Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 727: World stone

The palace battle ended with Liang Zhihuan dizzy on the spot, and Lin Zhen managed to escape from his birth.

Facing the siege of the three longevity warriors, Lin Zhen could run away alive, which had to be said to be a miracle.

Especially among the three longevity warriors, there is also such a super powerful Tie Erniang Tie Sanniang.

Listening to the sky leads the way, the divine sword is prestigious, but in the end Lin Zhen ran away, and the bamboo basket was empty.

This incident became a small fire in the Dimensional Universe again, and while people speculated about where Lin Zhen could go, they also unscrupulously ridiculed the Nanliang Royal Family and the Qingye School.

Isn't it a joke that the three longevity can't keep a domain king together?

Although there are many objective factors, it also proves the power of this domain king.

Someone has begun to give Lin Zhen the title of King of the World, and his strength, mind, courage and so on in the battle are all praised.

Some people even said directly that Liang Zhihuan lost to Lin Zhen this time, and women will lose in the future.


Liang Zhihuan hasn't been in a coma for long. The longevity martial artist is not as vulnerable as ordinary people. He just woke up again quickly because of his anger.

Liang Zhihuan who woke up immediately made a decision and continued to chase Lin Zhen.

This time the emperor made a real fire, and Nanliang’s billions of troops were dispatched. The neighboring countries, including Daliang, Zhou, Dawei, not only sent troops to assist, and even opened up the sky’s surveillance detectors at the same time.

The troops stationed in space blocked the starry sky to prevent Lin Zhen from escaping into the endless star sea.

And the Aoba faction, who felt dull on its face, also sent many masters to join the arrest.

The manpower and material resources used this time, as well as the amount of money spent, are already a few days old, but as long as Lin Zhen can be caught, Liang Zhihuan feels that everything is worth it.

Of course, the most threatening to Lin Zhen was Tie Erniang’s Tian Ting. Tian Ting still followed Tie Er Niang and Tie San Niang, but this time Lin Zhen’s breath became very weak, and Tian Ting was not as good as before. used.

After ten days of searching, it was finally confirmed that under the blockade, Lin Zhen had no chance to escape into the endless sea of ​​stars, and there were even surveillance shots of Lin Zhen returning to the ground.

So the focus of the search returned to the ground again. This was an order from the emperor himself, because in his opinion, Lin Zhen would not go far, he would definitely still be in Nanliang.

A large number of troops began a carpet-like search, and the whole country was mobilized, and all law enforcement officers cooperated with the army's actions, and vowed not to stop unless they caught Lin Zhen!

But Lin Zhen was like a stone sinking into the sea, only occasionally I heard some clues about Lin Zhen, but soon it disappeared again, and the search became more and more difficult.

Liang Zhihuan simply issued a astronomical reward in the dimensional universe, 300 billion!

Catch Lin Zhen, get a bonus of 300 billion, and provide clues to Lin Zhen, starting with a minimum of 10 billion!

Under the reward, there must be a brave man. For this money, Lin Zhen will definitely have nothing to hide. Liang Zhihuan concluded that Lin Zhen is still living in the crowd. With so much money, anyone around him may betray him.


Lin Zhen's life is not so easy.

After fighting Tie Er Niang and Tie San Niang, Lin Zhen had already realized the gap between himself and the Longevity Warrior.

If the star power transfer is possible, Lin Zhen really is not afraid of Liang Zhihuan, but the two old witches of the level will not work, and the star power transfer is not an opponent.

To win this battle, Lin Zhenwei's method was to advance to the Realm King.

If it was before, Lin Zhen would decisively choose to advance, because he felt that he had reached the peak of the domain king, even if there was a gap, it was already very small, and there was no need to wait any longer.

But after absorbing the memory of the lunatic, the longevity warrior, Lin Zhen knew something.

Stone of the world!

The realm king is a process of change from the star realm to the star realm. After the sky full of galaxies expand again, there will be more real world inside.

This real world is the core part of the realm king, and it is not the same as what was created by chance in the dark star space.

The core part of the inner world is the world stone.

The large number of cosmic crystals that Lin Zhen obtained from King Yan Junjie was actually the stone of the world.

Generally speaking, the level of achievement of a realm king depends primarily on the size of the world stone. The larger the world stone, the greater the star power contained, and the smaller the world stone, the less star power it contains.

The formation of the World Stone was condensed when the domain king peaked and crossed to the Realm King. At this stage, the universe was born, and the world stone appeared.

But through the memory of a lunatic, Lin Zhen got unexpected news.

The World Stone may be the first to condense!

This is what a lunatic read in the ancient books, "For this reason, the martial artist had broken ten million stars before pursuing the king of the world, and tried his best to improve."

"Those who have the world in their body will accumulate a large number of cosmic crystals in the body world at the moment when they are about to step into the realm king. With the help of strong fire refining, they can condense the world stones in advance."

