Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 356

He reinvented the Death King of the blood bath, and even interrupted the weapon that the other party was famous for. Xiong Xiong completed a successful revenge and won a brilliant victory by the way.

Not only that, but because of this battle, he learned a new field of ability, the dead.

In this world, it is necessary to say who is the most profound and mastered in the field of the dead, and certainly not the king of the dead. Even for this, even the contemporary **** of death has publicly acknowledged that he also called on the king of the dead spirit to return to the evil spirits, not to subvert the natural laws of life and death, and said that as long as the king of death is willing to give up the mistakes of the past. Practice, return to the right path, and he is willing to let him sit on the second seat of the death god.

This condition is really good at home, but the Necromancer does not sit in the second position. He wants to be the leader, so this thing will not be done. When Weiye talked to Yan Xiong about this, he once sighed that the King of the Dead is really stupid. To be replaced by himself, he must immediately jump out and hug the thigh of the **** of death...

This time, Xiong Xiong played against the King of the Dead, was burned several times by the black fire, and was hit hard by his wand. He "had a personal experience" to understand his power in the field of the dead spirit, and benefited a lot from it, so he could be after the war. The black fire of the sputum was sucked up and cleaned, and the loss suffered by him was easily restored.

It’s just that his appearance at the moment is a bit horrible, the whole body is dark, and the whole body is even more exudes a strong dead air, which is like being an undead.

He himself realized that the current state was a bit unsatisfactory, smiled, and the body shook a few times. The power of the dead body in the body quickly changed and returned to normal. From the outside, it is a gloomy black jellyfish that fades quickly and turns into a smiling green jellyfish, which looks like a human and animal.

Of course, if anyone thinks that other people are harmless, there is definitely a problem with their brains!

He changed back to the usual appearance, turned around and looked around, regretfully sighed.

When he was dragged by the Necromancer, the believers of the Harvest Goddess were mostly eroded by the power of the Chaos Dragon. Most of them die directly and die, and a small number of undead are singing the songs of the Chaos Dragon, while the body is constantly distorted and transforms toward the devil.

At this point, even Xiong Xiong can't cure it.

Fortunately, there are still some strong or determined believers who still can endure the erosion of the power of Chaos, neither dead nor metamorphosis. They are small in number and are rapidly decreasing, so they are not afraid to delay, rushing to speed up and flying in the direction of these believers.

While flying, be alert.

Although he ran the king of the dead, but Xiong Xiong did not sit back and relax. Instead, he is worried about whether there will be other evil spirits to stop himself. According to his impression, the Death King of Blood Bath should have two companions who are also enemies and friends. One is "Blood Overlord" and the other is "Betrayed Prince." These three evil spirits often act together, but they often attack each other, fully embodying the strange disposition of the evil spirits to the chaos.

Therefore, while he was galloping, he was always alert to the two evil spirits.

The withering hegemon is the double-headed python that is swept in a large number of gods, such as chopping vegetables and cutting vegetables. He seems to have completely failed to notice the defeat of the Necromancer, still roaring and killing, and there is no meaning to stop.

The betrayal of the prince looks like a handsome elf. He is wearing black armor and holding a gray-green heavy sword to walk on the battlefield. He did not deliberately attack the gods, but as long as there was God who dared to approach the scope of his sword, he would not hesitate to send these guys with short eyes back to the resurrection. As for those who attacked him, he sometimes throws a spell at his own hand, and blows those gods into pieces, sometimes raising his hand, and the gods he refers to are often immediately blindfolded, waving weapons toward the side. The companion's clerk--this strange ability is the origin of his "betrayal of the prince".

The king of the blood bath, the widowed king, the betrayal of the prince, these three evil spirits are living in the vicinity of the abyss, and often act together, so they are called the abyss three giants. Although they are not actually abyss monarchs, they are often regarded as powerful abyss monarchs. Many people even think that they will fall completely and become abyss monarchs, and their small world will fall into the abyss. portion.

Yuxiong has already handed over to the King of the Dead, and he has a personal understanding of the power of the Big Three. If it is not a last resort, he definitely does not want to fight with the other two giants, brushing an epic achievement of "continuously defeating the Big Three in the Abyss". To brush such an achievement in the game on earth, you can also boast to the friends of the guild, what is the use of this achievement in this world? Is it used to brag when they drink with Vier?

In order to brag and go to the Big Three in the Abyss, this leather cost is slightly higher, Xiongge said that this business is too uneconomical, although very heart-warming, please let me refuse.

