Entertainment: My Game Life

Chapter 478: soil

Acquired by a new game company, the post-production direction of the game has also changed.

The content of the originally designed game has been greatly revised.

An action game slowly became a role-playing game.

The core part of the game has changed.

Later, they introduced alien equipment and fake purple equipment, which completely subverted the original equipment system.

Another world struck, can also be regarded as NP company, the acquisition of NX company.

Isn't this just another world coming?

The light left by the former company will eventually fade away.

There are even game insiders who use their positions.

The news of making money from players appeared.

The DNF that NP Company intervened also slowly went from PK between players to the next instance of Boss, and it became a game of brushing brushing brushing brushing.

From a fighting game, it has become an online game of role-playing, drawing pictures, and copying.

Later, some game characters that players can't understand are introduced.

It doesn't belong to the role system of this world at all.

Don't even let this game character enter the PK field, because the character who enters the PK field must win.

Various fast food professions are launched, breaking the original sense of action game design.

After brushing the picture, it also evolved into a game of releasing skills, watching cool skill animations, and then killing the BOSS for a second, and then finishing the game.

It has also evolved into brushing and fighting equipment, with more advanced copies of equipment, just to explode better equipment.

Wanting better equipment is to brush more advanced maps and enter another magical cycle.

The game is all about playing output, and the professional features are gone.

This kind of game has lost the flavor of fighting games.

This game naturally changed its flavor.

It can be said that these operations destroyed the game "Dungeon and Warrior".

But on the other hand.

With the gameplay of the group, Anthun’s launch once again saved "Dungeon and Warrior" and made "Dungeon and Warrior" become popular again.

The regiment saved DNF, but it also destroyed DNF.

But no matter what.

The current dungeon is no longer the original dungeon.

The nature of their gameplay has long since changed.

And what Fang Yuan wanted to make was the original version of Dungeon and Warrior.

A real action game.

DNF's early game production was modeled after the horizontal version of the game.

The early DNF was an action game.

The characteristic of action games is that it is difficult, very difficult.

The style of this action game has also been retained for a long time.

Character skills have low damage, long cooldown, high mana cost, and monster damage is ridiculously high.

This is also the reason why DNF gamers do not dislike plug-ins when they are refreshing images.

Because the copy is too difficult.

Even if four players team up to brush their books, they will still be overturned.

In addition, there are many student parties and working parties.

There is very little game time per week, and there is no extra time to play games at all.

It is difficult to refresh the picture, and it is also difficult to upgrade.

But many players still insist, because many players like this game from the bottom of their hearts.

There is another very important point.

The early game map was still a product of NX.

If you are not a player of the first echelon, it is not easy to feel that kind of change.

Many gamers only pay attention to the game they play.

Instead of paying attention to the company that made this game.

It takes a long time for many players to realize that the game has changed.


DNF is a test of the player's game level.

at that age.

There are many players, even if their level is 20, they still can't play the zombie king alone.

It's not just because the player's operation is not working.

There is no combo, it won't maximize the effect of the skill, and I don't know how to intersperse the level A in the skill, it will only use the skill indiscriminately.

Or in order to grab output, don't avoid BOSS skills, fight and so on.

There is another important reason.

In the earlier game version.

The player’s equipment is also not good, the equipment is difficult to obtain, it is really difficult to want a good equipment.

This is also reflected in the novel "Full-time Master".

A group of people teamed up to brush the Forest of Lorraine, and teamed up to brush the Frost Goblins.

In the early stage, the night cat demon can be wiped out if accidentally.

In the end, relying on the protagonist Ye Xiu's high level of operation, he passed it alone.

If you put it now.

This BOSS is just a matter of skill.

A skill is not dead?

Then there is another skill.

Put the skills at will and it's done, no operation is required at all.

The changes in the game can be seen from this point.

It is also for this reason that DNF players are not very disgusted with game plug-ins.

On the contrary, he knows that his teammates are hanging up, and he will ask, is this hanging up? Thank you brother for taking the picture.

It's understandable to scan the picture and open it.

But it opened in the PK field.

It really deserves to be sprayed.

In fact, the early DNF did not rely on PVE to become popular, but the PVP in the game.

It's also because DNF is an action game, which is very competitive.

It became the first horizontal electronic game project with systematic rules in China.

Most of the players, just to enter the duel competition, soak in the PK field every day, PK with different players every day.

Brushing pictures is only for upgrading equipment and level, all for PVP.

In such a context.

The fine novels "Full-time Master" and "Memoirs of Forrest Gump", which have been passed down to the present, were born.

"The Memoirs of Forrest Gump" is reprocessed on the background of the game, from the perspective of the game character A Gump, it is a novel showing the worldview of DNF.

And "Full-time Master" is a game competition, the final hit.

The creation of an excellent work requires soil.

Fang Yuan also intends to work hard to build such a piece of soil.


Except for DNF of course.

There are also horizontal fighting online games like "The Sealer" and "Ghost Blowing Lantern", as well as the 3D horizontal fighting online games of "Elsword".

In terms of fame, "Dungeon and Warrior" has the highest fame and the most players. It is a well-deserved national-level online game.

It's just that MMORGP-type online games are difficult to become e-sports events.

Competitive pursuit of fairness and justice.

In the game, it is impossible to achieve parallelism of all professions.

Because every profession has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In addition, even if the equipment and level are only increased by numbers, it will bring huge differences.

The character level can be set to the highest value of the game, and everyone's final level is not much related.

But if the equipment is too unbalanced.

For example, every piece of equipment of a certain player is strengthened to +13.

Just such an enhanced increase will bring about data suppression.

It cannot reflect the principle of fair competition.

But if you don't engage in the operations of strengthening equipment, players will not have the motivation to recharge.

On the one hand, it is the question of money, on the other hand, it is my original intention.

This makes Fang Yuan very embarrassed.

So how to make "Dungeon and Warrior" is a problem.

How to make "Dungeon and Warriors" develop into an e-sports game, so many game content must be modified.

But Fang Yuan has at least a template written by "Full-time Master".

The novel "Full-time Master" is a game-competitive novel based on "Dungeons and Warriors". There is a way forward.

In terms of the balance of game characters, Q Bao can also be tested, focusing on the diversification of occupations, so that the game "Dungeon and Warriors" will bloom in this world with different fireworks.