Douluo See You For a Long Time

v1 Chapter 1649: Soul Guidance Movement

Although the evil-eyed tyrant master doesn't know how to make soul tools, he can be regarded as an expert in appreciation. He has seen all kinds of high-end and low-end soul tools. Even the highest level tenth-level soul tool on the continent, he has also experienced the power.

The power is not bad, and it has almost caught up with his own level A effect. This is already quite high attack power for a man-made weapon.

As for those low-end soul tools, when I came into contact with members of the Holy Spirit Cult, I inevitably came into contact with them, so I naturally had a concept about the price of these things.

The price of the goods in front of him was really too cheap, which was beyond his comprehension range, and he couldn't help but feel that these were fake goods, so he took over the control of Delori's body.

Dai Luoli also subconsciously agreed with his decision, consciously choosing to let the other party take over his body.

The evil-eyed tyrant master patted the soul tool on the counter of the store: "Can you take this out and try it? I want to buy it in large quantities, but how about trying the power first?"

"No problem, of course, all the weapons here can be tried, but those one-time custom-made mixers cost money to test. Those of us who run small shops also have costs, and those shells are still quite expensive. , Impossible, just let anyone try it."

The evil-eyed tyrant master nodded, he understood the truth, custom-installed soul tools are more expensive than ordinary soul tools, and naturally it is impossible for buyers to consume them at will.

The store owner took him to a shooting range in the trading center, where many marriages were testing the soul tool they wanted to buy. The shopping mall specially designed this shooting range for testing.

About 50 meters away, there is a row of targets, but these are the closest rows. If you want to test weapons with longer ranges, there are 100m, 200m or even 500m in the back row. This is an outdoor shooting range, so you can Designed very far.

These boards are all mechanical replacements, so there is no need to worry about hurting the staff when shooting. There are also destructive tests on the other side of the field. There are silicone dummies for sale to buyers to try destructive tests, and there are also disposable boards, iron armor, etc. Protective gear was used to test the defense capabilities of these weapons.

However, these destructive tests all cost money. Even if the cost of these ordinary dummies and the like is far from that of the Soul Guidance Device, the amount consumed every day is so large that the free test cannot be afforded.

The evil-eyed tyrant master first controlled Delori to the shooting range and tried long-distance precision shooting. The goal of his purchase of weapons this time was to buy a weapon that could equip the army in large quantities and had a long range.

It can consume shield energy from a long distance with the army of the Sun and Moon Empire. Although the linked soul shield is powerful, it will inevitably consume soul power when it is attacked. Whose soul power is deeper.

Perhaps the loss of the attacking side will be greater, but the attack that the defending side will receive is not only the attack of the soul master. Long-range weapons such as siege catapults that can be operated by ordinary people can also consume their soul power. .

Especially after the shield is turned on, the protection range will be particularly large. A weapon such as a catapult can easily be aimed at the shield for projection. In this way, as long as the spirit masters on the side of the Star Luo Empire can carry out long-distance without casualties Consumption, the degree of spirit power consumption of the two sides is almost the same, and this reflects the advantages of the country on the Douluo side.

In terms of the quantity and quality of soul masters, the Soul Master Legion of the Sun Moon Empire cannot compete with the Soul Master Legion after all. In this long-range consumption, if the soul power is exhausted, there will be no soul power on either side. In this case, killing a soul teacher is as simple as killing a chicken.

Especially on the side of De Luo Li, there are also brutal ordinary people warriors. After the enemy's shield is broken, you can rush in. Inflict terrifying casualties on the enemy.

The biggest requirement of the evil eye tyrant master for the weapon he purchased this time is that it has a long enough range, and the loss of power after hitting the target is small.

It doesn't matter if the power of a single shot is a little smaller, and it is not a problem if it is larger and inconvenient to carry. Anyway, it is only used to consume the opponent's soul power. Everyone was separated by a thousand meters, talking trash to each other and draining each other's soul power. No one could do anything about the other. When the soul power of the Soul Master Legion of the Sun Moon Empire was exhausted, the outcome would be decided.

The soul guide gun in front of me, according to the description of the merchant, has an effective range of about 500 meters and a maximum killing range of more than 1,200 meters. It can be seen that the muzzle of this weapon is quite floating. There's still power, but it's hard to target opponents.

For this, the evil-eyed tyrant does not mind very much, can't aim at people, can't he aim at such a big shield? If all of these can't be hit, then the soldier is probably either blind or Parkinson's, and there is no need for such a person to stay in the army.

After arriving at the shooting range, he aimed at the distant target and hit the board five hundred meters away with one shot. The distance of half a kilometer makes the firearm lose a certain level of accuracy, and only hits around the target, but this is enough. It can be seen from the power of the weapon that it can easily penetrate the wooden target. At this distance, this weapon is suitable for The human body still has a pretty good killing effect.

Then there are the more distant targets, aiming at more than 1,200 meters away. Those more distant targets will shoot indiscriminately without considering the target, as long as the hit position is probably within a range.

Indiscriminate shooting, there are still a few shots that hit the target, and they are basically blinded. After all, no one can judge which way the gun is floating when shooting.

Relying on his powerful forces, he observed the damage on the target. The damage was a little smaller than that of the shot at a close distance, but it was not much smaller, indicating that the loss of the attack in the air was very small, which basically satisfied his expectations. battlefield needs.

After the test, he repeatedly asked the boss about the price of this soul tool, and after getting a low price that made him unbelievable, he couldn't help but ask again and again. For fear of where the boss set a trap.

"Are you an out-of-towner? Only out-of-towners are so nervous when they buy our soul tools. You may not know our output, so you don't understand why we sell them so cheap.

