Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 622: Roc bird mount

The firm that opened the Dimensional Universe, a dazzling mount appeared.

This interface is just like what Lin Zhen knew, people who liked cars during the Earth’s A.D. calendar browsed the car interface.

All kinds of domesticated feet make people dizzy.

A few tens of thousands of dollars, good tens of millions, those truly high-end, even hundreds of millions.

Lin Zhen currently has 110 million in his hands. He doesn't want to buy bad ones, he must be practical.

"The magic wolf mounts, fast, can pull carts, can fight..."

"Mysterious tortoise mount, medium speed, can pull carts, can fight, and has strong defense..."

"The blue bird mounts, can fly, is fast, and cannot carry vehicles."

After watching for a while, Lin Zhen chose to filter.

The first is that the speed must be fast, and the second is that you can fight. As for whether you can pull the cart or not, it doesn't matter. Lin Zhen is only a person for the time being, and it is useless to have a vehicle.

Set the speed above the sub-light speed, and select the types of combat that can be done again.

This time it was almost half missing, only a few of them, but none of them were bargains.

"The Beast of Wind, the basic sublight speed, the price is ten million!"

"Tayunju, basic sublight speed, price 8 million!"

"Huoyunhe, the sub-light speed is medium, the price is 30 million!"

"Dapeng bird, sub-light speed superior, the price is 100 million!"

"Flash beast, the limit of sub-light speed, the price is one billion!"

The basic sub-light speed means that the speed just reaches the sub-light speed, the speed is 3400 kilometers per second, and the sub-light speed is medium above, the speed is about 10,000 kilometers per second, and the upper sub-light speed is 50,000 kilometers per second. .

There is also the limit of sub-light speed, the speed is above one hundred thousand kilometers per second.

And the real speed of light is only 300,000 kilometers per second.

For Lin Zhen, he couldn't afford the sub-light speed limit, and the basic and medium ones were still a little unwilling. He considered for a while and decided to buy a big Peng bird.

The customer service staff were very polite. Lin Zhen spent hundreds of millions of dollars at a time. They also presented a riding shield that could be placed on the back of the mount. Otherwise, people might be able to be torn apart by the strong wind at such a speed.

Lin Zhen has a mental power shield to use, there is no such danger, but don't give it for nothing.

In a blink of an eye, one hundred and ten million yuan left another ten million yuan. Lin Zhen secretly decided that he had to make more money and that he would purchase the exercises next time.

Twenty minutes later, a Dapeng bird arrived.

"Dear guests, our mounts can be injected with genes to determine the owner. This Roc bird has just grown up, and its combat power is basically equal to the ninth-level peak of the galaxy with a 100,000-star power. Feed it well, maybe it will continue to evolve. Possible."

Lin Zhen nodded, took his own blood gene, and injected it into the body of the Dapeng bird with the help of the staff.

This fierce beast from the Metaverse does not belong to the galaxy beast and cannot transform into a human form, but it absolutely obeys its owner after the gene is injected.

When standing upright, it is two meters tall and has a wingspan of ten meters. Only this strong bird can carry humans in flight.

After the gene injection, Dapeng Bird staggered to Lin Zhen's side just like seeing a relative, and rubbed his big head against Lin Zhen's face, very intimate.

"Okay, look at you with a black feather, call you Black Cloud from now on."

Dapeng eats meat, and Lin Zhen specially bought some fresh meat to feed him at any time.

The Alchemist Guild is 300 million kilometers away from here. If Lin Zhen drives on his own, it will be very slow, but in the eyes of this 50,000 kilometers per second guy, this distance is really nothing, that is, it takes more than an hour.

After giving it a few mouthfuls of fresh meat in a row, and feeding it many empty mountain spirit springs, this Dapeng bird suddenly became more energetic.

"Let's go Black Cloud, let's go!"

The genes are connected, and the Dapeng Bird can sense Lin Zhen's simple thoughts, and immediately rises into the air, leading Lin Zhen to the Alchemist Guild!

The scenery below was not clear at all. With Lin Zhen's eyesight, he could only vaguely feel that a continent and an ocean passed below.

After a hundred minutes, the Dapeng Bird's speed slowed down.

A single small town appeared in front of his eyes, and that was the Alchemist Guild.

Let the black cloud fall, and Lin Zhen soon came to the edge of the town.

As soon as he raised his hand, the black cloud entered the dark star space.

This guy was obviously very surprised when he arrived in the dark star space. After thousands of years of evolution, there are already some small creatures in the dark star space, such as fish and shrimp.

The things in it, except those medicinal materials and the star-crystal forest on the star fruit trees really don't allow it to harm, the rest of the things are free to play with.

There are not only fish and shrimps in the dark star, but also many small animals, such as frogs. Although this Dapeng eats a lot, he is the only predator on the entire planet and can still eat easily.

Hunted everywhere for a while, and then this guy ran to perch on the star fruit tree.

