Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 728: Jianyi!

Su Qingan opened his eyes when he heard this, knowing that what he wanted to hear was coming.

Su Qing'an is naturally Lin Zhen, and the temporarily altered name is also a combination of the names of several wives.

Now the whole city is arresting him, but Lin Zhen will never be caught by others.

Changed the name, the clone appeared to avoid Tianting's tracking, and then changed his appearance with the transformation technique. With the immortal spirit body, he could control his aura 100%, and he wanted to pretend to be whatever realm he wanted to be.

Learning the basics of kendo is nothing more than to cover people's eyes. What he really wants to learn is to leapfrog and challenge.

Through the last battle, Lin Zhen believed that if he faced the longevity martial artist, he must have a more aggressive means.

This method is the sixth form of his Taiyuan sword technique, utter death.

During this period of time, Lin Zhen kept hiding, and several of them were almost discovered. Instinctively there was some fear in his heart, and there was some worry in his heart that he would be found by those immortal warriors. That would be a big trouble.

This little fear caused Lin Zhen's current state of mind to be a little lacking.

He knew that he had made a mistake, and he had to maintain a strong fighting spirit and will at all times in the face of a powerful enemy that was difficult to defeat.

Maybe this is nothing for other warriors, but it is a problem for Lin Zhen, who has been pursuing perfect breakthroughs.

If you can't eliminate the fear of the immortal warrior in the realm of the domain king, it will definitely affect his breakthrough and future.

And to dispel this fear in the domain king stage, then there is only one way to learn the sixth form of Taiyuan swordsmanship, the ultimate!

The use of Taiyuan swordsmanship does not require too high star power, but it must have an understanding of swordsmanship.

Lin Zhen was a gunner, and didn't have much understanding of swordsmanship. After inquiring about it, he knew that there was some kind of swordsmanship taught by a teacher in Heping Martial Arts Center, so he came.

This teaching is the instructor in front of him. This person is called Li Mo. He is not high in realm and has a bad background, but Lin Zhen can see at a glance that this person has a deep understanding of kendo.

So he stayed here, collecting cosmic crystals while listening to this person's lecture.

Hearing this, Lin Zhen immediately asked: "Teacher, how do you think Lin Zhen can use the sword to kill the longevity warrior?"

Li Mo nodded: "Good question, let me analyze it for everyone."

With that, Li Mo pointed to Lin Zhen on the big screen: "We can see through the Star Battle of God's Punishment, through the Palace Battle, that Lin Zhen's star power is at least 7 million, and it is still improving. "

"And after obtaining the super divine body, his star power should be able to play 90%, so that he has at least 15 million star power to use."

Sliding his finger and turning the page on the big screen, a scene of Lin Zhen playing against Emperor Liang Zhihuan appeared.

"During Lin Zhen's battle with the emperor, his swordsmanship did not give full play to its intended effect. On the contrary, his marksmanship seemed to be stronger than his swordsmanship. But if his swordsmanship was good enough, then the late Tie Sanniang Without even having the opportunity to rescue your Majesty today, Lin Zhen must be in a much better situation now."

Lin Zhen also agrees from the bottom that if Liang Zhihuan was really killed at that time, Nan Liang would have been confused for a while, and relying on the strength of the Qingye faction alone, he would not be able to hide himself everywhere.

"Based on Lin Zhen's swordsmanship, I can judge that his swordsmanship hasn't been mastered, so what does he lack? What is lacking is sword intent!"

A student also asked below: "Teacher, what is sword intent?"

"Sword Intent, that's a feeling. It's hard to say clearly. That's fine. I'll show you something."

Hearing this, the students were all excited. Teacher Li Mo demonstrated the sword intent, which is very famous. In fact, they can't do leapfrog battles in this course, largely to observe the sword intent.

Lin Zhen straightened up and sat there quietly waiting.

Li Mo stood in front of the students with his hands on his back, and closed his eyes.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly fell silent, and the air seemed to be a bit sticky. The students unknowingly became nervous, afraid to breathe loudly, and looked at Li Mo with breathlessness.

Lin Zhen really felt more acute. He closed his eyes and even felt a faint sound in the air.

Jian Qi!

There is sword energy flying through the air!

"Open your eyes!"

Li Mo suddenly yelled, and the students' eyes widened, but they felt that they couldn't open their eyes, because the bitterness of the air made their hair stand upright!

"Ah! My face is broken!"

"Sword energy is stabbing me!"

"Let's see if I bleed, teacher, are you not doing anything to me?"

The students yelled out one by one, and some even covered their face or body, feeling that they were hit by the sword.

In Lin Zhen's eyes at this moment, Li Mo is a sword about to be unsheathed, ready to violently wound people at any time!

Li Mo smiled slightly, and the depressed atmosphere disappeared instantly.

"Look carefully at your body. Is there any damage to your body? If you are injured, don't find me because I did not cause any damage to you."

The students were also stunned. You look at me and I look at you. Some people even took out a mirror to watch, but they were surprised to find that they had not suffered any harm at all.

"What's going on? I obviously feel that I am hit by the sword."

