Death Notice

v7 Chapter 40: Cross story line

"Mr. Qin Lun, I have already received that person, and I am waiting for you at the 3rd clubhouse!" The gangster deputy who had sent out before pushed the door and stood behind Qin Lun and said softly.

"Well, it's very good, here I will hand it over to you, and all the sites will be destroyed after the detonation." Qin Lun blinked and stood up from the monitor screen. The killer in his hand is only Cool Lapika. Since he has already caught a member of the brigade, the plan for tonight is a great success.

Qin Lun took a felt hat and put it on his head, and erected his collar and walked out of the house. However, he did not leave the alley where the dwelling house was located, but instead came to the end of the scroll, where there is a tall and strong wall.

This wall is the back wall of the building in the adjacent block. Qin Lun turned left and the black iron chain hangs on the side of the body, and a hand shakes the wall and passes over it. After passing through a building, he left the block where the cemetery building was located, and the gunshots in his ears went away.

Just down to earth, there were several police cars galloping on the avenue in front of Qin Lun, and the siren police lights screamed into one. The Mirage Brigade besieged the cemetery building for half an hour, and the military and police system in York City has long been a mess.

The reason why I arrived now is not to blame them. One party is a powerful gang of gangs, and the other is a thief who is superior in force. Wanting to intervene in the war between the two, the local military police in York City is really unsuccessful, and it is already very good to be able to rescue the innocent people.

Qin Lun lowered the felt hat and squatted, waiting for the police car to pass by, and then walked toward a small hotel opposite the avenue. This small hotel is the property of a local gangster who was requisitioned by the representative of the "Ten Old Man", but he himself is not sure what to do.

Most of the assets belonging to the gangsters have underground shelters. Qin Lun has arranged seven or eight places for the "Ten Old Man" and disrupted the number. At the last minute, no one knows which shelter the youth will use.

Seeing Qin Lun walked into the main entrance, the gangster who disguised himself as the lobby manager immediately handed him a bunch of keys. Qin Lun nodded to him and took the key and went straight upstairs.

After arriving at the second floor, Qin Lun opened the inconspicuous room at the end of the corridor with the key. However, he just opened the door and a little cold rushed straight toward him.

“Hey!” Qin Lun looked at the trembling fruit knife on the door frame and didn’t greet the man in the room. “Hey, Rand, I kindly let you avoid the battlefield, you will entertain me!”

"Hey, you can have a good heart to blame." Rand calmed his face and took a bite of the freshly cut apple. He said faintly, "Let's say, what are you looking for in the end, isn't it good that well water does not make river water?" ”

"Don't tell me, you can't think of it?" Treating Rand, who is also a murderer, Qin Lun did not have a clever statement. He asked very directly, "Is your main line completed?"

"Complete, I got the hunter license!" Rand hesitated, or chose to bluntly, after all, he and Qin Lun's main line plot should not directly conflict, "However, my main line mission income is too small, I intend to use The rest of the time to complete a branch story."

Rand was quite dissatisfied with the discourse, and apparently was not satisfied with the arrangement of the broken starry sky. Ordinary apostles will be happy as long as they can complete the main line in the mission world. Only the perverts such as Rand and Qin Lun will pick and choose, and the danger is not enough. The reward for the task is not rich enough.

"Your branch story is in York City?" Qin Lun touched his chin without any help.

“Yeah!” Rand’s eyes flashed slightly and he asked, “I heard that you have a deep relationship with the local gangs?”

"Yes, you know that I joined the yin beast, and the yin beast organization is actually the behind-the-scenes force of the gang of the world." Qin Lun said faintly, and closed his mouth tightly.

Rand stared at Qin Lun no longer talking, and the latter only looked down at his white hands and nails, as if a beautiful flower had grown on it, and suddenly the room was in a strange silence.

"Our mission story must have a cross, what do you want?" Rand was silent for a long while, and finally took the lead.

"Let me see your branch story!" Qin Lun looked up and said with a smile.

"Fart, why don't you show me the task first!" Rand squinted and rolled his eyes.

"My is the main line, yours is the branch line, the importance is not the same!" Qin Lun did not hesitate to wave his hand, "We signed the soul contract, not to mention, you also think that our mission does not directly conflict, of course, you must first give Be sincere."

Rand's face was inconspicuous, and he finally sighed and showed his own branch story. Qin Lun is right, the main line is not completed, the starry sky is extremely heavy, and the branch task is not punished. The two cannot be compared.

However, let Randan be willing to show the content of the task first, or because he is asking for Qin Lun. Although the fireworks have successfully completed the main task, in fact, the current branch story is the most important reward for him.

Rand’s process of obtaining a hunter’s license is quite tortuous, but it’s always a surprise, the task is not too high, and the rewards are certainly not too many. However, when he became a hunter, he discovered that the system of ability to read is the most worthwhile reward in the world.

