Blackstone Code

~: two thousand one hundred and two

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Lynch lived on the top floor of the Central Casino.

It is said that there is a huge chair like a throne, and Lynch will sit on the chair to work.

People who have seen him in his office will come out and say that he is like the king of Slem!

Sitting high above the clouds, overlooking all living beings!

It's not difficult to see Lynch, you just need to explain to the staff on the seventh floor of the central casino, and they will call Lynch to inquire about the result.

The businessman rinsed his face with cold water in the toilet, it was his last chance, he had to meet Lynch!

Soon he came to the front desk on the seventh floor and contacted Lynch through the front desk.

Luckily for the businessman, Lynch was willing to meet him.

After taking the elevator and climbing for a while, he came to the most central and highest place in Slem!

The moment the elevator door opened, he saw a very empty office.

There are glass curtain walls on three sides, and through those glass curtain walls, you can overlook the whole city.

There is no huge throne here, everything is a rumor.

Lynch was sitting behind a wide desk, looking at some documents without looking up.

The businessman stepped out of the elevator, was stopped and searched all over.

"Sit for a while, wait a while." Lynch ordered without looking up.

The members of the local council saw an opportunity to realize their own value in the future described by Lynch, so they began to write reports. In order to prove that they could fulfill Mr. Lynch's entrustment to them, they put forward a lot of work ideas.

Some are apologizing for some things they did wrong, and spur themselves to never do it again.

More, still imagining the future.

Lynch said that these reports should not be sent to his office, but to the professor.

But everyone knows that the person who can ultimately decide whether they will stay or not, and whether they can give them a chance to realize their value.

Neither Catherine nor the professor, but Lynch!

So while they were delivering reports to the professor, they were also delivering reports to Lynch. If Lynch wasn't too young, some of them would even want to recognize a godfather or something.

Anyway, he's not a real father, so one more title, in exchange for substantial benefits, is the choice a mature politician should make!

Lynch looked at these people's various bragging about himself, and he felt a little funny.

In the face of huge interests, there are indeed not many people who can control their hearts.

After reading for more than twenty minutes, he put down the document in his hand, then looked up at the businessman.

"I'm sorry, there are some important documents that need to be processed first, so let me tell you about your reason for coming."

At this time, the businessman was already exhausted, like a flower that had been exposed to the sun in the desert, completely gone.

He was stooped, timid, and closed. He even wanted to stand up when Lynch spoke.

"Mr. Lynch, I was wrong..."

Lynch raised his hand and stopped him, "I don't know you, and I don't know what you did wrong. Did you find the wrong person?"

The businessman became a little panicked, "No, Mr. Lynch, I'm looking for you!"

"I... I may have done some stupid things, but it was definitely not what I wanted to do, I didn't know that these things would happen!"

He emphasized his innocence. In fact, Lynch knew him because Lynch had read his files.

Lynch watched him say those words that seemed to prove his innocence, and kept smiling all the time.


Before the locals were ready to launch a full-scale attack, they planned to find out what was inside Slem, and then they found a guide.

War ensued, and the guide and his family were executed, shouting their innocence before they were executed.

But there will be no sympathy for them, especially not everyone on Slem's side.

Lynch watched his performance

, watching him cry bitterly, watching him kneel on the ground and cry out.

Life is so boring and interesting.

Lynch saw that he had no new vocabulary, so he interrupted him, leaning forward slightly, "I have a question."

The businessman quickly raised his head to look at Lynch, wiped the tears off his face, "If I knew, I would definitely answer you!"

Lynch nodded slightly, "When those people who owe you money but haven't paid it in a short time, don't they also kneel in front of me and beg you like you are now?"

"What do you do when the choice is yours?"

A question made the businessman fall into panic, and what frightened him even more was that he knew the answer!

He took away those people's houses, even their wives, and he did everything that those people had, even their lives!

They are indeed like themselves at this time, howling and kneeling at their feet, begging themselves to let them default for a while...

What did you do?

In a trance, he thought of himself at that time, he drove many people to death, but he didn't care, all he cared about was money.

