Cream Flavored Unrequited Love

Chapter 40

Listening to what he said on the phone, Lin Xi sniffed slowly, looked down at the ten buns in his hand dullly, thinking about how to deal with the current situation.

If she called and said these two sentences first, she would feel more confident. But now that Xu Fang came first, it gave her some kind of inexplicable feeling. She shamelessly robbed him of his business.

Then, should she pretend that she is still sleeping?

After all, he showed her hospitality for the first time, and if he saves his face this time, he will definitely never do this kind of thing again. But it's easy to pretend to sleep, but she still has ten meat buns in her hand now, what should I do with this.

Food cannot be wasted.

Lin Xi thought slowly, but didn't reply to him.

Xu Fang thought she had fallen asleep again, and raised her voice higher, urging: "Hurry up."

Lin Xichi still didn't reply, and the whole person's thoughts were still placed in "ten meat buns" and "pretending to sleep". In her, these two concepts are equivalent to "cherishing food" and "giving Xu Fang face". .

The next moment, Xu Fang's volume returned to normal decibels again, and his tone was heavy, calmly, and pressured her with a calm attitude: "Lin Xichi."

Hearing this tone, Lin Xi chimed in an instant, without thinking about it. She licked the corners of her mouth, turned and walked towards her dormitory building, calling him cautiously: "Ass."


"Do you eat meat buns?"


Lin Xi went downstairs to the dormitory while gnawing on the buns, and within ten minutes he saw Xu Fang standing downstairs in her dormitory. He was holding a kraft paper bag in his hand, wearing a black woolen coat and a white collar sweater, and he looked at the door of the dormitory, not looking here.

From this angle, he can only see his profile face, three-dimensional and neat facial features, straight back, and spirit, looking straight and handsome.

Lin Xichi bit something in his mouth, did not call him, walked behind him in silence and touched the tail of his shoe with the toe.

Xu Fang turned back subconsciously.

I saw Lin Xichi looking at him with wide eyes open, not looking like he was just awake, chewing with his mouth, eating the meat buns in his hands.

The weather today is not so good, and the temperature is lower than in the past few days. The sky is dense with clouds. Although there is no rain, the air is full of moisture. A slight breeze will bring a bitter chill.

So Lin Xi didn't wear a lot of late.

She woke up at six o'clock, when the temperature was extremely low, and when she was most afraid of the cold when she first woke up, she was looking for clothes in the dark, and she covered any thick ones on her body.

Lin Xichi couldn't remember how many pieces she had worn. In short, although she was warm now, she was very inconvenient to move, stiff and sluggish, like an elderly man.

Xu Fang looked at her silently.

Lin Xichi noticed his eyes, lowered his head to look at his clothes, and then looked up at Xu Fang's clothes at this time. The two contrasted sharply, one bloated and short, the other tall and thin.

She opened her mouth and ate the last bite of the bun, and then strenuously took out a tissue from her pocket to wipe her mouth.

Throwing the paper towel into the plastic bag, Lin Xichi pulled the scarf down with his free hand and adjusted the position of the woolen cap on his head. Realizing that he was still watching, she couldn't help but say: "It's a bit cold today."

So this time I can’t wear one less dress for your sake. She added something in her heart.

Hearing this, Xu Fang turned on his phone and glanced at it, then whispered, "Nine degrees today."

Lin Xi nodded quickly, trying to find his sense of identity: "Hmm, it's very—" It's cold.

"Seeing you like this." Xu Fang stretched his brows and said lazily, "I thought it was nine degrees below zero."

"..." While entangled whether to regain her demeanor, Lin Xi hesitated and pulled the scarf down again. Before she could take any further action, Xu Fang suddenly stuffed the brown paper bag in her arms. .

Lin Xichi caught it naturally.

Xu Fang raised his hand, half untied her scarf quietly, then re-wrapped it, and knotted it so that half of her face was buried in the scarf, her lacquered eyes were deep and gentle.

Looking at him like this, Lin Xi blinked, her neck shrank, as if she was a little embarrassed.

Xu Fang hadn't worn a scarf very much, so the method of tying a scarf at this time was casual and unfamiliar, which was to wrap it up indiscriminately, looking from a distance as if he was binding a mummy.

Lin Xichi had difficulty breathing, but he was kind, and he was rarely so gentle, and she didn't want to destroy his achievements directly in front of him. And if the scarf is wrapped, it is indeed a lot warmer than wearing it loosely.

Because of these two points, Lin Xichi felt that breathing difficulties could still be tolerated.

After putting it on, Xu Fang took back what was in her hand, took a long leg, and walked straight forward.

Lin Xi paused for a few seconds before trotting to keep up.

After half a minute, Xu Fang slowed down and walked beside her.

After walking for a short distance, Lin Xichi really felt uncomfortable. Even speaking, she was separated by several layers of fabric. She lowered her head dullly, and began to pull the scarf, trying to loosen it.

The next moment, noticing her movement, Xu Fang looked over.


