Blackstone Code

Chapter 950: Noble sentiment

Lynch left some photos and documents on the table, and the head of the legal department sat opposite him.

"Look at these, what can we do with it?"

The head of the legal department took the booklet with photos and documents and opened it.

The content inside is basically the same, just a few photos, and an explanatory document. He looked through it quickly and his expression was serious.

When he finished reading the last part, he put the booklet back on the table.

"I still have the basics of such a booklet. It involves more than a thousand stores in the Federation."

The head of the Legal Department pursed his mouth, his expression always serious.

This is a very obvious off-market move, and even he can determine that these off-market moves are illegal and suspected of fraud. Although it is not a major crime, the large number of them can also be a trouble.

But what he got was the salary Lynch gave him, not from the Department of Justice, nor from conscience. He said straightforwardly, "At least we will not lose. Next, I will arrange for people to sue these shops one by one. They are obviously Violated the counter contract signed with us."

"Before the legal benefits of the contract we signed were not lost, they took the lead in breaching their responsibilities and obligations, and we have the right to stop supplying them and claim compensation from the commission."

Lynch nodded with satisfaction after listening, "I hope that is not a big number. You know, I am a very softhearted person. I don't want too many families to go bankrupt because of their stupid actions."

"But the law is the law, do you understand what I mean?"

The head of the legal department nodded affirmatively again, "Yes, Mr. Lynch, I think I understand it very well."

"Your sympathy is only based on your noble personal noble character and sentiment tolerance. I will convey your kindness and tolerance to those defendants."

"But I must also remind you, Mr. Lynch, the law is the law. It is written on paper and tells us what punishment a person should be punished when he commits a mistake."

"You can't let them go just because you can't bear it. This is a blasphemy against the law, and it's also irresponsible to them."

Lynch was very satisfied, "Then what are you waiting for, I hope to see these news on TV as soon as possible."

The supervisor got up and said goodbye, and he would arrange for someone to do these things immediately.

At the same time, he was also curious as to what kind of method Lynch used to complete this seemingly incredible action in such a short time.

To be honest, such an off-hour move is actually not good. It is easy to be caught with evidence. Not only will the lawsuit be lost, but there may also be punitive fines for the off-hour move.

Rongsheng Jinxing has been watching, as long as they have the opportunity, they will definitely not let it go. As long as there is a punitive fine, they can severely damage Lynch, and then calmly split the company and change hands for money.

But in any case, these have nothing to do with him, all he needs to do is provide legal professional assistance, nothing more.

As soon as the head of the legal department left, a middle-level manager of the company was already waiting outside.

He made an appointment yesterday to meet with Lynch today. The middle management of a large company wants to see the president, and it is not always possible to see him anytime, anywhere.

At the secretary's reminder, Lin Qicai remembered this, "Let him in."

Soon, a plump middle-aged man knocked on the door and walked in. He had a pleased smile on his face and a letter in his hand.

"Mr. Lynch, I'm sorry to disturb you at this time, but I really have to."

Lynch nodded, and pointed to the chair across the table, "Is there anything wrong?"

In fact, he knew in his heart that the person who entered the president's office with the envelope in his hand was unlikely to do anything other than to submit the resignation letter, but he didn't break it.

The middle-level management sitting in the chair smiled reluctantly. The company's situation is getting worse and worse. Until now, the people in the legal department have not come up with any effective means, and Lynch has not shown his attitude as the acting president.

This is very disturbing. Once the company goes down, there will really be a lot of problems, and the middle-aged and older employees feel uneasy.

It's just that he has already negotiated the next home, so he dared to resign, and some people don't know where to go after resigning, and can only pray for the company not to have any problems.

Rather than putting their destiny in the hands of others, a young manager who has achieved middle-level management still wants to take control of his own destiny.

He put the resignation letter on the table and pushed it over, "Mr. Lynch, this is my resignation letter."

Lynch didn't speak, picked up the envelope, tore it open, and looked at it.

The above is nothing more than thanks for the caring, support and company the company has given him over the past few years. He will remember these pasts and the reasons for his resignation. In short, the core content is that he must resign.

Lynch looked at the resignation letter. This is not the first one. Someone had already submitted the resignation letter yesterday. It was all too late.