It’s just that he is not the same as Qin Lun, or that he is different from all murderers. Fireworks Rand kills people by bombs and arson. The **** scenes they have seen are not too many. There is no such thing as the killing of Joey, and there is no Hansen’s will to fight from the battlefield.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult for Rand to acquire the ability to read, and perhaps the broken starry sky has measured this point, so he has been guided to a branch story about his ability to read. The story of this branch is very weird, asking Rand to go to Yorktown to find a bronze statue of Ahula Mazda of Zoroastrianism.

It stands to reason that it is not difficult for a person like Rand to find something in the presence of a target. However, after all, Rand is not an ordinary person. He vaguely predicted that there will be hidden difficulties in this task.

As soon as he received the mission, he quickly rushed to Yorktown at any cost. He had thought that this thing would be harder to find. He did not expect that he had just asked a few people and got the whereabouts of this bronze statue of Ahula Mazda, an antique item to be auctioned at the auction.

Rand came to Yorktown on September 2nd. When he heard the news of the bronze statue, he immediately decided to sneak into the auction at night and steal the bronze statue.

For a long time in Yorktown, he already knew that the auction was organized by gangs around the world.

The best choice was to wait for the bronze statue to be auctioned first and then robbed halfway, so that you don't have to be on the gang of the world. However, Rand has a faint worry, he is afraid of long night dreams, so he would rather offend the gang, but also directly during the auction.

"Ha ha ha!" Qin Lun read the rand's mission, it was a burst of laughter.

Rand’s fears were right. All the collections in the auction had long since disappeared with the direct yin beasts, and all fell into the hands of the Mirage Brigade. In other words, no matter how early the fireworks start, he could not find the bronze statue of Ahula Mazda at the auction.

"What are you laughing at?" Rand's face was a bit dark. "What about your main line mission?"

He saw a gun battle like a battlefield near the cemetery building. He knew that things were definitely not that simple, and his plans were likely to have failed. Otherwise, he will not give up his actions, and the gangsters sent by Qin Lun will come to this small hotel.

When Qin Lun’s eyes turn, Rand’s current mission is in the hands of the brigade, but this does not mean that Fireworks Rand must have the same front with him. To know that Rand's cover-up identity is also a Meteor Street thug, as long as the hunter is sold to the brigade, it may not be possible to get the bronze statue.

"I don't want you to say that my main task is a killing mission. There are two enemy camps. I can't show you the task before you have the same front with me." Qin Lun said with a chuckle, "but I am sure to help you get the bronze statue, on the condition that you sign a soul contract with me and fight against me."

Rand squinted and looked at Qin Lun silently.

Qin Lun knew that it was impossible to let Rand hands only by words. He smiled and turned one hand and took off the earthen dragon lizard. He lost it to him. "If you finally can't get the bronze statue, then This piece of leather is even the compensation I paid."

"Purple gold leather armor?!" Rand smashed, and the leather armor in his hand fell into meditation. He can see that the earth dragon lizard leather has a minimum value of 200,000 and 300,000 broken crystals. Even if it cannot compare with the ability system, it also indirectly proves Qin Lun’s sincerity.

"How?" Qin Lun asked with a smile.

"Okay, a word is fixed!" Seeing the sincerity of Qin Lun, Rand decisively threw the leather armor and threw it back to him.

The apostle's master was not dead. He couldn't use the leather armor. It was impossible to put it in the storage space. If Qin Lun dies, this thing will only be taken away by the broken starry sky, and the **** Rubik's Cube may not be able to draw the leather armor.

After re-signing a soul contract with Rand, Qin Lun sneered at the main task and the facts.

After listening to Qin Lun's retelling Rand's face suddenly black as the bottom of the pot, light from the strength of the Mirage Brigade and the meteor street, he knew that the young pit.

There is no signing of a soul contract to join the hunter's side camp. He actually has a lot of ways to get bronze statues from the brigade. After all, for the brigade, it was just a less important antique.

Of course, this also means that it must be hostile to Qin Lun. From this aspect, the current choice is not unacceptable. Rand is just not angry and is used by Qin Lun.

"Oh, you are afraid!" Qin Lun looked at Rand in a provocative manner.

"Hey, there are opponents like the brigade that are really enjoyable. However, you are pitted, but it is different!" Rand sullenly, said unceremoniously, "I explained in advance that I have my own way. I won't listen to your instructions."

"With you, with you!" Qin Lun said with a smile, "But, do you want to go with me to meet the members of the brigade you just caught!"

Ps: Hey, interested book friends can check out the "Zoroastrianism", which is a real religion. After checking it out, I know that Rand wants to have a system of reading ability, and why he needs the bronze statue.