Contract Wife Runs away from the CEO

v1000 Chapter 1248: Extraordinary: Casey was insulted

Casey grabbed the phone subconsciously, not knowing whether it was a guilty conscience or frailty. The phone could not be grasped firmly and suddenly fell in front of Howson.

As soon as Hausen lowered his head, he happened to see a video.

In the video, Casey was taken to a room by a group of men and did something indescribable.

"Ahhhhh! Who is it?" Howson's eyes were red: "Kathy, tell me, is it Mi Xiaoying?"

When Casey saw the video, she screamed and almost lost her breath again.

Hearing what Howson said, Casey cried in pain: "Howson, it was Mi Xiaoying who did it, and that's her! She ruined me! Help me!"

"No. Casey, Mi Xiaoying, I have been personally staring at each intersection of her car, I personally follow, she doesn't know your route to Fuyuan. Casey, you tell me the truth, you Did you do something?" Howson finally had a brain, didn't believe all of Casey's words.

"I...I..." Casey's words flickered, and he dared not answer directly.

"When is this! Are you still hiding from me?" Howson looked at Casey, what else did he not understand?

Casey must have done something that shouldn't be done!

Casey flew into Hausen’s arms and cried loudly and said: “Hausen, I was deceived by Mi Xiaoying! Oh, I was ruined by her! I can’t marry again. Yin Yu enthalpy! Howson, you want to avenge me!"

"Kathy, what did you really do?" Howson hugged Casey, feeling distressed, gritted his teeth and said: "If you don't tell me the truth, how can I help you?"

"I just... just found some people, thinking... I want to catch Mi Xiaoying on her way to Fuyuan, and then shoot some bad videos to threaten her..." Casey saw that she couldn't escape. I can only tell the truth.

I started to catch Hausen tightly, tears down: "Hausen, I just want to teach her a lesson, I really have no other meaning. Hausen, you help me, I can't be ruined by anyone!"

Howson took a deep breath and couldn't help shouting: "Kathy! Are you crazy? You did this to Mi Xiaoying! Don't you know how powerful Mi Xiaoying is in N City? ?you you……"

"Howson, I just taught her a lesson, and I didn't intend to kill her!" Casey was still stubborn and argued for herself, saying: "But you also saw it! Mi Xiaoying is so treacherous, her people are halfway. Stopped me, she ran away by herself, but I was ruined!"

"Impossible. I have been staring at Mi Xiaoying from the moment I left the house." Howson couldn't help but said: "She hasn't made any phone calls at all, I have seen anyone..."

"Howson, don't you believe what I said? Are you in love with that woman too?" Casey screamed sharply: "You betrayed me?"

"No, I didn't!" Howson hugged Casey quickly, and he was really heartbroken when he saw Casey collapsed.

"Must be Mi Xiaoying! Howson, you want to avenge me!" Casey gritted her teeth and said: "You go and kill Mi Xiaoying! You are a boxer, as long as you take action, Mi Xiaoying will definitely die! "

"Kathy, do you know? If I really kill Mi Xiaoying in N City, neither I nor you can get out of here alive." Howson said calmly: "Are you sure, I want me to kill her now?" "

"I don't care, then you find a way, I want Mi Xiaoying to pay the price!" Casey screamed: "I can't be ruined by her in vain! Howson, you help me, I never asked People, today I beg you, help me!"

"I..." Howson hesitated for a while.

Intellectually, Howson knew very well that he had no chance of winning in a direct match with Mi Xiaoying.

If what Casey said is true, then this is enough to prove that Mi Xiaoying's ability to control the Yin family's forces is strong enough to avoid all risks.

Casey's conspiracy with others is like Guo Ben in front of Mi Xiaoying.

Casey stole the chicken but failed to eclipse the rice, but Mi Xiaoying turned it upside down.

This is probably what the Chinese people said, right?

Therefore, it is impossible for Howson to succeed in a sneak attack.


no kidding.

The Yin family's bodyguard team and secret guards are notoriously tough.

Howson hadn't forgotten that when he was trying to get close to Yin Yuen that day in the junior restaurant of the Yin family group, the person who suddenly appeared was nothing more than flirtatious, and he took the attack with almost 70% of his power.

That person is terrible.

Since Yin Yuenthal has a dark guard by his side, it is sure that Mi Xiaoying's side will not lack protection.

He has only one person, how can he compete with Mi Xiaoying's entire team of dark guards?

But emotionally speaking, Casey is everything to him.

Seeing Casey's painful look and watching the video of her being abused, Howson's heart was broken.

It was true that Casey had never begged him.

But today, she begged.

Howson could hardly refuse Casey's plea.

