Douluo See You For a Long Time

v1 Chapter 1648: poor and rich country

The aristocratic plot of Da Luoli is not particularly serious, so the people who can listen to it more or less nodded and said, "If it's something cheap ordinary people use, the output of this country is indeed very high. .

Even the weapons used by the spirit masters are also produced here in large quantities. As far as wealth is concerned, the total wealth of this country may not be very small.

But only wealth, without the power to protect wealth, this country will eventually decline. They persecute the nobles so much, and you will definitely lose people's hearts if you treat the soul master with such an attitude.

There will be no soul masters willing to come to their country, and there will be no more strong ones born here. Before long, the national strength of this country will decline rapidly. At that time, the failure of any foreign war may lead to their collapse. "

The evil-eyed tyrant master is noncommittal about this. He has not personally understood the high-end combat power of the Dou Ling Republic, so he will not draw conclusions casually. Since it can support such a huge territory as an empire, there should be some trump cards.

As for whether these trump cards can stand up, and the loss of soul master talents, it is unclear.

But one thing is beyond doubt, this country is very rich, very rich, so rich that everyone in the country can live and work in peace and contentment.

"Go to sleep! Have you brought your game compartment with you? You have to go on your way tomorrow." Just as the evil-eyed tyrant master wanted to say this, what did Da Luoli suddenly realize?

"When I said that, I remembered a problem. The Dou Ling Republic blocked the information from the outside world. When I played the game live, they couldn't see it! This time I happened to be here! I have to go to the Internet cafe to broadcast it."

There are public game warehouses, but in Dou Ling Republic, these game warehouses are not very popular, because everyone can go to the civilized space for entertainment.

At night, you can experience the thrill of leading your tribe to develop at a high speed in a civilized space. Many people have entered the feudal era, and of course, some people have completely collapsed the system established in the feudal era.

We have to start from the archives of the original society and start to re-explore the way forward.

Huo Yuhao had already developed into the early stage of the Iron Age, and after the first expedition started, he had almost completed the integration of the Great Chaos.

It's a pity that this part of knowledge is not very meaningful to him, and can't provide him much help in reality?

But other people are different. Although it is only knowledge in primitive society, in order to live more comfortably in the dream world, these people also try to improve technology. In reality, it is only what is learned in books. Got the opportunity to practice in the civilized space. For them, the knowledge learned is very useful.

This is also one of the important reasons for the rapid prosperity of the Douling Republic. Large numbers of citizens learn rapidly in civilized spaces. Adapted to many industrial skills, you can even exercise the proficiency of your own skills in civilized space.

In a short period of time, a large number of skilled workers have been cultivated, and the literacy rate has skyrocketed. After all, after returning to the primitive era, everyone will have a desire to create characters, but how can they create characters if they are not literate?

In order to force this to complete the installation. Countless illiterate workers began frantically tutoring, and eventually became proficient in reading and writing while creating characters in a civilized space.

Literacy is one of the most important qualities of a qualified worker, which will greatly improve the efficiency of the operation of the factory. With such convenient learning and entertainment tools, the number of people who use the expensive game room will be less and less.

Dai Luoli is a loyal fan of the game warehouse. He has entered the civilization space relatively few times. He built a palace for himself in the primitive era, and basically raised the civilization to the level of farming and put it there.

Although the number of people using the game warehouse has decreased, there are still many Deluoli fans among the soul masters, who are still faithfully waiting for his live broadcast every day. The Soul Fighting Master complained about not being able to see his live broadcast.

This time, when I came to the Internet cafe, Dai Luoli noticed that the price of Internet access here is very low. What is interesting is that ordinary people who are not soul masters come here to surf the Internet.

Compared with the decisive battle on the top of the Forbidden City, more and more people are inclined to civilized space, but the number of netizens in the Douling Republic seems to be more than the other three empires, which sounds strange, but the reason is also Very simple, that is, people here can afford the Internet.

The game warehouse built for soul masters is naturally expensive. Even in facilities such as Internet cafes, the rental price is too expensive compared to the income of ordinary people.

At least in the other three empires, but in Dou Ling Republic, the price of Internet access seems to be a little too low, and even ordinary people can connect to the Internet and enter the game warehouse.

Out of curiosity, Dai Luoli couldn't help asking the network manager here: "Why is the price of Internet access here so cheap? I see that many workers have come to the machine."

"You said this! On the one hand, the domestic workers are relatively rich, and the recent policies have been good, and the wages paid in the factories are relatively high. On the other hand, the domestic machines are actually the same as the foreign ones. is actually the monkey version.

At present, except for the core components, other components of the game warehouse can be produced domestically. Only the core components are outsourced, so that the price can be much lower. You only need to find the Party of Order to buy the core, put it in the shell, and then The function of the normal game can be realized. In terms of performance, there is a little difference, but it has almost no impact on the internal game, and there may be some problems when browsing the web.

If you are a professional player, then you can go to the competition area over there, where all the original game warehouses are. You can try the feel of the regular version and decide whether to change it or not. "

Dai Luoli touched his nose: "Can you even build a game warehouse yourself? It seems that the Dou Ling Republic's technology is already very high." He remembered that the Sun Moon Empire tried to imitate the game warehouse without success. It is not clear whether it is stuck on the core component, or even the external equipment has not been successfully copied.

"Give me a machine in the competition area! For the live broadcast tonight, I still have to pick one that feels better."

"Okay! No. 079, show me the ID card."


Gu Rang

This time the broadcast was launched, and there was no final match against the Forbidden City. Last season just ended, Dai Luoli won the 11th place on the entire server. For him, it is a good ranking, and it is not a disappointment. to his fans.