He didn't hesitate too much, he nodded and agreed, "I approved," and then took out his pen, and signed "Agree" and his name on the resignation letter.

Lynch's non-retention and decisiveness made the middle-level managers suddenly a little uneasy. Shouldn't he find a way to retain himself at this time?

Resting on the feeling of getting worse and worse, the middle-level manager tentatively said, "Mr. Lynch, I have feelings for the company. After I finish these things, if you and the company still need me , I can come back anytime."

Lin Qi didn't even bother to laugh. "For the time being, we have no plans to adjust the management. If you have any ideas, you can submit your resume to the Human Resources Department. Is there anything else?"

This is actually very rude, and the little supervisor’s expression is also ugly, but compared to Lynch being able to say it so directly, he still smiled reluctantly, and stood up, "No, Mr. Lynch, I I'm leaving."

Lynch nodded again, "Close the door when you go out."

He drove the little supervisor out like a dog, and the little supervisor stood at the door of the president's office, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He didn't know how to describe this feeling, as if he had something important accidentally dropped by himself, and at the same time he was full of confusion about the future, he couldn't help asking himself, this is really the best choice NS?

But the next second, he looked at the lifeless office and the staff with sad faces. He firmed up his thoughts. This is definitely the most suitable choice.

At the end of the day, nothing happened. Everyone who was waiting for Lynch to make a move was a little disappointed except for Good Fortune and Colorful Company.

Perhaps every moment this giant will really fall down like what some media said, and become a glorious page in the long history of history.

For three days, people have gradually been thinking about how to exit the game every moment, and suddenly an announcement was issued every moment.

The legal department of the company filed a counterclaim against more than 2,000 stores across the country, arguing that they deliberately destroyed the content of the contract during the performance of the contract and harmed the interests of every moment.

While being held accountable and compensated in accordance with the contract breach clauses at all times, these people are also required to bear certain joint and several liability for the market value that has plummeted every moment.

The head of the legal department said in front of many reporters every moment that the market value of every moment had stabilized at approximately 500 million before these people initiated the lawsuit.

But because these people premeditatedly filed lawsuits to destroy the market value at every moment, so that their market value lost more than 100 million, which should be shared by more than 2,000 stores.

The Buppen City Court has accepted the case and mailed subpoenas to more than 2,000 stores across the country, hoping that they can arrive in Buppen as soon as possible to participate in the trial.

Considering that the nature of the case is the same, the court allows stores in each region to merge the case, and representatives and attorneys sent by them can participate in the trial.

This is very humane. Many media are talking about the possible impact of court humanization on legal fairness and justice.

"This trick is a bit too ruthless. Once these people lose the lawsuit, their lives will not be easy."

In the afternoon the study, Mr. Wardrick tasted the cakes made by his wife, drank coffee, and smiled and explained these things to his daughter.

He once fantasized about discussing business matters with his son in the study, and then he gave up this idea after giving birth to a daughter.

Unexpectedly, there is still such a day, which makes him very pleased.

He has worked so hard to get such a huge industry, and someone will always inherit it, right?

Severilla asked with some incomprehension, "Will the court support their statement?"

Mr. Wardrick asked rhetorically, "Do you think the sudden drop in market value all the time is directly related to the prosecution of these people?"

Severella nodded, "It's related."

"Look, you all know that there is a relationship. If there is no separate explanation in the judicial interpretation of what kind of behavior and the consequences are not necessarily related, then the judge is likely to support the demands of every moment."

"Moreover, there have been similar cases before. In the end, their appeals were supported by the court. There is a high probability that there will be no accidents this time."

Framing, slandering, or spreading rumors that cause changes in the market value of other companies must be compensated, even punitive damages.

This is not because there are too many counter-claims this time. These objects themselves are not rich and do not support the views of every moment.

Feelings are feelings, the law is the law, the law is cold, there is no feeling at all.

Severilla asked again, "If they regard those who cheated their counters as being arranged all the time, will they drag the case down?"

Mr. Wardrick shook his head, "Of course not, these are two separate cases, and Lynch will not let them be dealt with together."

"So Lynch is determined to win?"

"At least he won't lose!"