bring back the rationality they wanted, but made the downfall even worse!

Silence does not necessarily make people think that you are reasonable, it will only make people think that you have nothing to say.

In a world that advocates expressing oneself, silence is the dumbest thing to do, even in court.

The lawyers you hire are better at guiding judges and juries through the art of language, and you can be found not guilty if you are guilty.

But if you don't advocate your point of view, your thoughts, your attitude, everything about you, even if you are really innocent, the court can still send you to prison.

This is not a good choice for cold treatment, although from the perspective of the Help Democratic Party, it is not a smart decision to argue with the people who are in the middle of an emotional outburst.

But now it seems that silence is not a smart decision, especially behind all this, there are still people supporting it!

On the day that the Independent Party proposed the impeachment bill in the parliament, the parliament accepted the impeachment bill of the president. However, this kind of case is not something that can be decided tomorrow after impeachment today. It takes time.

Investigations, evidence collection, and voting cannot be completed in three to five days, so there were no results on that day.

The president was stunned when he heard the news. He may be the first president in Lemar's history to be impeached!

The social structure of the Republic of Lemar was very primitive before the formation of the republic. Like a large tribe, humans distributed on different islands spontaneously formed tribes.

Later, after war and contact, these tribes finally moved towards unity and adopted the mainstream political system in the world.

And this also ensures that Lemar's big presidents are all chosen by the people. After all, what is being played here is a direct presidential election.

This also makes people have a high tolerance for the president. Even if he does something wrong, people will give him considerable tolerance, so no one has been impeached until now.

This law is like an addition, it's not really meant to be used.

But once it was used, the president's whole person became bad!

There is no doubt that whatever the outcome, he will certainly leave a less than happy page in the history of Lemar, the first president in history to be impeached, which is an absolute disgrace.

The chairman of the ADP Party immediately called the President, explaining to him that this proposal will not be passed in the parliament, the ADP has an advantage in the seats, and they can win more people to their side , ensuring that impeachment will be dismissed.

You know it's one thing Emotions are another.

After the President thanked the Chairman of the Helping Democratic Party, he left work early and went home. He needed to sort out his emotions.

After dinner in the evening, just as he was about to rest, the phone rang suddenly.

After comforting his wife, he put on his clothes and came to the study, and answered the phone.

"Mr. President, all this is a federal conspiracy!"

A strange voice came in, and the President frowned slightly, "I don't understand what you are talking about!"

His answer was very conservative, but the person on the other end of the phone didn't give him a chance to be conservative.

"The federalists are controlling the Liberal Party to attack you. Once you are impeached, the Liberal Party will come to power. They will get together with the Federalists and destroy the peace of Lemar..."

The big president frowned even deeper, "Who are you?"