"The successful condensing of the World Stone can bring additional star power enhancement!"

This is just a very objective sentence. Before the world king, the star power broke ten million is just a legend. It is said that if you can reach ten million stars before entering the world king, wonderful things will happen, and there may even be talented martial arts.

In order to pursue this goal, some genius warriors tried every means to improve their star power.

But how can it be so easy to reach a star power of over ten million, let alone ten million, a million is a very high threshold for most people.

When the New Territories crossed the gate of heaven, the standard for the domain king was a million star power. Only with this star power can he pass through the gate of heaven. It can be seen that the difficulty of a million.

And Lin Zhen is definitely the top of the domain king, at least so far, he has not met a domain king that can compare with him.

By many coincidences, he obtained the dark star space and now provides him with 4.5 million star power.

It includes the image of the evil star, the snow lotus, the flower of the wandering time and space, and even the immortal spirit.

Each of these was created by many coincidences. Take the immortal spirit body as an example. From the beginning of the star of God's punishment to the present, he has only personally obtained it.

Even so, Lin Zhen's star power is only nine million.

Therefore, in the domain king stage, there can be tens of millions of star power, basically only exist in the legend.

But Lin Zhen's heart was moved. Ten thousand star power might be able to obtain talented martial arts. This matter made Lin Zhen very much looking forward to it.

His star power has reached nine million, and of course he has to strive for it.

And this requirement is not too difficult to complete, that is, to hoard cosmic crystals. This is not difficult for Lin Zhen. It may be difficult if it is in the New Territories, because cosmic crystals are very expensive, but in the metaverse, cosmic crystals are not much more expensive than ore. .

After knowing this news, Lin Zhen decided to try, in any case, he had to have more than 10 million star power before Yuwang.

Of course, this is not the most critical thing for him right now. Collecting cosmic crystals is very simple, and Lin Zhen also has a powerful flame. This is not a problem. His problem is to survive safely.

People chasing Lin Zhen are now like hornet bombing camps, all over the world.

Lin Zhen also had some thoughts about getting rid of the tracking of the sky listener, that is, to incorporate his body into the dark star space, and then move outside as a clone.

Tianting was able to track the breath of Lin Zhen's body, but it ceased to work after the clone appeared.

After knowing this secret, Lin Zhen's life was a little better, he only needed to beware of others.

There is a small martial arts hall in the capital city of Nanliang and northeast city.

It can also be said that it is not a martial arts gym, here is just a teaching class, specializing in teaching kendo, and it is the kendo of low-level warriors.

The owner of the museum is a warrior of the seventh level of the galaxy, and all his teachings are in the galaxy period.

The students mainly targeted here are all below the black hole stage, and they are all ordinary warriors from all over the country.

These warriors came to Nanliang to work in order to make a living, and their young people or children, if they were learning swords, would be sent to this kind of kendo hall.

High-end warriors have a world of high-end warriors, but the vast majority of people in this world are still low-level warriors. Such a place is closer to the lives of ordinary people.

If it is on the earth, this is the primary school for migrant workers' children in the metropolis.

On this day, a new student came to the class.

This is a teenager who seems to be under ten years old.

The young man is called Su Qing'an, the planet is ninth grade, he is handsome, and he doesn't like words.

He came here to only sign up for two courses, the basics of kendo and the theory of leapfrog combat.

For the rest of the time, he is all studying on his own.

Because of the juvenile handsome, several girls in the class will take the initiative to pay attention to him, but Su Qingan never talks to anyone too much, just concentrate on class, is a rare good student.

"A leapfrog battle refers to a leapfrog challenge. It is a very difficult thing to challenge the strong across all levels. But if you can succeed, it will prove that you have extraordinary qualifications that ordinary people do not have."

The galaxy-level teaching was lectured loudly in the front, explaining all the classic examples of leapfrog challenges. UU reading www. The students under uukā are listening carefully.

The matter of the Star of Punishment is even the main speaker, Lin Zhen leapfrogged the challenge of the large group of realm kings, and finally won the event is indeed very attractive.

"Aside from Lin Zhen's character, there is no doubt about his strength. Let's take a look at his fighting process and analyze one by one..."

Su Qing'an closed her eyes slightly, can't we change the example? He really didn't want to listen to this process.

"Comprehensive analysis, the necessary condition for leapfrogging challenge is the accumulation in ordinary times. As long as your strength is getting stronger and stronger, you will have the possibility of leapfrogging. There is a little bit of comprehension, comprehension to surpass the swordsmanship and martial arts that you can't normally learn. It often happens when there are more battles, so we advocate actual combat."

Speaking of this, the teacher paused: "I personally think that Lin Zhen's swordsmanship is still lacking. If he truly masters the profound meaning of kendo, he will even be able to kill Changsheng!"

Hearing this, Su Qing'an's eyes closed slightly and suddenly opened!

This is what he really wants to hear!