Cream Flavored Unrequited Love

Chapter 41

The voice just fell.

Not far away there was a student who accidentally dropped the dinner plate on the floor and made a bang, which looked particularly harsh in the slightly quiet dining room.

Lin Xichi's attention shifted to that side, but he quickly recovered, and suddenly noticed Xu Fang staring at her silently, his dark eyes calm.

The thought that had come up to threaten him disappeared instantly, and her guilty conscience increased a little more, and she quietly avoided his sight, bowed her head and packed away the wrapping paper and plastic bags on the table.

Xu Fang thought blankly about what she had just said, completely ignorant of why she started to think that he would dump her on the first day they were together.

This curse was vulgar and naive. It was obvious that she was talking about it casually, full of loopholes, and she wanted him to become scared and nervous after hearing it.

Why is he always looking silly.

Xu Fang was not angry because of this, but he didn't bother to pay attention to her words. He stuffed all the garbage into the kraft paper bag, got up and walked in the direction of the garbage can.

Lin Xi hurriedly followed, holding the bottle of milk and continuing to drink, wondering if the curse was too harsh. She walked behind Xu Fang and slowed down, obediently following him.

The two walked out of the dining hall.

At this time around 7:30, starting from the dining hall to the teaching building, there should be almost the time for class.

Xu Fang had no class in the first period, while Lin Xichi's experimental class was on animal anatomy. Because yesterday I was thinking of giving him breakfast today, she packed up her things last night. At this time, the schoolbag is packed with the books that will be used in class this morning, so she doesn't have to go back to the dorm again.

Silent all the way.

Xu Fang walked in front, Lin Xichi walked behind.

She lowered her head and wondered if she should tell him that the curse she said was false. But Lin Xichi felt that he didn't believe her, and she didn't quite understand why he ignored her.

A few seconds later, Xu Fang suddenly stopped and turned to look at her.

Lin Xi didn't react for a long time, and he didn't have time to stop, because he lowered his head and hit his chest directly.

The force she hit was not small, Xu Fang frowned, but without pushing her away, he looked down. A few seconds later, he stretched out his hand to help her rub her head, and shouted in compromise: "Lin Xichi."


"I've heard of your curse."


He suddenly said such a sentence.

Lin Xi was startled late.


Seeing that the milk bottle in her hand was empty, Xu Fang tugged at the corner of her mouth, took it casually, and learned how she tugged.

"After Xu's first love was found, the curse began to work. For the sake of fairness and to maintain the balance of the world, this curse will also take effect on Xu's first love."

"..." Lin Xi was taken aback by what he said, and asked hesitantly, "Even if I dump you, you will do that?"

"No." Xu Fang pulled her wrist and walked forward, throwing the trash into the trash can on the side. "It's vulgar when you speak."

Xu Fang felt that he had to control her.

Shit on his head, fart is loud and smelly.

Who the **** taught it.

"Oh, this is easy to handle." Lin Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and soon became annoyed again, and began to accuse him, "Then how do I call you in the future? Why did you give me such a name."

"..." Who started it?

Xu Fang's mouth twitched, not wanting to get angry at her, so he watched her struggle all the way.

When she walked to the teaching building, her brows stretched out, as if she had figured it out, and finally opened her mouth.

"Okay." Lin Xi shook his hand late and said happily, "I will call you corpse ratio in the future."


For the next few days, Xu Fang kept listening to her calling him like this. At first he wanted to endure it, but after a long time he couldn't bear it. But even if he got angry, she just paused for a while, and then added two words like to please, calling him.

"Big corpse."

It didn't stop until the momentum passed.

Fortunately, her silly appearance only appeared when the two were alone.

Although Xu Fang was irritated by her for half of the twenty-four hours a day, he actually looked forward to tomorrow after returning to the dormitory every day.

In a blink of an eye, November is coming.

As in previous years, S University invited Z University next door to host a friendly basketball match. Last year, the basketball team from Z big came to S big, this year it was the other way round. The big S team used to participate in the game.

The Sports Department helped contact Z University and prepare vehicles. Because of the large number of people, the Sports Department did not need all of them to follow along. Yu Ze selected a few people by drawing lots and willingly.

With sophomores and juniors, the school basketball team has a total of fifty people.

Freshman players who join the basketball team are basically only third substitutes in the team. In a formal game, the old players are usually queued to play, and the new players generally have no chance to play.

But this time because it was a friendly match, half of the people the captain singled out to participate in the game were freshmen.

Xu Fang is one of them.

On the weekend of mid-November, a group of people gathered outside the school early in the morning, and got on the bus bound for Z. Four people came from the sports department, namely Yu Ze, Lin Xichi, He Ruliang and another girl.

Four people are the most at night.

The location and personnel were arranged in advance, and the seats for forty-eight people were just full.

Lin Xichi got into the car first and walked in the aisle between the seats, observing where there is a place. She squinted her eyes and glanced around, and noticed that the two places in the penultimate row were empty.

She was about to walk over.

Suddenly his wrist was pulled from the side, Lin Xi didn't have any defense, and sat down next to him. She raised her head blankly, and Xu Fang's slightly sleepy face caught in her eyes.

