Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 196

On the same day, the knights of the Temple Association cheered loudly, as if they had been oppressed for many years, and finally raised their eyebrows.

The dark silver knight was holding the blood-stained holy sword, quietly watching the blood-stained blond girl scattered all over the floor, as if she was asleep.

Amidst the cheers, the dark silver figure looked so out of place.

"Well done, Tianhui! Your achievements will be praised by the people, and they will be known through the ages in the history books of the Temple Association!

He didn't react at all to the praise and encouragement from his colleagues around him. He looked at his bloodied hands and was silent.

For the sake of human justice, I should not hesitate, but why,, do...

The justice of mankind is that of a knight...? ?

Chapter 14~

The justice of the knight is the justice of mankind.

I am a human being, and I should have my own standpoint and racial concept.

That's right, it's all right... Is unscrupulous justice really still justice? Is the unscrupulous knight really still a knight?

Mine can hear the trembling of that knight's heart, that's enough.

It is warning me that I am on a wrong path.

Justice or not, you only need to have a clear conscience.

Even if I became a traitor and was pointed by thousands of people, my heart was still clear as a mirror.

The Dark Silver Knight squeezed the long sword in his hand, and the line of sight shot from the crevice of the helmet was plain, but as solid as a rock.

To live up to your expectations.

The eldest princess of the Yacat tribe is definitely not a tyrannical and warlike person, there must be something hidden in it.

When negotiating, if necessary, I will protect her safety...

As for the gossip afterwards, he didn't care, and the sanctions on the temple bench didn't matter.

‘I’m just doing what I think is right.

The day before the negotiation meeting.

Under the reflection of the fierce fire, the dark silver armor glowed brightly.

The raging fire swallowed the entire town like a greedy dragon, and the remaining screams passed away in the wind.

The desolate wind blew over the red lotus and played the final movement.

Under a torch, countless souls dissipated, leaving only a place of scorched earth and distorted corpses.

The cry of the baby seemed to linger in his ears, the laughter of the children of the past, the thriving town, the simple and kind-hearted townspeople, only a handful of embers soaked in tears remained, and the dust returned to the dust.

It seems that at this moment, the noisy world is quiet.

Under Wan Lai's silence, the knight was left alone.

"Your Excellency." The captain of the knight who rescued the casualties came to him respectfully, and the knight's attire covered with silt and scorch was silently speaking about the difficulties of the previous search and rescue.

"Have you found the survivor?" The Dark Silver Knight did not look back.

...No, we searched every corner of the city, but all we could find were the burning embers..." The captain of the knight lowered his eyebrows, his face inadvertently revealed a trace of shame.

"Who did it?" Even though there was a clear answer in his heart, the Dark Silver Knight still asked.

"This is one of the towns previously attacked by the Yacats. I think no one but them can do this." The Cavaliers captain said with a full face.

"Why do you think so

"In the town, we found some remnant weapons, armors, and their metabolic hair, which seemed to have been left over from the previous guards' desperate resistance.

"These objects have cracks that were cut and pierced by human soldiers' weapons.

... Listening to the report from the adjutant on the side, the Dark Silver Knight looked dumbly at the scorching fire dragon.

No, they occupied the town, why didn't they stay behind? CE Quan Xiaozhiqiang suppressed the surging anger in his heart, the Dark Silver Knight had the last trace of reason and calm in his heart, and, by luck.

"Report! Lord Tianhui! A large number of sub-cat tribe troops appeared at the frontier gate, please come back quickly... A wind and dust knight knelt in front of Ji Bai in a panic, breathlessly making reports.

"The border gate? Isn't there a barrier to guard it?" the adjutant questioned.

"It was originally like this... But when Zhu Li's search and rescue team set out, they opened the barrier, and it took time to close the barrier... The Yacats seized this opportunity and attacked the border town in one fell swoop!

"What?!" The adjutant was startled and turned his gaze to the Dark Silver Knight.

Yes, it's a big hit.

The scorching air thumped through the crevices of the helmet against the Dark Silver Knight's face.

.I know, I will give back immediately. "The Dark Silver Knight calmly issued an order, instructing the adjutant to call the army back, and walked to the gate of the city.

If you look closely, you can see that his shoulders are shaking slightly.

He suddenly remembered the words the priest said to him: "Their purpose is to numb your nerves with numbing drugs called ‘peace’ and ‘friendliness’, and be deceived by their hypocrisy. "

It turns out that I really misunderstood you, you are such a hidden person...

The fear and anger in his heart completely broke the last string of reason, and at the same time, he made his own decision again.

Since her death, there has been chaos within the Yacat tribe, and the Human Federation has seized several cities in the name of revenge and expanded its territory.

The Dark Silver Knight can still remember the fighting that day, leaving countless civilians of the Asian cat tribe homeless and displaced.

dSr Mu novel

I do not regret the decision made.

You may do this for your own tens of thousands of kinsmen, and I also do it for my kinsmen.

So, neither of us will regret what we have done...

A ray of light accompanied a light cool breeze into a simple bamboo room.

The figure sitting by the window shook slightly and shook his head.

Stand up from the ground.

"Chuck..." There was a knock on the door.