There is a lot of aura here. Seeing how sweet it sleeps, Lin Zhenxin thinks that maybe he can really raise it to evolve again and become a super foot power at the limit of sublight speed.

If compared with the earth, this small town is equivalent to a county level. An alchemy guild is stationed here, and related industries have also been derived.

For example, drug stores, auction houses, etc. are everywhere.

Lin Zhen slowly walked into the town, and the Alchemist Guild was very easy to find. It was the tallest and largest building in the city.

There were a lot of people on the road, and it seemed that it was either rich or expensive, or a super expert. Along the way, Lin Zhen had seen three or four realm kings.

"Sure enough, it's the Metaverse. Realm king masters are everywhere. This is almost unimaginable in the New Territories."

Coming all the way to the door of the Alchemist Guild, Lin Zhen tidied up his attire. After all, it was for the assessment and should be more formal.

But suddenly someone next to him leaned over: "Dude, are you planning to get the identity of an alchemist?"

Lin Zhen was taken aback: "Isn't the identity of the alchemist to be assessed?"

"That's right, but is the alchemist so easy to take the test? I think your bone age is just over a thousand years old."


"Then it will end. Everyone who comes here wants to become an alchemist. You also know how respected the alchemist is from the outside world, but Chitose... Even if you start to learn alchemy in your mother's womb, now it is nothing more than A second-rank alchemist."

Lin Zhen smiled: "I don't have so much time to study."

"This is not the end, I am helping ordinary people to obtain the status of alchemist, as long as you are willing to spend money, from the first to the third rank of the alchemist status, I can get you."

"Oh, how to spend money?"

"One million for first grade, ten million for second grade, and fifty million for third grade!"

"So expensive?"

"How can this be expensive? Not to mention how much convenience you will have when you have this identity. As long as you have the third-grade identity, you can sell a large number of low-level pills and put them on the market with your identity. Isn’t that money just rolling in."

Lin Zhen shook his head: "The highest grade is only 3rd grade. How long will it take to return to the original level?

"My buddy, are you talking about dreams? Is it so easy to buy a fourth-rank and fifth-rank alchemist? At least it is not possible here. You have to go to Xianle County at least to buy it, but there is no ten Don't even think about billions. As for the fifth grade, you can go to the capital of Nanliang Kingdom. There may be a little hope for 10 billion."

Talking about this person, he persuaded Lin Zhen: "Even if you have the identity of the 4th and 5th ranks, your pill will not be of sufficient quality at that time, but the big people who offend you will have only one sign, and you will soon be smashed. There may still be danger, listen to me, the third grade is enough, you make money, I know the fourth grade alchemist Meng Fei who presides over the assessment here, there is absolutely no problem..."

Lin really wanted to refuse, suddenly a voice came from behind.

"Lin Zhen! I really didn't read it wrong, you are so despicable and want to buy the status of alchemist!"

Lin Zhen looked back and found that it was Mu Huaiyu, but he didn't expect him to come.

Mu Huaiyu stared at Lin Zhen and sneered: "This is a coincidence. I'm here to assess my identity. I just got the third-rank alchemist identity and I was about to leave and met you. I think you are not sneaky. What a good thing, I heard it."

Speaking of Mu Huaiyu’s own analysis: "Let me You got close last time, and you have two bad money in your hand. In the future, I will go to Xianle County to participate in special training. I want to find a better tutor."

"If you are a first-rank apprentice, you can only find a third-rank alchemist to teach you in the future, so you have a ghostly idea, want to buy a third-rank identity, and then you can get the guidance of a fifth-rank alchemist in the future. wrong?"

Lin Zhen didn't say anything. This guy's brain was really big enough to be able to analyze so many things so quickly, and it sounded quite reasonable.

Mu Huaiyu looked at Lin Zhen with a sneer: "I advise you not to be delusional. I will pay attention to you when I arrive in Xianle County. If you dare to go, I will dare to expose you to shame and deceive the noble. Alchemist, you will be executed, hahaha!"

With that, Mu Huaiyu walked away.

Lin Zhen looked at Mu Huaiyu's back and turned to look at the vendor.

"You have seen it too. There is such a troublemaker. How can I buy an identity? I am insulting myself when I buy it. So you should go find someone else."

The scalper originally thought that the business was about to be negotiated, but he didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to spoil the situation and the cooked duck flew.

"Grass~! There are all kinds of **** these days, isn't this deliberately tearing down the stage for me? Watch me find someone to clean up him!"

After angrily cursed a few words, he turned around and left, probably looking for Mu Huaiyu in trouble.

Lin Zhen chuckled secretly, thinking that Mu Huaiyu's mixing up was a bit useful, and there was no need to bother with this person. But this scalper would definitely not be able to trouble Mu Huaiyu, but Mu Huaiyu would definitely keep the account on himself, and this misunderstanding was even more unclear.

After finishing his clothes again, Lin Zhen stepped into the Alchemist Guild.