Fortunately, the withering hegemony did not even look at the direction of the male, even if he betrayed the prince, he smiled and looked at him for a while, but then turned his head and continued to walk around there. I don't know what I am thinking about.

It was not until Xiong Xiong completed the entire rescue work that they did not shoot.

The number of people to save this time is much less than just now, and the speed is naturally much faster. After using it for no more than twenty minutes, he searched all the believers who could still be rescued. Therefore, in addition to the gods who are resurrected after the death of the goddess of the goddess of harvest, there are only those believers who are turning into demons.

"Is this all done?" The last harvester who can still be rescued is also included in the body and stored in a small space that is temporarily opened. Although the hero is still looking at the sound, it seems to be deserted. The goddess of the goddess of harvest, gently sighed.

This is a sacred country that has been in business for tens of thousands of years. It once flourished like a big city on earth, but now there are only empty buildings to accompany those who are turning into demons. Once prosperous and lively, it has become a passing sight.

(How vulnerable is the mortal in this world!)

Yan Xiong’s mood suddenly fell a bit. Looking at these empty streets, he couldn’t help but think of the battlefield after the fierce battle on the day when the sun was extinguished.

(When people are alive, they try to believe in the gods. All they ask for is to have a home after death. But in fact, even the gods themselves may not be able to live all the time. Once the gods they believe in are down, they will follow the funeral. .)

He also remembered the "God City" of the original **** of the sun.

The city of clouds is much larger than the area here, and it is also prosperous and powerful. But the city of prosperity and powerful cloud was finally completely destroyed, even worse than here, not even a survivor.

... No, there is a survivor who is currently receiving treatment in his own kingdom of God. He does not know when he can recover and return to the **** of treatment.

(Building the Kingdom of God as strong as possible is perhaps the most correct decision of my life...)

Thinking of this, Xiongxiong couldn't help but smile.

He believes that his own kingdom of God will never be so easily attacked by people to kill the Quartet. Those who live in the kingdom of God will be able to enjoy a peaceful life safely and securely.

(...may not be so calm, let’s say you can play real CS or something else, I am not a person who likes peace!)

Imagine that when the believers were tossed by their own birds, they silently complained that they could not rest in peace. He couldn’t help but laugh.

(In order to let that day come soon, I have to work harder!)

And... Yuxiong thinks that perhaps it is not necessary to take the path of the kingdom of God. What I say is also from the highly developed earth. Although the scientific level is worrying, I have not seen the pork and I have seen the pig walking, and it is also the **** of the most advanced productivity. It is said that even if the world cannot move to communism, Let the people live better, it should be no problem.

Thinking of this, he remembered the **** blast furnace.

(What is the difference? Is it necessary to force me to use expensive materials that are expensive? In that case, there is no way to promote the blast furnace!)

With the ability of Yuxiong, it is possible to make a number of magical refining furnaces full of gifts from the world, but the use of the magical refining furnace itself also needs to consume magic, so it is impossible to popularize.

He has developed a magical furnace that absorbs the free magic of nature and can start it once every time. However, the time interval is a bit long. Even if it is sent to the height of the general mountaintop, it will take about a year to start. Once, it is not enough.

Although it is not a engineering student, but Xiong Xiong has lived on the earth for so many years, how can he not know the key role of steel production in promoting social progress!

The first is to be high-yield, and the second is to be cheap. Only by researching a furnace that meets these two requirements can we promote the productivity of the world and let the people enjoy the benefits.

This backward world is also worthy of the simple people who can bear it!

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard the fierce roar from the edge of the Kingdom of God.

Looking around, Jorge Dedeman did not know when it became a super giant in the sky. Even the logging axe was no longer needed. He was waving his fist and dying with the chaos dragon that also became a monster. Pick it up.

(Hey? Big Brother, is this dry? Is it violent? But how can you run away with only two arms, and the dragon with three heads is hard to see, you will know that you will suffer!)

Yuxiong wondered a bit, then suddenly remembered a big event.

It seems that maybe... just now, the big brother sent a message to himself, want to run quickly?

He was a spirited person, and he quickly leaped without saying anything. The whole body was spinning at a high speed, like a huge green drill bit. Instead of asking for three seventy-seven, he rushed directly toward the edge of the nearest Kingdom of God.

This may be the world's strongest drill bit, which suddenly opened the barrier of the kingdom of God. He did not hesitate to rush out and turned and ran.

He only ran for a while, and there was a loud noise behind him. The **** of justice finally couldn’t stand it anymore. The dragon of chaos flew with his tail, coughing blood and falling out, and fell into the void outside the goddess of the goddess.