These things are just ordinary products for us, and they have always been very cheap in China. It's like I use soul tools at home, soul tools for lighting, hot water, heating, air conditioners, refrigerators, all of which are soul tools, and I'm not a rich person in this country. Most people who can release their soul power can afford these consumptions.

It's not that the commoners can't afford to buy these devices, it's just because they don't have soul power, and the soul power transmission network in the city has not been fully built. These things are not very convenient to use, which makes them choose to give up the purchase.

The production requirements for your military products are more stringent, and the production process is more complicated, but if you put them in China, the price will not be much higher than the soul tools we use every day. "

The evil-eyed tyrant does not understand, how can the same thing become so expensive when it reaches the Star Luo Empire? He still doesn't particularly understand what tariffs are, and he doesn't quite understand it. Why do people need to smuggle? But after basically knowing that these things are very cheap in Dou Ling City, he plans to bring a large number back.

Dai Luoli has the title of duke of his own father. Bringing these things back is naturally not smuggling. Even if it will have a certain impact on the domestic economy, no one will stop him for a child of his status. .

In the process of selection, after all, it is necessary to shop around to confirm that there is no problem with the product in front of me, and then go to other merchants to check, performance and price are to be compared, after all, it will be large-scale in the future. import.

Although the evil-eyed tyrant master was a big boss back then, he was also a master of calculating carefully. After checking the quality and price, he listed a table in the mental power. After a series of complicated calculations, the calculated one is the most cost-effective. store owner.

I plan to go there to order 500 pieces and bring them back for training. If there is no problem with the quantity and the display I recruited is good enough, I will consider ordering more.

"Are you going to order five hundred items? This is not a small order. Do you need supporting goods and other services? If it is in China, we will provide a warranty within half a year. Within half a year, as long as the user does not maliciously Any damage can be repaired for free.”

"It's a pity, I'm not a fighting spirit person." The evil-eyed tyrant master shook his head.

"That's it, it doesn't matter. If we can't guarantee the warranty, we can convert the warranty period into a discount or a gift. Look at this miniature baby bottle, which has a built-in miniature soul power storage unit, which can store the equivalent of a ring of spirit masters. One-third of the soul power is very suitable for the use of new spells.

Even a new spell user with only one level of associated soul power can accept his assistance and endure the consumption of casting three or four new spells at the same time.

Even if you haven't practiced new spells, you can use it to assist in your practice. With a source of soul power, it is much easier to open up the meridians in the body. It can help practitioners of new spells get through the most difficult early stages of training.

If it is sold normally, the price is not expensive, only 30 gold soul coins per piece. It is very popular in our side. Ordinary people with a little savings have one basic hand, small size, and good sealing of spirit power. After charging once, There will be no loss to the extent of being unusable within half a year.

Although the reserve is a little small, it is enough for the practitioners of new spells. If it is converted to you as a gift, I calculate, I can give you about 200! Of course, you can also choose other gifts. Our products here are all clearly marked with prices, and there is no cheating. If you really encounter problems, you can go to the Industry and Commerce Bureau to report me. Don't worry, you will never be deceived. "

The evil-eyed tyrant master frowned, looking at the strange baby bottle with only a ring size in his hand. This thing was originally a fourth-level soul tool at the lowest level, and the sealing performance was worrying. After the soul master is fully charged, it will leak out within a week.

A smaller bottle for storing soul power, I have never heard of it. The soul power storage unit in front of me has no use value at all for orthodox soul masters. It can only replenish one or two percent of the soul power at a time. Even if it is much faster than meditating, the recovery is much faster, but the process is too troublesome. , which is much slower than using a large-capacity bottle directly.

But the advantage of this thing is that it has a strong sealing ability, and it is small and portable, and the price is extremely cheap. From his experience, the Sun Moon Empire is unable to make such a small sealed soul power storage unit.

"You little things are a bit high-tech! It seems that the technology in this area has surpassed that of the Sun Moon Empire? Don't you mean that you are only good at mass-producing low-end soul tools?"

When the store owner heard this, he was immediately unhappy: "You see what you mean by being good at mass-producing low-end soul tools? The high-end and low-end are both determined by your soul masters, and the low-end only consumes a small amount of soul power. Release the low-power soul tool.

Although the power is small and the consumption is small, it does not mean that there is no technical content. From the concept of our country there is no absolute connection between the consumption of soul power and the technical content.

Whether it is low-level or high-level, the technical content of the soul tool is high and low. Demand determines the market!

There are a large number of new mages on our side who need this kind of small trace soul power storage unit. Their charging speed is slow, and all they need is one charge, which can be used for a longer time.

Naturally, we have to develop corresponding products. With so many companies competing to develop a product, it is a matter of course to surpass the Sun Moon Empire in the corresponding technology. At least in terms of small and trace soul power storage units, our technology The level is far higher than that of the Sun and Moon Empire.

If you want to train some new mages, it is recommended to buy some. I have other equipment for new mages to practice here. They are all civilian products here, so they are very cheap. "

When the evil-eyed tyrant master heard the words, he was a little moved. The physical combat ability of the new mage is not much stronger than that of ordinary people, but the reaction speed, the ability to process information, the ability to observe the enemy, etc., are not small. advantage.

For example, when using a bow and arrow to projectile, the new mage can use a simple ranging technique, combined with the parabolic calculation, to bring in wind interference, and greatly improve the hit rate of his own projectiles. The effect is much better than that of ordinary people. .

His ordinary people's troops are mostly long-range troops, and they lack power for this kind of magic that is good at calculating. Still very needed. The price of these soul tools in front of him also made him very satisfied. Even if it is a large-scale purchase, this time the funds are very sufficient. As long as the new spells can be reflected in the training, the troops are irreplaceable in combat. A steady stream of funding can be achieved.

【To be continued】

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~