Death Notice

v7 Chapter 39: Bureau of Central Bureau

It’s not an easy task to go against the flow of people who have escaped. Cool Rapica pushed the panicked crowd and watched the battlefield in the distance.

The gangs put hundreds of gunmen in the block where the cemetery building is located. However, for the raids of only eight members of the brigade, these armed gunmen with modern rifles and even grenade seem so powerless. I can only watch my companion die from the enemy and keep coming forward.

The battle of this modernized firearms against the ability to read is shown in a very vivid example of what kind of force the world occupies at the top of the food chain, and why it is called the hunter world by the broken starry sky.

"Hey~~" Cool Lapika is running between the phone, the vibration of the phone came from the pocket.

"Qin Lun, have you already reached the battlefield?" Cool Lapika asked a little strangely.

Although he started from the noodle restaurant a little later than Qin Lun, but now it is only ten minutes, and it is not an easy task to pass the flow of people around the battlefield.

"You, boy, you have a chain, why do you have to go to the ground, squeeze it with ordinary people!" Qin Lun looked at the monitor screen and could not help but lick his face.

"Walking the ground can save some women and children who are trampled on the road!" The cool voice of Cool Lapika came from the mobile phone, but it made Qin Lun feel surprised. "Since you have arrived first, then you can see Parker and Are there two preparatory targets for the droplet?"

"Cool Rapicka, have you seen the sewer cover on your left?" Qin Lun said slowly. "Go down, I will arrange the manpower under the ‘Ten Old Head’ and he will take you to the ambush.”

“Well?” Cool Lapika turned his head and saw that there was a manhole cover on the ground in front of his left front. He suddenly had a blue vein on his forehead. “You guys are hiding in a monitoring room like the previous few times, using us as tools. ,right?"

"Since you have chosen to cooperate with me, isn't this already realized?" Qin Lun chuckled and admitted it very simply.

"What about the melody?" Cool Rapica endured anger and said indignantly.

"I will inform her that you will take time to act, and if you miss the opportunity, you will not have it again." Qin Lun glanced at the screen and began to say something seriously.

“Hey!” Cool Lapika leaned over to open the manhole cover and climbed the hoistway with a rusty ladder.


"Mr. Rappaika, please come with me!" Qin Lun did not lie this time. The young man was just down to earth. In the dark sewer, a flashlight beam hit his face.

"This is not the direction of the cemetery building!" With the black man walking in the dim sewer for a few minutes, Cool Lapika frowned.

"Oh, don't worry, we will turn a sigh in front of us, we will arrive." The black man smiled back.

As the man in black said, after turning over the mouth, a more spacious ramp appeared in front of the two, and even a few incandescent lamps were installed on the ramp wall to illuminate the ramp.

However, Cool Lapika looked at the martyrdom in front of him, but he rounded up his beautiful big eyes and was shocked with disbelief.

This ramp is not a sewer at all. There is a driveway in front of them that is about three meters wide and has railroad tracks. There is also a simple locomotive head with a searchlight in the driveway. From the condition of the dusty and spider webs, this is an abandoned subway.

"The city government of Yorktown City wanted to build a subway directly to the capital. But because Yorktown belongs to the Gobi terrain and the underground is hard rock, the difficulty of the project is beyond everyone's imagination. The plan was finally abandoned. ”

The black man with the road introduced with emotion: "If it wasn't for Mr. Qin Lun's inquiry, we couldn't think of this abandoned underground subway ramp in this block. In addition, this simple locomotive is us. The “borrowing” from the out-of-town mining area was originally used to pull the iron ore produced by the mine.”

"...What does he want to do?" Cool Lapika's face is still a bit stunned, and it is impossible to understand and digest the vast amount of information in the incoming ear.

"Mr. Rappaika, please wear an oxygen mask first, so that you can cover up our breath!" The black man reached out and handed the boy a mask and pointed to the locomotive opposite. "After getting on the bus, I will explain to you, avoiding Let the members of the brigade know about us.

("Circle": The high-level joint application technique of "wrapping" and "practicing" allows the gas to expand outwards in its own right, and can detect intruders within the scope of anger, including underground.)

After getting on the bus, I saw that Cool Lapika still stared at myself without hesitation. The black man smiled and explained: "Mr. Qin Lun is a genius, or a genius of crime!"

