Blackstone Code

Chapter 1621: day of war

The scorching heat has gradually subsided, and on the Great Plains of Nagalil, the heavy ears of wheat swayed slightly in the wind.


Grain and harvest are often associated with joy.


But in the next second, the passing tank pressed directly from the middle of the wheat field, and the wheat ears that were about to ripen were dumped into the wheat field.


Not just one tank, but a group of tanks!


It didn't take long for a large wheat field to be over half of it!


The machine gunner Ryan in the tank was silent. He came from the countryside. His grandfather, grandmother, including his parents, ran a farm.


When many people talk about farms, they will imagine the beautiful pastoral scenery, the comfortable and leisurely pace of life, and many beautiful things.


In fact, these are all misunderstandings about the farm. They have watched too many unrealistic film and television works, or read some authors' descriptions of the good side of the farm from novels, and have a wrong understanding.


The farm is not romantic at all, just like the idyllic scenery can never withstand the harassment of mosquitoes, especially at night.


Without the help of modern agricultural machinery, farm work is not an easy job, Ryan often helped his family do something in the fields when he was a child.


It was definitely not a good memory.


But he still felt a little pity to see so many ears of wheat that were about to ripen lying down in the fields.


A person who has never planted land can't understand his feelings, that's a pity.


The weather in Nagalil has started to cool down in recent days, and the hottest time is no more than 40 degrees, which makes everyone more or less bearable.


Some time ago, Nagalil couldn't bear it at all when it was the hottest.


The painting of the tank and its design are destined that the inside of the tank is a big stove, the outside is hot, and the inside of the tank is even hotter. This is no longer a problem that can be solved by taking off clothes!


There are obvious problems in the design of the current first-generation tanks, they did not take into account the use in extreme environments.


In hot weather, the temperature inside the tank can be several degrees above the outside air temperature!


When it was over forty degrees outside, it was almost fifty degrees inside the tank.


It's okay to work in a short period of time, no one can stand such an extreme situation for more than half an hour!


Before October, most of the military operations in Nagalil were based on air combat. It was not until October, when the temperature dropped, that the ground troops began to advance.


But even so, the temperature in the tank is still around 40 degrees, and it is still not suitable to work in the tank when it is the hottest at noon.


In order to allow these tanks to gallop on the great plains of Nagalil, the army has basically made certain modifications to these tanks.


They added more air inlets, then added an air outlet, an air duct inside the tank following the design of a dude who the **** knows what the **** is coming from.


This alleviates the problem that the internal heat cannot be discharged, but it also reduces the safety of some tanks.


There is a row of air inlets under the site directly in front. Once it encounters a mine, or a low-angle explosion, or a bullet hits directly, there is a certain probability of causing direct damage to the soldiers in the tank.


But compared to death from heat, people are still willing to take these risks——


Taking tanks as a unit, the modification requires the consent of all members. Some soldiers in tanks did not do this for safety reasons.


During their trip, they were heading to the central war zone of Nagalil. Yesterday, there was a big explosion in several oil depots in the area occupied by Pengio, which caused them to lack oil.


Now that the federal air force has the upper hand and has mastered the air superiority of the battlefield, they hope that the ground troops can cooperate and advance quickly.


Before the Pengios could react, quickly attacked an important central city.


Not only was there a large Pengio army in the city, but it was also one of their frontline warehouses.


As long as these things can be shot down or destroyed, the attack on Pongio will be a heavy blow!


The sudden turbulence made Ryan quit thinking. The wind under his calf was whizzing, but the wind was also scorching hot.


A large roar in the sky came from behind, it was the first round of attack and bombardment.


Having spent enough time on the battlefield, Ryan has been able to distinguish the roar of bombers and fighter jets, and some soldiers even drilled out of tanks and waved their hats at the fighters and bombers in the sky as they entered the combat zone.


The battle was about to break out, but Ryan didn't feel any nervousness or anxiety.


Having experienced so many battles, and even brushed past the **** of death several times, he is no longer as afraid of battles and death as he was at the beginning.


No matter how bad it is, can it be worse than the first time?


You know, at that time he really almost died!


When it was not too far from the city, suddenly there was a harsh scream in the air, and the commander's order came from the communication device in the tank.


