Blackstone Code

Chapter 1620: idol lynch

"Are you sure you won't back down?" Joe Grimman said this as if he had already made up his mind about Lynch's decision.


Lynch also nodded, "Yes, it's impossible."


Sometimes people may have such short-lived doubts. On some issues, two huge guys clearly have one step, and things can be settled peacefully. Why does no one give in most of the time?


Here we have to talk about the cruelty of capital, because the fastest way for capital to grow is never to make money down-to-earth, but to annex it!


Why do people believe in the existence of "miracles" in a capitalist society?


Because this financial miracle is always happening!


Some small companies use some financial means to annex large companies several times or even a dozen times, and dozens of times their own size. Is this a miracle?


This is a miracle!


The bigger the size of the company, group, and economy, it is impossible to back down at any time!


The lion leader of the lion pride must let people see his strength all the time, only in this way will there be no young lions to challenge their status.


In the federal news, many people may have heard of an ordinary citizen's dissatisfaction with a politician or even the president.


But how many people can see the dissatisfaction of ordinary people with big financial groups?


You don't need to express it, the legal affairs of the big consortium can make you understand what a stupid decision you made!


Even if they are wrong and unreasonable, they will continue to initiate lawsuits until they go bankrupt and shut up!


It's not just that the consortium is against ordinary people, and there is no peace between the consortium and the consortium.


Capital has a terrible aggressiveness. If you give in today, those people will attack more brutally in more fields tomorrow.


The first time you gave in, so this time, will you give in?


Don't let it?


What you are facing will be a more severe situation than the last time. You gave in last time, so won't you let it go this time?


Then why did you let it go last time?




Very good, your concession makes other capital excited, they are like sharks smelling blood, rough, savage, crazy!


They will increase their strength and continue to force you to make concessions in order to seek more benefits, and even more capital will unite to force you.


The situation you are facing will only become more severe, harsh, and even desperate!


Then, will you allow it?


Step-by-step concessions, step-by-step persecution, you will find in the end that every concession you make has become your connivance to those competitors!


Countless eyes are staring at you, as long as you make the first step!


Joe Grimman is now a senior executive of the bank. He is very clear that Lynch will never give in, and neither will the six major banks.


Not giving in, doesn't mean you can't compromise. The purpose of Joe Grimman's trip is to test Lynch's attitude.


After Lynch told him his guess in a positive tone, he said with a smile, "Our idea here is that everyone holds shares in each other. In fact, before you came, there were also many among the six major banks..."


He shrugged, and with some small movements on his hands, you can feel the meaning behind his movements.


"...You know, we compete with each other, but we cooperate with each other, and we need some assurance."


In the Commonwealth, the most direct and effective way to co-operate with other capitals is to exchange shares.


After the stock exchange, everyone's interests are basically the same, and it can even be said that they are integrated into one.


Suppose there are two companies in an industry, and these two companies hold 50% of each other's shares. Can these two companies complete a monopoly in the industry from a certain point of view?


If you increase the number of companies in this industry to three, four, five, six...


They all hold a part of each other's stocks, and finally complete a hidden combination. Is it still possible to say that there is no monopoly in this industry on the surface, but in fact it has been monopolized?


Federal law does not allow you to say this, because according to the interpretation of the Federal Anti-Monopoly Law, these companies themselves have nothing to do with the stocks of companies held by investors, and do not constitute a monopoly.


As long as these companies accept investment from investors - tradable stocks, as long as these companies do not hold absolute pricing power - free market, as long as these companies do not control the production of new companies from the source - upstream monopoly.


So basically, it can be said that these companies are not monopoly companies.


But capital is always greedy, hypocritical, and smart!


If a company is too big, it will be regarded as a monopoly, so split this company into many companies, and the main equity is still in the hands of the previous people.


On the surface, one company became seven, and a large number of investors entered, which broke the monopoly.


But in fact, there will always be someone who can see clearly that monopoly still exists, but it has become more advanced, and it is not easy for people to notice.


And this is a new type of monopoly after the Anti-Monopoly Law, which is more secretive, harder to detect, and stronger.

No one can use the Anti-Monopoly Law against them anymore, because these are not written into the Anti-Monopoly Law.


