Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 621: 3 rewards

After Lin Zhen walked out the door, Mu Huaiyu ran out in embarrassment.

"Lin Zhen! Why are you kicking me?"

"You blocked my way, of course I will kick you!"

Mu Huaiyu was itchy with hatred: "Asshole, even if you get the first place, I'm still the eldest son of the Muwangfu. How dare you treat me this way? Don't forget, you are a guest at best when you get the first place."

"Haha! What do you want me to do to you? Entering this virtual space, fighting and killing each other is normal, let alone I just kicked you, as for Keqing.... Keqing is a guest. If you want to stay in your wooden palace, stay Now, if I don’t want to stay, I can leave at any time. Can you still bite me?"

Lin Zhen's tough attitude made Mu Huaiyu a little hesitant. He deliberately acted on Lin Zhen, but at this time the trial was over, and there was no point in doing it.

More importantly, he was not sure to defeat Lin Zhen. Although he had 600,000 star power, Lin Zhen's star power seemed to be still above him.

Because the Mirage King was eliminated by Lin Zhen, the warriors behind quickly passed the tower and ran out one by one.

After ten people came out, the trial was over. The people behind didn't need to compete, and they left the space directly, because the ranking behind it didn't matter. The King of Mu Mansion only took the top ten people.

At the end of the trial, in the dimensional universe, Mu Wang Mu Jingshan dedicated his life, his face was very ugly.

He just said a few clichés before turning and leaving, and Mu En continued.

"The top ten people will come to you when there is something in the Muwangfu. Please wait patiently for the notice. After one month, you can receive one month's salary. Those who are willing to come to Muwangfu can also come, we provide Free board and lodging."

After speaking, Mu En hurriedly left, feeling that he didn't pay much attention to the assessment of Ke Qing.

Seeing that Mu Wang Shizi only got the second place, the other warriors vaguely guessed what it was because of them, whispering and discussing.

Lin Zhen knew it would be such a result, and he didn't expect the Muwangfu to give him much reward. What he fancyed was the reward from the Dimension Universe Company.

Lin Zhen can get three rewards, one is the reward for the first place, and the other two are the rewards for killing the galaxy beast.

The Dimensional Universe Company's work efficiency is extremely fast, and Lin Zhen received a notice from the Dimensional Universe Company as soon as it was over.

"Please come to Xianle County Branch of Dimension Universe Company."

Lin Zhen immediately passed through the Dimensional Universe and directly transmitted to the branch of Xianle County.

In the real world, Dimension Universe has only one headquarters, located in the kingdom of the Great Qin Empire.

Qin State is the most prosperous country in the Yuanjie, and it is many times stronger than Nanliang.

As for the branch, it only exists in the virtual world, and there is no actual establishment location anywhere else.

After arriving at the branch, someone came to receive Lin Zhen immediately.

The receptionist is not a real person, but a robot, and the branch is not as magnificent as imagined, but a simple and empty house.

"Hello, Lin Zhen, in view of your performance in the virtual space, Dimension Universe has decided to give you rewards. Please check it carefully."

"Ding~! Because you killed the galaxy beast on the third floor of the virtual space, you will be awarded 30 million in cash."

"Ding~! Because you killed the galaxy beast on the ninth floor of the virtual space, you will be awarded 90 million in cash!"

"Ding~! Because you won the first place in the assessment, you can get a special training place for the alchemist. Please go to the Xianle County Alchemist Guild within three months and ask for an alchemist with a level two or more than you."

After the three rewards were issued, Lin Zhen was automatically sent out.

The bank card received two notification messages in succession, and two cashes arrived in the account, one for 30 million and one for 10 million, for a total of 120 million.

It turned out that the reward for killing the galaxy beast was cash, so Mu Huaiyu also had 60 million.

This is also due to the fact that the Star River beast on the last floor is a mirage. If it is changed to a combat type, Lin Zhen will definitely not be able to kill it.

Moreover, Lin Zhen didn't expect that if he won the first place, he would be able to obtain a special training place from the Alchemist Guild.

Finding an alchemist who is two levels higher than yourself as a master, sounds very good, but if you have tested a fourth or even fifth-level alchemist, will there be a sixth or seventh-level super alchemist to teach yourself? What?

A friend of Dimensional Universe applied to be added, and it was actually Mu Huaiyu.

Lin Zhen also wanted to know what else this guy had to say, and clicked to agree.

"Lin Zhen! You were originally an inconspicuous ant from the New Territories. I didn't expect to ruin my business. You must have known the rewards of the Alchemist Guild to do so? But don't be proud, I can give Get the quota of the Alchemy Master Guild through other means. Then we will see you again. You, a fellow who knows nothing about alchemy, should give up now, or I will step on you in the past, trample you to death! Step on you will never exceed your life! Haha Haha~!!!"

Lin Zhen hung up the communication of the Dimensional Universe. He had no intention of offending people, but this matter went wrong. The villain Mu En wanted to plot against himself, and finally broke Mu Huaiyu's affairs.