Soon he released his hand, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes to continue sleeping.

Xu Fang seemed to particularly prefer dark clothes. At this time, he was wearing a black jacket and gray sports trousers. The zipper of the jacket was pulled to the top, covering his lips. The hair was drooping down, looking defenseless and well-behaved.

Lin Xi blinked and asked, "Are you sleepy?"

He responded casually: "Yeah."

Lin Xi didn't say anything, bowed his head to organize the messy schoolbag inside.

After a few minutes, it seemed that he had nothing to do, and Lin Xichi began to move. She first played with her mobile phone, and when she found that there was nothing fun, she began to focus on Xu Fang.

"Don't be sleepy." Lin Xi shook his arm slowly, "Ass, don't be sleepy."


"Let's play the game."

After speaking, Lin Xi took out the phone from his pocket and was snatched by him in the blink of an eye, accompanied by impatient words.

"Fart, wait for a motion sickness and throw me up."

"..." She really doesn't know how to ride a car.

After snatching the phone, he continued to sleep with his eyes closed. Lin Xi had nothing to do, so he could only sit on the spot bored and occasionally look at the scenery running backwards outside the window.

After a while, her eyes moved from the window to him unconsciously.

It has been more than two months since the military training, and Xu Fang's complexion was completely pale, but it was different from the morbid whiteness before, and looked energetic and clear. He closed his eyes, his eyelashes were long and dense, like a small brush.

He lived a regular life and was healthy, so he could hardly see dark circles under his eyes, and the color was very light.

Lin Xi looked at him with his cheeks in his hands.

Suddenly found something to kill time.

I do not know how long it has been.

Lin Xichi concentrated on counting his eyelashes, and he had just counted 120. His eyelashes trembled suddenly, making her immediately unable to find her count.

The next moment, his hands were raised, Lin Xichi's eyes were covered by his warm palms, and his head was pushed onto the back of the chair.

She did not react, and blinked.

As if feeling itchy, Xu Fang quickly took his hand back.

Lin Xichi's eyes returned to a bright color, and Xu Fang's eyes were open in front of him, and there was no trace of sleepiness in his eyes, and he didn't feel like he just woke up.

His voice was dumb and lazy: "Don't bother me."

Lin Xichi is innocent: "Why did I bother you? I haven't spoken to you, nor have I met you."

Hearing this, Xu Fang paused, looked at her shining eyes, then raised his hand to block her sight, repeating softly.

"Don't disturb me."


Lin Xichi's vision was blocked by Xu Fang and fell asleep unconsciously. When I woke up again, the car had been parked in Z University, and the students in the car started walking down one after another.

Xu Fang was still sitting next to her. Seeing that she was awake, he stood up and pulled her up.

Noting that Lin Xichi was still in a daze, he silently picked up the schoolbag for her, pulled her wrist and got out of the car.

The car parked at the west gate of Z big.

The Z basketball team sent several people over to pick them up.

Lin Xichi just woke up, still a little unconscious, seeing Xu Fang holding her pink schoolbag in his hand, combined with the dark color of his whole body, it looked very violent.

She tilted her head and was about to take it.

Suddenly there was a bluffing male voice in the ear, very familiar, Lin Xichi's thoughts were slow, and he couldn't remember who it was for a while.

"Damn! Why are you here, Xu Fang! Ah-grandma, are you here too?"

She followed the sound source and looked over.

The boy in front of him was tall and sturdy, with a sturdy head, thin double eyelids and eyes narrowed when he laughed, and his teeth were bright and white against his skin.


Lin Xichi remembered when he saw people.

It is Jiang Zhengxu.

Seeing him, Xu Fang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"I forgot you belonged to this school."

"Hehe, you really have a conscience." Jiang Zhengxu didn't care too much, and was happy to see them. He came over and took Xu Fang's shoulders and smiled, "Let's go, come to the friendly match, I will take you to the gym."

The others had already followed the other members of the Z Sports Department, and at this time the three of them were standing in place.

Lin Xi nodded slowly, took the schoolbag in Xu Fang's hand and put it on his back obediently.

Jiang Zhengxu originally walked beside the two of them. After a while, his shoelaces fell off, so he squatted down to tie the shoelaces. When he looked up again, he suddenly noticed the movements of Lin Xichi and Xu Fang, who had walked ten meters before.

Lin Xi's eyes were sore and sore that he couldn't open them. He half-squinted, and his other hand subconsciously held Xu Fang's wrist, like a child.

Xu Fang's movements paused, and he glanced down at her, twitched her wrist upwards, and freed her hand. When he saw Lin Xichi's inexplicable expression, his eyelids drooped and he held her hand with his palm.


Jiang Zhengxu stood up abruptly, ran to the two of them in three steps in two, and walked backwards: "Damn, I forgot that you two are together."

On the day the two were together, Xu Fang told the whole world.

His roommates, his high school friends, and his parents.

Jiang Zhengxu was the first to know.

Lin Xi rubbed his eyes late, but his brain was still crashing. When she heard this, she hummed and mumbled: "I chased him for a long time, very hard."


Xu Fang frowned and looked at her suspiciously.

The author has something to say:

Chi Chi: 5L of water is heavy.