Right now in a foreign country, he just started a matching live broadcast. thinking here. Can't connect to outside network. There shouldn't be a lot of audience. So it's more casual. It doesn't matter if you are going to show off a bit of a show, it doesn't matter if the car rolls over, anyway, after leaving this country, no one can laugh at him in the comment area.

He came up to steal the house with one hand, and it was also his best way to play. It was considered that he had learned Huo Yuhao's modified technology tree, and modified the initial mining robots into attack types, killing them when the opponent had just opened the base and had not produced any equipment. past.

Originally, facing the initial harassment of the base's defense tower was enough to solve the problem, but De Luo Li relied on his coquettish position to avoid the tower's powerful cannonball, and a self-exploding car rushed into the enemy's. Ore Refinery, it took less than ten minutes to solve the game. The dialogue in the game is full of scolding mothers on the opposite side.

Apparently it was ended like this, it was too lack of game experience.

Dai Luoli ran out of his own show, glanced at the popularity of his live broadcast room, and was stunned. The popularity was three or four times higher than usual. Usually, the popularity of the live broadcast room is 5,000, which is already very good. After all, soul The number of teachers is not large. Five thousand is still water. It is not five thousand real people, but the system has enlarged the number of people.

This time, he has 20,000 popularity. The number of netizens in the Douling Republic far exceeds his imagination. This is because his fan base here is not enough. If he often broadcasts live here, he might even have more than 50,000 popularity. possible.

"Tsk! Although there are many people, they are all a bunch of poor ghosts! The reward is only 1/3 of the usual way." Dai Luoli muttered in his heart, but he would definitely not say it, after all, no one wanted to give up Fans, on the bright side, fans must be treated like uncles.

Although everyone doesn't give many rewards, I have to say that the barrage is still very active, and it is much denser than before. It is still very refreshing to see all kinds of **** and awesome content on the barrage.

"This is awesome? You wait! I'll give you the whole big job!" Dai Luoli is also very enthusiastic. Anyway, he will be leaving in a few days, so he's not afraid of embarrassment and all kinds of possible mistakes. The show's actions were all shown in the live broadcast room.

Although it is inevitable that there will be a few mistakes, the effect of each program is very good. The saying in the barrage is that this person is obviously very strong, but he chose the most barrage style.


After the live broadcast all night, Dai Luoli had some pretty good impressions of this newly established country, at least the concept of flickering behind closed doors was greatly improved.

Early the next morning, he had it locally and went straight to sleep. The evil-eyed tyrant master controlled his body and continued to take the car to his destination, Douling City, the largest soul tool trading market in Douling Republic.

The evil-eyed tyrant, who controlled the body while Dai Luoli was sleeping, couldn't help but think about a question. He seemed to have found a way for everyone to live in harmony with the soul beast, that is, the two souls alternately control the body.

People always sleep. In this case, it is enough to take over the shift while sleeping, which is just fine. You don’t need to waste time to sleep. It just kills two birds with one stone.

It's just that doing so seems to have to face quite a few ethical issues. To give the simplest example, if Da Luoli has a girlfriend, and the evil-eyed tyrant dominates his body, he pretends to be exactly the same as he usually does. Dating with his girlfriend, eating, watching a movie, and opening a room... the consequences are unimaginable.

These are just wild thoughts. It is impossible for the vast majority of spirit masters to be like Dai Luoli, when he fell asleep without heart and soul, and completely handed over the control of his body to his spirit ring.

The evil-eyed tyrant ruler even suspects that if this guy is not playing games, he will hand over the control of his body to himself all day long, so he is really entrusted by the spirit ring?

"Fuck?" This was the only word that Dai Luoli could express his emotions when he saw Dou Lingcheng.

If he saw the cities that had the same architectural style and looked a bit rustic, he also felt that although ordinary people were rich in this country, there were really no surprising wonders.

Now his thinking has completely changed, the word steel jungle appeared in his mind, the same scene is probably only comparable to Mingdu, but Mingdu is a super city that was built over thousands of years. It took less than a year for the city to change from the original capital of an ordinary empire to the steel jungle it is today.

There are many high-rise buildings and neon lights flashing. Entering this city is like entering another world. The streets are clean and A large number of vehicles pass through it. In the outside world, it is still a rare soul car, on the streets of the city. Densely packed and even in some ancient building areas, road planning is not perfect, and congestion will also occur.

Dai Luoli only felt a sense of confusion in time and space, and finally realized that this place is not a backward place for outside publicity at all, but one of the most prosperous areas on the mainland.

Following the flow of people, he came to the destination of his trip, which was the largest soul tool trading market in the city, and even the largest soul tool trading market in the entire continent.

Although the Sun Moon Empire was the birthplace of soul tools, and had mastered the cutting-edge technology of the soul guide world, in terms of production, it was absolutely incomparable to the Dou Ling Republic. Today, more than 90% of the soul tools in the whole continent are available. , are produced by the Dou Ling Republic. Although the Sun and Moon Empire is somewhat wary of its own technology being copied, but because the outflows are all low-end products, they do not show how high-end technology, so they do not pay too much attention. .

After really coming to the market, Dai Luoli wandered around the dazzling soul tool specialty store, and soon discovered that the soul tool here was much cheaper than the ones sold outside. In a sense, it was already the price of cabbage.

"Hi... How many soul tools did they produce! This price? A third-level soul gun, only needs fifty gold soul coins? This is just like picking it up for nothing!"

While Dai Luoli was surprised, the evil-eyed tyrant was also very surprised. He still knew a lot about soul tools. After all, he had reached an agreement with a tenth-level soul teacher, Death God Douluo Ye Xishui.

But what he understood was the power and expensiveness of soul tools. The prices of these commodities in front of him did not match his perception at all, and they were too cheap.

【To be continued】

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~