Hearing this, Lin Xichi immediately let go.

Xu Fang's eyebrows are drooping, his eyelashes are as dense and long as a crow feather, and his tone is careless. He looks thoughtful of her, and continues: "Hide your face so that others won't recognize such a swollen person as you. Up."


There is an on-campus supermarket near the dormitory, and there are rows of tables and chairs outside the supermarket for students to use. Lin Xichi wanted to go there, but because of the cold weather, Xu Fang was still dragged to the nearest dining hall.

At this time, early seven o'clock, the dining hall has gradually entered and exited students. It is not the peak period, so most of the seats are empty, and a few students occupy a few tables scattered.

Finding an empty seat, Lin Xichi sat down first.

Xu Fang put all the things in his hands on the table, and then slowly sat opposite her, and reached out to open the knot on the plastic bag containing the meat buns.

A transparent plastic bag with a white paper bag filled with hot meat buns.

Xu Fang didn't think much about Lin Xi's behavior of getting up so early, only that she just wanted to eat meat buns, so she got up early and bought them, and then bought him a copy by the way.

Although he felt that the weight was not right when he carried it, Xu Fang still didn't think too much.

At this time, opening the bag and seeing the layers of meat buns inside the paper bag, Xu Fang's expression changed a little. Although Roubao's size is not big, this amount also made his expression stiff for a few seconds.

Xu Fang frowned slightly: "Why are you buying so much?"

Lin Xi bends his eyes and said as if offering a treasure: "I'll give you food."


"How many did you buy."


"...You have eaten a few."

"One." After finishing speaking, Lin Xichi began to emphasize, with a **** and proud expression, "The rest is yours! I won't fight you, I will buy it for you."

"..." He might die.

Xu Fang closed his eyes, released the contents in his hand, and pulled the kraft paper bag over.

At this distance, Lin Xichi noticed that there was a sign on the kraft paper bag, which belonged to the bakery outside the school. She has been there several times, remembering that the price of a piece of bread is not cheap, it is roughly equivalent to the price of her twenty meat packets.

In the next second, Xu Fang took out two breads and a chocolate cake, and two bottles of milk, and put them in front of her, and said, "Look if you want to eat them."

The bread is thin and long, sprinkled with matcha powder, wrapped in paper, and has a rich aroma. The triangular cake next to it is layered on top of each other, wrapped in the filling, the chocolate sauce flows downward, and the top is dotted with two strawberries.

Even the milk is packed in big and cute glass bottles.

Lin Xichi's original pride disappeared instantly: "..."

How could he live so delicately as a big man.

Lin Xichi compared the two foods on the table, and felt that the nine buns he brought with him seemed to be taken to feed the dog, not at all like the food that should have appeared on the same table.

She lowered her head depressed, feeling that she was eating the breakfast Xu Fang brought, and it was really unfair that Xu Fang had the breakfast she brought. But she couldn't stand the temptation of the cake again, and she slowly picked up the spoon after a battle between heaven and man in her heart.

Xu Fang noticed her expression and curled her lips before picking up the meat buns and eating.

After eating the cakes, Lin Xi looked at the two breads next to him eagerly. Seeing that there were five buns left in front of Xu Fang, he secretly picked one up and chewed.

She left a loaf of bread for him to eat.

I will definitely keep one.

She was so good to him, how could she not leave him good things.

A few minutes later, Lin Xi looked at the last piece of bread eagerly. Noting that there were two buns in front of Xu Fang, she lingered for a while, but still picked up the piece of bread.

After Xu Fang had eaten so many meat buns, he must not eat bread. Lin Xi thought slowly.

She was trying to solve Xu Fang's troubles and ate the bread for his sake, otherwise she wouldn't be able to eat it, and she was actually very supportive.

Although he thought so, Lin Xichi's shame and nervousness came up with every bite of bread after that.

This kind of behavior is really scumbag. There were three of them to eat, and she didn't give Xu Fang a share.

This was a thousand miles away from the gentle offensive she thought.

Xu Fang didn't notice her mental activity. He just thought about how to get rid of the breakfast in front of him. He seldom tried to eat so much for breakfast, but he could barely eat it.

He also thought that fortunately, he didn't buy much breakfast, so Lin Xichi should have eaten it too. If she can't eat it, he should still be able to force it down.

Never thought of robbing her.

After he finally swallowed the last bun, Xu Fang raised his eyes and suddenly noticed that Lin Xichi was staring at him with a faint expression, with a hint of determination.

Xu Fang glanced at her suspiciously and asked, "What are you doing, still hungry?"

Lin Xi didn't reply and asked, "Ass, do you know?"


"I heard others say that the Xu family has a curse since your generation."

Xu Fang frowned, never heard of this legend: "What..."

Lin Xichi interrupted his words.

"If Xu's parents dumped his first love casually." Lin Xichi felt that what he had said was not very good, but he had enough deterrence, so he could only grit his teeth and finish, "From then on, he farts. It will become loud and smelly."