He asked all tanks to disperse and evade.


This is the enemy's artillery at work. The Pengios have deployed a large number of howitzers in the city. They have discovered the steel torrent of the Federation. This is just a normal exchange of fire.

In the observation port, a lot of fighter jets also rose over the city, and the air battle broke out first!


The most brutal part of the war is here. Almost all soldiers know what they have to face.


But they still rushed to the battlefield so numbly, without any hesitation or concern.


Sometimes some people think that the military exploits and oppresses human nature, which is not without reason.


There were constant planes falling in the sky during the battle. This time, the Federation's attack came very quickly, without much warning, and the number was extremely large.


The bomber had entered the edge of the city, and the commander of the ground force also issued an order to charge amid the roar of artillery fire.


Ryan glanced at the tank that had completely stopped not far away, and the entire turret was sunk, and observed three seconds of silence.


It seems that the people inside will definitely not survive, and the probability of being bombarded to the turret from the front is really small.


During the whole process of rushing towards the city, about eleven or two tanks lost power and stopped in place, which is already a miracle.


The first round of bombing was over, and the tanks began to attack.


The city of Nagalil...Except for the core business circle, it is basically a bungalow.


Moreover, there are very few concrete and steel structures in this kind of bungalow, which also gives great convenience to the tank troops. They directly crushed the periphery of the city and launched an attack on the core area of ​​the city.


The bombed city is full of wounded people, including Nagalils and Pengios. What Ryan has to do is to help these people relieve their pain!


Tanks are too valuable and too useful in ground warfare, and so far they have not encountered a decent opponent.


Even if there are some lightly armored armored vehicles, it is not enough for a tank to hit.


However, I heard that the Pontgio Empire has also completed their first tank design and is in production. Maybe they will have an opponent soon.


In the commander's words, "Summer helped these idiots".


The battle was actually a little easier than expected. By three o'clock in the afternoon, Penggio's main force in the city was no longer able to retake the city and immediately began to evacuate.


After about six hours of fighting, the city was taken back from the hands of the Pengios by the Federals!


The subsequent ground infantry units began to clear the last enemy troops involved. Some of the enemies may have been injured and could not follow the troops to evacuate. They were arranged in various corners.


These people are deadly dangerous, so the ground forces need to clean up these people too.


The occasional sporadic sound represents the departure of fresh lives.


After the battle, Ryan climbed out of the tank. He didn't know how many people he killed this time. All he knew was that he survived again.


The strong cigarette made him realize the beauty of life. He stood on the edge of a clearing, and people kept being brought over and then shot.


Not far away, many Nagalil people are digging pits, and these corpses will eventually be burned and buried, otherwise there will definitely be problems.


The weather in Nagalil is so hot right now, once the plague breaks out, it is not a good thing for anyone.


As the gunshots sounded suddenly and ended abruptly, more than a dozen Penggios and locals fell in a pool of blood.


During the cleanup at the end of the battle, the Federals discovered that some natives were working for the Pengios.


If it's just a simple job, then they don't need to be sent here.


Those people hid the soldiers and wounded that Penggio had no time to evacuate.


It may be for money, or there may be other In short, they became the accomplices of the Penggio people.


This is unbearable for the federal government, and they must be given severe punishment, such as death.


When the next group of people was brought in, two middle-aged Nagalil men suddenly struggled. They ran away quickly, but they were still hit by two shots.


The two were dragged back by the locals, leaving two bright red marks on the ground.


At night, the pit was dug, and they piled up a lot of things for burning at the bottom of the pit.


Kerosene, wood, or whatever, when the fire was lit, one body after another was thrown into it.


Those corpses were burned on burning wood blocks, and soon Ryan had to run away holding his nose.


It stinks.


The stench from the burnt flesh was so strong that it choked the nose.


The fire didn't go out until very late, and when Ryan came back the next morning, someone had already started filling in the soil.


Most of those people inside were burned to ashes.


However, right next to this pit, someone has already started to dig the pit. Obviously, there are still some people who need to be cleaned up.


The victory of the local war is like a horn, and the First and Second Fleet of the Federation located in the northern port of Nagalil seems to be ready to move...