The Big Six knew that they could not restrict Lynch's development, and knew that the establishment of Blackstone Bank had become inevitable—


The central bank of Lemar has the power to issue currency, and this power to issue currency is enough to give Blackstone Bank great potential.


Some people will see them as two different things. Blackstone Bank is Blackstone Bank, and Lemar Central Bank is Lemar Central Bank.


But the six major banks are very clear that they are actually the same thing.


Since they can't get rid of Lynch, then pull him in and pull him into this big circle of high-level monopoly to safeguard their own interests.


Joe Grimman looked at Lynch expectantly. If Lynch could agree, his position in Jinhui Bank would be more stable.


Lynch thought about it for a long time and finally agreed.


The banking industry is different from other industries. In other industries, you can touch the industry rule-makers, because although the business essence is the same, the methods and behaviors are different.


It happens from time to time that new commodities replace old ones, just as lighters replaced matches in earlier years.


At that time, many people did not think that the lighter could be the winner in the end, because its unit price was higher, the functionality was the same as that of a match, and in some occasions, it was not as good as a match's detachability and instant throwability.


You can throw a match away for a light, but you don't really throw away a lighter.


With high price and single performance, no one thinks lighters can become mainstream products.


But the lighter eventually succeeded, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger, and it has begun to surpass the market of matches in turn.


This is ordinary business, competitiveness, innovation, development, as long as you have a certain part, you can definitely gain a foothold.


But banks are different. Competitiveness does not come from innovation, but from competition for financial resources!


You give 3% interest, and the six major banks give 5%. If you go up, they will also go up, and the six major banks have a solid foundation, so they don’t care about short-term gains and losses.


Not to compete with them in terms of interest?


Then you will naturally have fewer depositors, the bank will have no money, and it will be difficult to carry out the loan business.


Even if the loan business is launched, you have to be careful and watch out for the run-on trend that may be triggered at any time!


This is an industry where you can fight for who has more money. Even if Lynch has one idea and one idea, in the banking industry, it is difficult to compete with the big six banks.


So he decided to compromise, and in fact he was not at a loss. Holding the stocks of the six major banks could be said to have bought himself the last insurance!


The "guarantee" that Joe Grimman said before actually also hopes that Lynch's Blackstone Bank can cooperate with the six major banks in terms of general policy and strategy.


For example, in terms of raising and lowering interest rates, in terms of loan dismantling, and in terms of capital flow, they do not want a spoiler.


Lynch finally gave Joe Grimman a positive answer, and he was willing to have an in-depth talk with the six major banks.


This made Joe Grimman very happy, and he also invited Lynch to the Commonwealth Banking Conference at the end of the year.


That's the Big Six... No, the future Big Seven will set the rules of the game every year...


After receiving Lynch's reply, Joe Grimman quickly left. He just came to test whether Lynch was willing to cooperate.


In the past, Lynch was always independent, and no one knew if he would do the same in this field.


Fortunately, he did not appear as a spoiler this time, and then the Federal Savings Bank sent an invitation letter to Lynch, inviting him to join the Federal Banking Federation.


He also vaguely mentioned that he would sit down with Lynch and have a good talk about "cooperation".


On the weekend, Lynch met the little boy's girlfriend at the biggest playground in


A girl from the Commonwealth... can always give people a feeling of advanced maturity. She is only thirteen years old, but it seems that this girl looks like she is sixteen, seventeen or eighteen years old.


She has a big tall man, a little taller than the little boy, with a good figure, but her **** don't seem to be developed enough.


But this kind of thing doesn't have anything to do with Lynch's relationship. Generally speaking, she is a good girl, very cheerful and polite.


She greeted Vera first, then Lynch, and tried to ask for Lynch's autograph.


"My sister and I are your admirers, Mr. Lynch, can you give us an autograph?"


It's strange that Lynch is not an actor, but in the eyes of federal teenagers, he has more status than any actor and singer.


Maybe it's Penny's relationship, maybe it's just his own relationship. Many people worship him and regard him as their idol in life.


This may be the reason why he keeps creating miracles. It is said that some mad believers even came up with something like the "Lynch Worship Association"!


They regard Lynch as a totem, a symbol, just like religious worship, saying that if you believe in Lynch, you can get the power of life...


Lynch also did not refuse the girl's little request. After asking the girl's name, everyone took a photo together and signed their names when they left the amusement park.