The man’s eyes glowed and inadvertently revealed a bit of enthusiasm. “He told us when planning, the Mirage Brigade is very strong. If you are in the plains, any one of them will be able to destroy hundreds of this block. Gunners. However, the Mirage Brigade also has two irreparable weaknesses!"


As the brigade slowly moved closer to the cemetery building in all directions, the sound of gunfire and explosions became more intense. Despite the natural cover of houses and cars, hundreds of gangster gunmen are still devastated, and the battlefield has been pushed to a distance of more than 100 meters from the cemetery building.

"Hey!" Franklin, who is a huge body, showed his hands and his machine guns in this battle played a far greater killing effect than other members of the brigade. The powerful cannons almost ignored the cover in front of the gangsters and shot them one by one.

Surprisingly, there are several gangsters who are also wearing black suits next to him. It seems that there are also several traitors inside the gang.

However, Franklin had a defense of the mind, these gangsters did not, and soon they were shot into a sieve in the counterattack and fell in a pool of blood.

"Ah, all are broken, but also to catch a few!" The knight jumped down from a big tree by the road, and the gangsters who were opposite each other were the ones under his control.

"Boom!" At this time, there was a dull explosion in the street where Franklin and the knight were located. A small building on the right side fell down and slammed into the two.

"Oh, is that the little hand of the black hand?" Franklin smiled and shook his body, and easily avoided a lot of gravel. For the brigade, the attack seemed too pediatric.

What's more, they had encountered such an intensity of explosion attack on the periphery before, even if it was suddenly, it would not be hurt.

"It seems that he is a poor man. I don't know why the head of the team and you all value him so much!" Franklin waved the dust from his hand. "Knight... 咦? knight!"

Franklin suddenly looked awkward, he couldn't feel the breath of the knight, and suddenly ran two steps to the position of the Sunshine Boy.

"Damn!" Looking at the huge deep pit on the ground in front and the faint squat underneath, Franklin instantly widened his eyes.

"Boom!" Just as Franklin wanted to jump into the pit and rescue the knight. The left side of the street sounded a huge explosion at the right time, and another house collapsed, but this time it was not against Franklin, but the deep pit on the ground.

"Hey!" This collapsed house almost completely filled the deep crater of the ground, completely cutting off Franklin's pursuit.

"This... **** ~~" Franklin's face changed greatly. When he recalled his own words, he finally understood why the head and the knight were so jealous of the black hand, and the price was another companion!


"The first weakness of the brigade is that their number is too small. Even if they have extremely strong ability to read, but more than ten people in the district can not control the entire battlefield, the lack of response to emergency situations and rescue capabilities."

The man in black stared at the knight who was chained into a scorpion in the car, and continued, "As long as you have paralyzed them in the early stage, you can use the same means to create a fighting first!"

"You are the black hand hidden behind the scenes!" The knight seemed to be completely unaware of the crisis. He still smiled with a smile in the sun. He glanced at the chain and asked the man in black. "So what are our other weaknesses?" ?"

In the mind of the knight, it is not as calm as the face. Just now he has escaped the fallen building, but he did not expect the ground underneath to collapse at the same time, so that he could not respond at all.

This is a chain trap!

After the subway ramp was dropped, although the knight had already made a defensive movement, but the body had not yet landed, the darkness was a "squeaky" sound, and it was **** by a silver chain.

"Of course I am not Qin..."

"Shut up!" Cool Lapika interrupted his companion coldly Although he did not like Qin Lun, he was not willing to let the brigade get the true identity of the youth.

"Your second weakness is the origin of Meteor Street!" Cool Lapika faintly glanced at the knight, and unconsciously flashed a glimpse of someone's admiration. "To fight for survival all the year round, you have more than ordinary people." The will and fighting ability also make you accustomed to getting something for nothing.

It is a pity that unscrupulous robbery will make you disdain or not take the initiative to learn real military knowledge, especially the three-dimensional war in modern cities, thus ignoring the threat from the air and underground outside the 'circle'! ”

"And when the enemy gets the killer who can kill or capture you, this first hand becomes the key to destroying you!" The black man looked at Cool Lapika meaningfully and said with a bit of pride. "The gentleman knows a small amount." Explosives can't hurt you, but he still uses explosives. Have you never thought about why?"

"He has been laying down tonight's game since then." Hearing the man in black, the knight and the cool lapica were discolored at the same time.