"Yes! It's amazing. I thought I was going to die just now. How did you do it, teacher?"

The students rushed to ask questions, and Li Mo smiled faintly: "This is the sword intent I want to show you. Only if you master the sword intent, you can be regarded as a real introduction to swordsmanship. Only advanced sword skills can be understood. If you do this, no matter how you practice your swordsmanship, it is at best like Lin Zhen's, with a powerful star power as a backing, a force that can drop ten times, but in the end it is still an inferior swordsmanship."

Hearing this, Lin Zhen took a deep breath. Although the teacher's words were not good, this is the truth, and his swordsmanship is indeed not good.

Just as Li Mo said, if he doesn't learn the sword intent, he will never be able to comprehend the deathlessness.

Extinction, as the name suggests, exterminates the longevity martial artist, but the threshold for comprehension is extremely high, and Lin Zhen can't do it now.

"Teacher, how can I master sword intent?" Lin Zhen asked.

Li Mo took a look at Lin Zhen with some relief. Among these students, he felt that Lin Zhen was the most stable and the best learner. He didn't know where he came from. Such a child shouldn't be born in a poor family. .

"This question is a good question. Some people think that the comprehension of sword intent is to have a good sword first, and then comprehend it from it, but I want to tell everyone that the comprehension of sword intent has nothing to do with the quality of the sword. No matter what kind of weapon, the most important thing is the person who uses the weapon."

Speaking of this, Li Mo's gaze fell on Lin Zhen: "There is no sword in his hand, but a sword in his heart is the basis for comprehending the sword intent. The sword is everywhere. When you realize this, your sword intent It's done."

The students were stunned, the teacher's words were too profound, and they couldn't understand it.

"After my lesson, whether you can comprehend something depends on your good fortune."

After speaking, Li Mo packed his things, turned and left the class.

Lin Zhen also stood up and prepared to leave. He still had a lot to do. Nowadays, people send him a large number of cosmic crystals every day. He is trying to condense the world stone and has already succeeded for most of it.

In ten days and eight days, the World Stone will be able to condense successfully, and the conditions for him to enter the Realm King will be fulfilled.

And for the rest of the time, he had to realize that Li Mo said there was no sword in his hand, and he felt like a sword in his heart.

At this moment, a girl stopped Lin Zhen.

"Su Qing'an, get out of class is over. Let me have something to eat with me. I know that there is a newly opened restaurant nearby. The ice-hot pot there is very good, and there is also the newly arrived dragon meat in sauce. I believe you must have never tried it."

This girl is called Lanlan. She is a little princess in the class. She is more beautiful and has a much better background. It is said that she will not go to class here for a while.

Of course Lin Zhen would not have any interest in this kind of girl, and shook his head slightly: "I'm going to practice sword again."

"What's the point of practicing swordsmanship all day? Taking classes in such a place won't be a big gain. My father now serves as the secretary of an adjutant of the Military Aircraft Department. He makes a lot of money. He will give it to me in a few days. I have asked a private tutor at the domain king level. Then you can go with me. You don't need to bear any expenses. It is guaranteed that you will make progress much faster than your class here."

"Thank you, not going anymore."

Lin Zhen was completely expressionless, and his tone was not cold, but the indifference in it was enough to severely blow a young girl's open heart.

Lan Lan's face changed a bit. She was not a good-tempered girl. When this Su Qing'an appeared in the class, she liked it and warned other girls not to approach Su Qing'an. This was the one she had decided.

The others did not dare to offend Lan Lan, so they had to evade Lin Zhen.

In her opinion, Lin Zhen is a good-looking boy. His family background is not worth mentioning. It is his good fortune that he likes her. He has no reason to refuse, and there is no room for rejection.

But now Lin Zhen's performance completely angered Lan Lan.

"Su Qing'an! You think it over for me!"

Lin Zhen walked forward without looking back, Lan Lan bit her lip fiercely, an angry light in her eyes.

"What a big dog! It doesn't give grandma's face, so good! I'll see what you rely on?"

Lan Lan also turned around and left. She was going to check Lin Zhen's family background. If she didn't have any background, she would send someone to arrest him, and would arrest Lin Zhen on her bed.

This is the law of the jungle where the weak and the strong eat in the Not only are bad men bullying women, some women are also overbearing. If they like it, then you have to get it, because you don’t have the ability to fight against me. Can obediently admit fate.

Lan Lan was also the eldest lady in the Heping Martial Arts Center, and the owner of the museum wanted to show her father's face, so when she checked Lin Zhen's information, the owner immediately agreed.

When Lan Lan got Lin Zhen's information, she looked suspicious.

Because Lin Zhen's information stated that Su Qing'an was from Changshun Mansion in Haisen County.

But Lanlan herself came from this mansion. If Lin Zhen also came from there, why did she never know?

"Check me Su Qing'an's family background..."

Lan Lan quickly ordered to go down. She hasn't thought much about it now. If this is the case, then there is no need to worry about anything to fear.

But what I didn't expect was that the results of the query and feedback showed that there was no such person, Lin Zhen's parents and family, etc., were fabricated!