But if he really wants to look good on himself on Dan Dao, Lin Zhen is really looking forward to it.

Now that he has money in his hands, Lin Zhen's many plans can finally be implemented.

During this period of time, Lin Zhen also got a general idea of ​​the situation of the Metaverse, especially after absorbing Xu Xingyao's memory, he was equivalent to living one more time.

He wanted to find Feng Qingluan, but the Phoenix family was based in the Datang Empire, which was also a very powerful country. The Phoenix family lived on the Bailu Mountain in the Tang Dynasty. Strictly speaking, it was not under the jurisdiction of Datang, and was independent. .

Bailu Mountain is thousands of mountains and rivers away from where Lin Zhen is, tens of millions of light-years away, it is definitely not an easy task to get there.

Lin Zhen calculated the itinerary, the teleportation array would have to go seven or eight, and several long-distance teleportation arrays would cost hundreds of millions!

In addition, Lin Zhen had to have a foot strength, and he had to walk on the road for several months.

It can be said that this is a long journey, and if Lin Zhen wants to go, he must be fully prepared.

Before that, Lin Zhen had to make more money and improve his strength, otherwise he would not have the ability to protect himself, let alone protect others.

Lin Zhen immediately bought a few medicinal materials in the Dimensional Universe.

Frost Dragon Bone, used to refining cold attribute pill to get rid of toxins.

The five-color grass keeps the medicinal properties cool.

Baihua gel is used in medicine refining.

Lin Zhen had taken a fancy to these things a long time ago. Xu Xingyao had previously received a blind medicinal formula called Baihua Pill, which was specially used to get rid of erysipelas.

However, this kind of pill needs a cold alchemist, and this kind of alchemist can be said to be unique.

Because ninety-nine percent of the refining by alchemists rely on firepower, and few rely on coldness. Few people will take this path because the future is too narrow.

Even if there were, no one did it too well, so the price of drugs to get rid of toxins remained high.

Lin Zhen wanted to refine this pill. As long as he succeeded, he would have a steady stream of wealth. Although Juyuansan had the largest demand, the competition was also high. This pill was almost blank in the market.

Lin really bought a lot of three kinds of medicinal materials and spent more than five million yuan.

Among them, the five-color grass seed Lin Zhen planted himself, and he made a lot of reserves for Baihua Ninglu and Frost Dragon Bone.

After receiving the medicine, Lin Zhen began a long process of alchemy.

Failure, failure, failure, success, failure, success, success...!

These elixirs are not considered high-level elixirs. General alchemists can refine this type with a success rate of 30-40%.

But at that time, the low-level alchemist, Lin Zhen, with the accumulation of time, his mastery of the medicinal properties became more and more refined, and the technique became more and more sophisticated, and the feeling of the fifth-rank alchemist gradually found.

In refining this low-level pill, his success rate began with successive failures, and gradually reached a 60% success rate.

After staying home for a month and spending close to tens of millions in money, Lin Zhen had already practiced the Juyuansan and Baihuawan used in the galaxy period to the point of perfection.

With a success rate of nearly 70%, Lin Zhen is full of confidence.

The huge amount of money is in exchange for Lin Zhen's accumulation of drugs. Among them, Juyuan San Linzhen has already stocked more than 800 bottles, and Baihua pills also has more than 100 bottles.

"It's almost done. The price of these two medicines on the market is about 30,000 bottles of Juyuansan, and about 100,000 yuan for Baihua pills. If my medicines bear the title of a fourth-grade alchemist, they are enough to sell. More than 30 million!"

"This is not even the bad medicine I practiced. The profession of alchemist is indeed very profitable."

But Lin Zhen didn’t want to sell it now. Although his medicines are definitely top-grade, after all, he still doesn’t have the title of alchemist. In the Metaverse, no one with a name sells medicines, so no one will buy them. of.

So he needs to get the qualification of an alchemist first.

If you are qualified, there will be a branch of the Alchemist Guild in the Muwangfu area.

The president of the branch is a sixth-rank alchemist, representing the highest level in the Muwangfu area.

"Although I inherited the memory of Xu Xingyao, my current level of alchemy is not up to the fifth rank, because the fifth-rank alchemist must refine high-level high-grade pills, such as the Ju Yuan San used in the star field period. , Or other different drugs."

"And Xu Xingyao was able to reach the level of the fifth grade because he was able to refine the flesh and blood golden core. Those who disappeared from the fellow villagers were killed by him to refine the pill. It belongs to the evil pill. I definitely can't take this craft out for evaluation. "

Lin Zhen calculated that being able to pass the fourth-rank alchemist is his current limit, but the fourth-rank is also enough. You must know that there is no accumulation of thousands of years in alchemy, and there will be no achievements at all. A few thousand years old is still a third-rank person. Everywhere.

To obtain the fifth rank, Lin Zhen still needs to obtain a relatively precious pill and practice it.

After opening the Dimensional Universe again, Lin Zhen decided to buy a transportation tool.