Blackstone Code

~: two thousand zero eighty nine

【Black Stone Code】【】

The female detective had researched Fern's childhood.

In fact, the period when Fern was born happened to be a node in the overall social changes of the Federation, and the effects of the technological explosion began to appear.

The rapid development of science and technology has not only brought many new changes to society, but also made many people become confused.

At the same time, capital began to expand uncontrollably. Some international hot money discovered the rapid development of the federation and began to concentrate in the federation.

The increase in housing prices and the increase in the cost of living, behind the apparent prosperity of the Federation, is the further compression of the living space of the people at the bottom.

Coupled with the large number of believers in the Federation, many states have complied with the doctrine to prohibit abortion, which has increased the birth rate.

But these newborns who came to this world are facing the worst start!

Noel and Fern were abandoned under such circumstances.

Under the social environment at that time, the government's various preferential policies and subsidies brought by the adoption of an orphan were far lower than the cost of raising a child.

They grew up in the orphanage smoothly, and then were sent to the masthead to become a tool for the masthead to make money.

These are the female detective's written understanding of Fern, and she sometimes feels emotional about Fern's life experience.

But she absolutely cannot empathize with all the pain Fern has experienced. What she said "I understand" and "I can understand" are all based on "feelings after reading."

A self-righteous understanding rather than a real feeling.

It's like the bums at the intersection discussing the president's golden toilet while the president marvels at the fact that bums can't afford bread!

How can people in two worlds truly feel each other's feelings?

This kind of empathy is more about self-movement and performance.

Just like at this moment and here, the female detective thinks that right is right and wrong is wrong in her heart, and the concept of right and wrong should not have much to do with growth.

She didn't think that Fern's criminal facts in some aspects tended to be his respect and admiration for Lynch, but more that it was Lynch's control method over the Brothers Grimm, even a brainwashed control method !

But she said "I understand" with a gentle expression to deepen the "resonance" between her and Fern under the circumstances.

Fern reached out to hold the female detective's hand, "You are always so kind, but I don't want my past to cause you any trouble..."

He didn't seem to want to talk too deeply about this issue, or the issue related to Lynch.

He doesn't want to disappoint himself.

So he quickly changed the subject, "Mr. Lynch also talked about us when he was chatting with me just now, and he asked when we would get married."

After saying this, Fern mustered up a lot of courage.

In his life, he had only obtained true peace from three people.

The first is Nuo Er, they are brothers, they trust each other unconditionally, and they can feel each other's emotions.

They have their own way to communicate feelings, in the process, he will become calm.

The second is Lynch.

I don't know why he is always a little afraid of Lynch, maybe because Lynch's magical "ninety-seven points" that day changed his understanding of the world.

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【Black Stone Code】【】

Maybe it's because he can never see the aura of Lynch clearly, but he can feel the deadly threat.

Of course, he felt that mutual trust was also a very important part. In short, talking with Lynch allowed his mind to turn quickly while remaining calm.

And the third person is the female detective in front of him.

Whether it's when drawing, exchanging bodily fluids, or just ordinary everyday life.

He can always get everything he wants from her, and it can also bring him back to a deeper peace.

He mustered up the courage to look at the female detective, "I don't know how to answer him, but his words gave me some inspiration and thinking."

"We've been together for a while, maybe... you know, I've never liked anyone, maybe we can try to go further."

The female detective was also a little surprised, "Is this...a marriage proposal?"

Fern became a little shy, and could even feel a little bit of embarrassment in him, "I think so, this feeling is as turbulent from my heart as a surging sea wave, and I can't help myself not to say these words. "

He looked directly at the female detective, "Will you marry me?"

The female agent took a second to think, "Of course, why not?"

Huge surprises and emotions filled Fern's body, impacting his heart and nerves!

He hugged the female detective tightly and kissed her hard.

And some people around also vaguely understood what was going on, and gave them blessing applause one after another!

News quickly gathered from the hall to Lynch. Lynch was a little curious and surprised, but he didn't intend to interfere.

He always believes in one thing. When you trust someone, you must give him absolute trust. Any doubt will completely destroy the past, present and future.

