Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 194

The scars that I can't forget so far are bound to be unforgettable. sC saw the reaction of the family around him again, Xiaosha seemed to have some memories brought back, and buried his head slightly, holding Ji Bai's iron helmet into silence.

Ji Bai was not in a hurry to get the iron helmet back, but was silent like this, and drank tea by himself.

Neither was surprised or dissatisfied with this, and completely ignored the strange look on him, and took the bread to gnaw.

The taste is surprisingly good, well, compared to the tasteless dry food, which does not pay attention to the taste.

"Miss waiter, I think I should be able to finish the meal here?" Ji Bai stared at the tea in the cup.

.of course can. "Miss Maoerniang forced a smile, nodded timidly, turned around and walked into the back kitchen with some unfavorable legs and feet.

The sense of irreconcilable subtlety flooded this small restaurant for a while, and the vigilance and alienation that pervaded the air had almost condensed into substance. Uncle Xianshi, you should put this on. F was silent for a long time, and Xiaosha handed over the iron helmet.

Ji Bai didn't respond, nor did he reach out to pick it up. Bowl after bowl of tea, although it was not expensive tea, nor did it mean to savor it, it was like a reckless alcoholic who considers his own mind and relieves his sorrow.

Upon seeing this, Xiaosha did not interfere any more.

After a while, the dishes came up, very light, even tasteless.


But Ji Bai ate a lot.

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Using various seasonings as an excuse to adjust the dishes to suit their taste, unknowingly, the taste is far worse than the original taste.

Have you forgotten the original taste, or have you never tasted it?

In the shop, with Ji Bai's silence, there was only the crackling sound of dry wood burning in the stove.

The red-burning cheeks were blown by the cold wind in front of the shop, and the sinking consciousness was immediately pulled out of the mire.

Ji Bai walked aimlessly on this strange and foreign street.

Looking up again, as if to re-examine this foreign land.

Nolan City, the former trading capital of the Yacat tribe.

The glory of the past sinks under the iron hoof of the alien race, and what is left is full of sadness.

The fellows who are fortunate enough to walk in their homeland meet like a stranger, walking like a stranger, like a puppet with a disheartened heart.

Why did you let yourself come here?

Ji Bai felt puzzled more than once.

Or in other words, why would I bite the bullet and come here?

Where is this dilapidated town worth stopping for? How can you test your faith?

Is it just these homeless. Are you a stranger who has been squeezed endlessly, but resigned to it?

Well, that vampire got the wrong definition from the beginning. F light novel The knight's sword is swung for peace, and the knight's spear is for justice. That's right, that's right.

But whether it's ‘peace’ or ‘justice’, these words are all made for human beings. In other words, the life and death of foreign races is not within their jurisdiction.

Human beings are weak, and I have tried my best if I want to go.

And mercy and charity are the privileges of the strong, and the human race at the low end of the food chain is the same as the Yacat race, what right do they have to pity them?

Moreover, the defeat of this city did not come from human hands.

The two will not lick each other's wounds, and even fight each other with swords and soldiers in order to compete for the meat left over by the strong. This is the reality.

"What's the purpose of coming here?" Ji Bai seemed to be asking someone a question, and he seemed to mutter to himself.

"Because I have something to do." The petite voice came from behind with a slightly mature firmness.

Ji Bai nodded, and didn't ask too much.

Everyone has desires and desires in their hearts that must be satisfied.

"Uncle Xianshi, it seems that you are very comfortable with the disgusting emotions of the Asian cats." After a long silence, an abrupt voice slowly floated behind him.

"It's okay." Ji Bai didn't look back.

"That's right, as a former glorious knight, you probably understand why this is." Xiaosha with a low cloak stared at Ji Bai's back with a slight seriousness.

"do not really understand."

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Feline, you should have heard of this name, right? "Xiaosha's voice became a little low, as if tied to a stone.

"Back then, the princess of the Asian cat tribe.

"Sure enough, you don't know, whether you were one of the participants at the time." Ji Bai stopped, his back felt a little cool, and the wind on his face seemed a little warm.

"Fei Lin Yi Fei Jin is my elder aunt, and she is also the wise and wise king of the Asian cat tribe. She is generous, diligent and loving to the people, and also has a ancestral blood that has been rare in a thousand years. Her people love her. , Praise her, and believe that she will lead the Yacat tribe to a new peak. Her pedigree and physique are also destined for her extraordinary achievements in the future." Xiaosha murmured calmly.

The voice gradually became lower, and even the sound of the wind could overwhelm her voice.

But Ji Bai heard it very real.

"Yes, her people and her family think so.

"But, all of this has become a bubble... Xiaosha's words gradually became hollow.

"She was killed, by humans...

"She left. She went to the negotiating table, but was pierced in the chest by the magic armor man on the human side. Xiaosha gradually couldn't control her emotions. "Despicable magic armor man, turned all this into a mirrored water... …

Chapter 13 ~ The Shadow of the Past

"Wearing dark silver, no honorable magic armor... He turned all this into a mirrored flower and water moon!" "So that the later Yamao tribe was scattered into a pot of porridge, lost the mainstay, and the mother was in danger and was ordered to become the royal family. The successor trolls took advantage of the dangers and invaded the city at this most chaotic moment, capturing and killing almost all the armed forces capable of resisting. The mother and the eldest sister were taken away. The clansmen suffered heavy casualties, and the fire burned the emperor...

"I... At the end of the talk, Xiaosha's voice was trembling, and she couldn't even come out a complete word.

I could feel the strong sadness in the air, about to crush the young cat-eared girl in front of me.

Ji Bai never turned around to wipe her tears from the beginning to the end, nor did he speak to comfort her. He stopped quietly, facing the cold wind that came on his face, "Hug, sorry...I'm lost." with a trembling voice. Cry, hesitating words accompanied by the sound of cloth wiping his cheeks.

"Do you hate humans?" After Xiaosha calmed down a bit, Ji Bai looked up and said slowly.

"In the beginning, it was like this, otherwise I would not choose to deceive so many people..."

"But later, I found out that I had done a stupid thing... I was just basing my anger and hatred on unrelated civilians. This is an ignorant and cowardly behavior." Xiaosha's tone gradually calmed down. But the sorrow and sorrow of the Chinese still remains.