Lynch leaned back, crossed his legs, and spread his hands, "You never give others hope, why do you beg me to give you hope?"

"Why do you think you can be forgiven?"

Lynch shrugged, "I'm sorry, sir, the train doesn't stop halfway, either you sit on the next stop, or you jump off the train halfway!"

"If nothing else happens, all of Nagalil will post your arrest warrant by tomorrow at the latest."

"Your game is over."

The businessman fell into complete despair. He just wanted to stand up when he was kicked in the crook of his leg and knelt back.

The bodyguard behind him has been staring at him for a long time, but he will be interrupted in time if he makes any potentially dangerous actions.

Lynch looked at him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Your son will spend his whole life in prison, and he won't have a chance to come out alive."

"Your wife will soon be broke, and I believe the madhouse is the best home for her."

"As for...sorry, you have no other family members. You and your surname, in the generation of you and your son, are over."

"But I am a very generous person, I will give you a chance, a chance for your son to get out of prison alive."

"This time, the right to choose is up to you to decide..."

On the other side, the group leader and his party have already returned to the hotel, and they have lost the financial support from the businessman, and they will soon move out of the luxurious hotel.

In fact, what they didn't notice was that since they entered the hotel, someone was secretly taking pictures of them.

The most difficult thing to deal with in the federation is the taxpayers and the tax bureau. The former will frequently protest and cause social riots, while the latter can always find fatal flaws in the tax returns that you think are impeccable.

Members of Congress are subsidized for business trips. Logically speaking, they have their own money and can live wherever they want.

Anyway, the subsidy money will not be given less or more, but the problem is that it is taxpayer's money!

Taxpayers will feel that these people live in luxurious hotels and must have squandered the money from corruption.

They don't care whether they pay for the accommodation of these people themselves. The taxpayers only care that these people who receive the taxes paid by the taxpayers and pay their wages live in rooms that the taxpayers cannot afford.

Like the pantry in the presidential palace, the coffee machine and coffee beans are inherently sound, but the taxpayers don't buy that idea.

Taxpayers go into a rage when they find out that MPs are squandering taxpayer dollars on pleasure, even without any real evidence, just pictures.

The working group also knows this, so they must move from here as soon as possible.

They would go to live in a small hotel outside the state hall, which was a small hospitality hotel, shabby, small, cramped.

It only costs nineteen yuan a night, and only the residence

Living in such a place, the taxpayers can accept it and think that they are not corrupt.

This is also the reason why many parliamentarians who travel on business either live in very poor conditions, or live in the homes of capitalist friends.

They can't get taxpayers to open their mouths!

"Are you going to move out tomorrow?"

The team leader was packing his things, a member of the House of Representatives, who was also his confidant, couldn't help asking.

They walked around the central casino and now it's time for At this time, they suddenly moved out...

Just where to live will be a problem.

The explosion of Slem is the latest thing. Except for a very small number of capitalists who own real estate here, most people don't have a comprehensive concept of the development here.

And among the people who own real estate here, many are businessmen investing in the local area, and most of them have the same heart with Lynch.

It is not easy to find a suitable place for so many of them to live temporarily.

The team leader was not as optimistic as his subordinates. While packing his luggage, he said, "Lynch has already started, so he won't stop. If we leave tomorrow, it may be too late."

"And we went directly to the mayor and asked him to arrange our accommodation. As for how he arranges, that is his business."

"You know, we are here to work, not to enjoy. There are countless pairs of eyes staring at us."

"There are also countless people waiting to see our jokes!"

Soon everyone's opinions were unified, and everything was packed.

Although the low-level office staff felt a little fussy about the sudden departure, but the masters have left, how can they stay here?

Fortunately, here is Slem, a bustling city, so they won't be allowed to sleep on the streets.

The team leader's expression was still a bit dignified. He didn't expect Lynch's counterattack to come so quickly!

Just when the group was about to walk out of the hotel, there was a sudden "bang", and the ground trembled slightly.

The team leader's eyes were fixed on the pile of rotten meat on the ground, he raised his hand and touched his cheek.

Some warm bloodstains were cooling down rapidly, and he could tell who this person was at a glance!

The businessman!

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