Trust mixed with doubt is absolute distrust!

So he believes that Fern can handle everything, and Noel will give him some advice from the side.

A female detective...

Lynch curled her lips. To be honest, an agent of this level fell into this huge black hole, and there was no chance for her to struggle.

Lynch has been observing the operation of the casino.

The turnover of the casino on the first day exceeded 3.7 billion, which seemed to be on par with his previous proposal of 100 billion a month.

But in fact there is still a lot of room.

First, many supporting facilities in Slem are still under construction, such as four theme amusement parks.

These supporting facilities can bring more tourists to Slem, many of whom will become customers of the casino.

Secondly, at present, various gladiatorial fights and quiz games have not been fully rolled out, such as horse racing, dog racing, bullfighting, dogfighting and the like.

These are also very important business items, because compared with table games that must be attended by people, this quiz game can accept global telephone bets!

The Slam Gambling Industry Committee will issue quiz magazines similar to periodicals around the world, in which games will be held regularly, and various game methods and betting methods will be introduced through the magazines, as well as professional data will be provided.

Participants only need to go to a designated bank to open an account, and then deposit a sum of money.

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【Black Stone Code】【】

Then they can read the magazine first to know who the participants in each quiz they want to participate in are, what kind of results they have achieved in the past, and the results of the latest competition.

Then pick up the phone, dial the betting number, and transfer the money in the designated account.

They can sit at home and use the phone service to understand the specific situation through the live voice service as soon as the game starts, and they will also have an immersive sense of participation.

What's more, they don't need to spend a sum of money that may or may not be heavy for them to buy a boat ticket and arrive at Slem after a few days or a week to participate in the contest.

As long as they sit at home and make a phone call, they can participate in the world's top gaming games!

This is an unprecedented attraction for gambling dogs!

Starting from a minimum betting of 20 yuan to unlimited betting, as long as there is money in the account, anytime, anywhere, just a phone call!

This is the real super killer, and every month Lynch has a full schedule for the competition.

After all, there are too many competition games that can provide guessing. When the gambling dogs all over the world start to participate in such games, it is the only one!

Maybe two or three hundred billion in a month is not its limit!

In Slem, there are a total of nine casinos, even if the content of other casinos is not as large as Lynch's central casino.

Adding it all up, it's not an exaggeration to spend seven to eight hundred billion a month!

This will become the state with the highest federal tax revenue, bar none!

As the builder and founder of this state, Catherine will continue to enjoy the various benefits brought by this political resource for a long time to come.

It might even pave the way for her entry into Congress!

When Lynch called Catherine, she was actually waiting for the call.

Because of her status, it is not convenient for her to appear in the casino.

Even though the local laws of Nagalil are used here, it is still not very good for a heavyweight politician like the governor to appear in the casino.

The political atmosphere in the Federation is very "old-fashioned". In layman's terms, everyone is always carrying out their work with the attitude of "don't make mistakes" They will not take the initiative to do some ambiguous things, or Things that violate the morals and laws of public opinion, and they don't want others to do that.

Catherine's presence at the casino would have given her an unfriendly stigma and would have made some old-school politicians think she wasn't doing her job.

So she never passed, but that doesn't mean she didn't care about what happened here.

After all, this is related to her future promotion channel. Although the professor went to the scene, she didn't know how much turnover there was, so she was also a little anxious.

When Lynch called, the two of them were discussing these matters and had no intention of working.

When the phone was connected, Catherine's voice came out of the receiver first, "This is the governor's office, and I'm Catherine."

"It sounds like you are in a hurry?" Lynch's tone was unhurried, in stark contrast to Catherine's voice.

Catherine also laughed, "Well, I'm really anxious, some congressmen have already called to ask about these things."

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【Black Stone Code】【】

"You know, they have never contacted me so proactively!"

Members of Congress don't like Catherine very much, because everyone knows that Lynch is paving the way for her.

They don't really want a woman senator in Congress, it would break congressional tradition!

Although they themselves don't know what the tradition of Congress is.

But at this moment, in the face of huge interests, they gave up their reserve.

This is the Federation, and its politicians!