"Howson, this must be done by Mi Xiaoying! She must be holding a video of me being humiliated! As long as I dare to get closer to Yin Yuen, Mi Xiaoying will threaten me with this video." Casey tightly Holding Howson's hand tightly, he cried and said, "I'm finished, and Yin Yuen and I won't have any chance again. I know I was wrong. After doing this, let's go home, okay? Let's go back to ourselves. Country, never come to this place again, when nothing has happened, live our own life, okay? Howson, you help me take revenge. After I go back, I will explain to my father that we are together, okay? ?"

Hearing what Casey said, Howson was really moved.

Howson deliberately ignored that all the sufferings that Casey suffered were originally arranged by her for Mi Xiaoying.

Mi Xiaoying is just an eye for an eye for a tooth for a tooth.

"Mi Xiaoying is too much, how could she treat me like this! Howson, you have to get this justice back for me!" Casey kept crying, making Howson upset.

"Let me think about it." Howson left Casey in embarrassment and returned to his room.

The photos placed on the table were a group photo of Howson and Casey together when they were young.

When Howson saw this photo, his eyes softened smoothly.

This photo was taken when he was fifteen years old.

Casey at that time was so naive.

What changed Casey?

Make her what she is now?

That Yin Yu Enthalpy is really that good, is it worth her to abuse herself again and again?

Mi Xiaoying, that Mi Xiaoying, with deep thoughts and vicious methods, how could Casey be her opponent?

Casey is so innocent, she just wants to teach Mi Xiaoying a lesson.

How could that Mi Sakura do so much?

Howson clenched his fists.

At this moment, his heart is completely biased.

Hausen, who was sensible and calm on weekdays, finally gradually lost his sanity under Casey's cries.

Howson stood up abruptly, turned and left the room.

Without asking, Howson knew where Mi Xiaoying was now.

Because at this time, a wonderful high-end salon forum is being broadcast live on the huge display in the big square on the roadside.

Mi Xiaoying is one of the lecturers. At this time, she is standing on the huge stage, holding the remote control in her hand, and using the three-dimensional display to tell her philosophy.

Mi Xiaoying, dressed in a warm yellow professional suit, stood on the stage with a light press in her hand. The big screen behind her immediately showed a set of 3D images, and she said: "Everyone, please look at the data comparison behind me. This is this year. The quarter-on-quarter data for the first half of the year. According to big data, the future direction obviously focuses on more detailed user experience and self-improvement psychological needs. And our company's philosophy is precisely aimed at the precise development of this part of customers. Next, I will Focus on introducing our latest concept..."

The camera swept across the auditorium.

All of them were wearing 3D glasses, listening carefully to Mi Xiaoying's narration, taking notes and taking pictures of the information displayed by Mi Xiaoying.

Such Mi Sakura attracts not only Hausen, but also many passersby and audiences around.

"Oh my god, this girl is so beautiful! Which girl is this girl who can participate in such a high-end salon at such a young age?"

"Are you an outsider?"

"Huh? How did you know?"

"Because we locals all know who she is."


"She is Mi Xiaoying, a new goddess in our N city. She was born as a commoner, but with her own efforts, she became the chief special assistant of the Yin's consortium. If she is the chief special assistant, half of the hostess is fine. , She is the girlfriend of the president of the Yin's consortium. It is estimated that it will not be long before she will be the hostess of the Yin's consortium."

"Wow, so inspirational!"

"Well! She is super talented. She has led many big projects, and each project has achieved great success. Don't you know, almost everyone here sees her as their own struggle. Goals. Those who have a daughter at home want to be as successful as her. Those who have a son at home want to marry a girl like this to be a daughter-in-law. Tsk tsk tsk tsk, the peak of life is nothing more than that. But the personality is gentle and kind, and treats others with enthusiasm. , Is simply one of the city cards of our N city."

"Wow, I'm longing for everything! Walk around, let's listen to her."


Hearing the compliments of the people around him, Howson had a moment of clarity in his mind.

Such Mi Xiaoying, he really wants to go...

But when Howson thought that Casey was so scarred and crying, Howson's sanity was shaken again.

Hausen turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

Mi Xiaoying took a coffee, took a break in the pantry, and talked with others about the content of the lecture just now.

At this time, someone came over to say hello to Mi Xiaoying: "Mi Te help, someone is looking for you outside, saying that it is your friend, and an appointment has been made with you."

Mi Xiaoying was startled, then smiled and said: "Okay, thank you, I see."

She didn't make an appointment with anyone.

She has already guessed who it is to find her at this time.

Mi Xiaoying put down her coffee, turned and walked out, with two bodyguards behind her, like a shadow.

Sure enough, as soon as he got outside, he saw the person standing outside the cordon, not someone else, but Hausen.