Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 760: Round 10 duel!

Originally, the people of Qin were desperate, and many spectators began to leave the stage cursing their mothers, but when the last black-robed man killed the mad Xiao Se, they returned.

Lin Zhen and Xiao Se were reluctant to win the battle, but this black-robed man could easily kill Xiao Se, so Lin Zhen was no longer his opponent.

Qin Guoren once again ignited hope, looking forward to Lin Zhen being eliminated in the final round.

It was wonderful to think about it. Lin Zhen insisted on killing all the way to the present, and was eliminated at the last moment, and the evil spirit in Qin's heart was calculated.

The waves of people that had been silent for a long time were set off again, and slogans waved.

As for the supporters of Lin Zhen who had been very relaxed, their hearts were raised again at this moment.


The tenth round of battle began, and one by one warriors began to prepare to take the stage.

There is no match in this round. There are only more than 2,000 warriors in total, and everyone can compete at the same time.

"Lin Zhen, it's the last one. This is the most critical one. As long as you take down this black-robed man, you are guaranteed to be able to enter the Holy Land Wilderness squad."

"Yes, Brother Lin, even if you enter the deserted squad, you will have the chance to upgrade to the Hongban Zhou squad in the future. As long as you can enter the Holy Land, you will win."

"Lin Zhen, don't force it. If you don't think it will work, then smash the talisman in time. Don't worry because we all bet that you can enter the holy land. If you don't have any money, you can make more money. People must be there. ."

"Right, right, right, I was wrong just now, otherwise you will immediately crush the talisman when you send it up, and just give up this one."

The people around were talking babbledly, giving Lin Zhen ideas one after another.

Lin Zhen did not answer, but closed his eyes to adjust his state.

Obviously, this battle was a little beyond his abilities, and the opponent's strength was beyond imagination.

However, Lin Zhen and Ning Qingxuan had just double repaired, and his state at this time had almost reached the peak. He also wanted to meet this mysterious black-robed man.

It's not terrible to lose, the terrible thing is that you don't even have the courage to fight.

Besides, Lin Zhen felt that he might not lose.

"Don't worry about me anymore. It's just a battle. If you win, you will enter the Holy Land. You will prepare the food and drink, and wait for me to celebrate when I enter the Holy Land!"

Hearing Lin Zhen's confident statement, everyone who was nervous just now relaxed a little.

Lin Zhen is still that Lin Zhen, always full of fighting spirit, and never afraid of any powerful opponent!

"Come on, Brother Lin!"

"To win! The wine of celebration is waiting for you to drink together!"

Lin Zhen waved to the people, and it was time to start the game.

The light flashed, and all the 2,048 warriors were all teleported to the ring.


At this time, every big screen in the streets and alleys of Qin State was broadcasting the battle of Falling Star Lake, and most of them were broadcasting the battle of Lin Zhen.

The reporter was nervously introducing the situation.

"Compatriots of the Great Qin Empire, the battle for Lin Zhen that everyone cares most about is about to begin. This person has brought endless humiliation and hatred to Da Qin. It can be said that we all hope that this person will be eliminated."

"But I have to say that Lin Zhen is very powerful. After defeating Xiao Se, he has already stepped into the holy ground with one foot, but finally the sky has eyes. The appearance of this mysterious person has brought us hope. This person has just He easily killed Xiao Se, and his strength was definitely higher than Lin Zhen. In this battle, Lin Zhen was already fierce and ill-advised. He has been dead for a lifetime. Now let us watch the battle together!"

The crowd in the camera swept through, and the noisy venue just now quieted down, and everyone was watching the big screen nervously.

Above the blue whale, Jin Nuo looked at the big screen with great interest, and what was shown on it was Lin Zhen's situation.

The imperial emperor Zhu Ziheng, with his empress, was also watching attentively.

Guo Shi Qian Tong, holding a string of jade buddha beads in his hand, had stopped twisting and was obviously attracted by the battle.

The warriors of the various big forces behind have stopped talking, and their eyes are focused on this battle.

Lin Zhen is not only the public enemy of the people of Qin, he is also the only realm king-level warrior who persists in the Holy Land of Falling Star Lake this time.

Among the remaining people, most are in the realm of longevity, and a few are in the realm of Sanhua.

If he can enter the Holy Land as the King of the Realm, it will also be a relatively sensational news.

Some people want Lin Zhen to win, and some people want Lin Zhen to die immediately. If you look closely at people's expressions at this time, you can easily observe who supports Lin Zhen and who hates Lin Zhen.

Afterwards, some people even interpreted the scene of this scene, and it was obvious that the empress of Da Qin seemed to support Lin Zhen.

In short, the significance of this battle is too great, involving the hearts of hundreds of millions of people.

Not only Qin, but also many other places in Metaverse are broadcasting this game.

The headline of the Dimensional Universe is such a title.

"Lin Zhen's key battle, can the public enemy of Qin State enter the Holy Land? Here is it!"


Lin Zhen had just stepped onto the stage, and the figure in front of him flashed, and the black-robed man appeared silently like a devil from hell.

Lin Zhen wanted to say something. This is his usual method. Psychological warfare can often find the flaws or weaknesses of opponents, so as to find opportunities and create advantages that are beneficial to him.

But after the black-robed man appeared on the stage, he didn't say a word, nor did he give Lin Zhen a chance to speak. His figure flashed like a ghost, and he arrived in front of Lin Zhen in an instant!

The gloomy light in front of me flickered, it was the opponent's iron claw!

Lin Zhen also saw the opponent's weapon at this time, a pair of dark iron claws, clearly of the spirit treasure level, no wonder it could block Xiaoshou's sword.

Iron claws struck, without a trace of wind, and only a glimmer of black light had already arrived.


This is the most critical battle. Winning this battle will guarantee entry into the Holy Land, which is more meaningful than any battle.

Lin Zhen didn't dare to have the slightest concealment. The first sword was a dead end, slashing at the opponent's arm!

Zhankong Divine Sword returned without success for the first time!

The cut was hit, but the opponent's metal armguards were obviously of better quality, and Lin Zhen banged once, but it didn't affect anything. The black iron claws still grabbed Lin Zhen's heart!

Although there was no momentum, Lin Zhen's iron claw felt extremely dangerous, and he felt that he could not avoid resistance.

It's like Xiaoshou's three swords, knowing that the opponent will make a move, but it can't resist!

This is not just a gap in absolute strength, it is clearly a stunt.

Xiao Se died under this catch, and Lin Zhen didn't want to follow in his footsteps.

With force under his feet, his body retreated violently, and the black-robed man quickly followed up. The iron claw was only less than a foot away from Lin Zhen's heart!



Spiritual evil spirit shock!


God baby out of the body!

Lin Zhen's continuous action finally appeared, and the **** infant wielding a spear went straight to the opponent's spiritual consciousness to kill!

The black-robed man didn't speak, but Lin Zhen could obviously feel the scent of mockery from the other party, and he was alert. When the **** infant was about to approach the other party, he decisively withdrew!

A explosive bomb formed by mental power exploded in front of the opponent's forehead, and if it were not for Lin Zhen's decisive withdrawal, the **** infant would definitely be injured.

Then this series of actions could not shake this warrior at all!

That urging iron claw was still getting closer and closer to Lin Zhen's heart!

Lin Zhen has no doubt that even if he escapes into the space at this moment, this iron claw will still pass through the space to grab it!

No matter whether time accelerates or decelerates, it can't interfere with the advancement of this iron claw. This is a kind of potential that can easily destroy all force fields!

With this hand alone, this warrior's understanding of combat is better than Lin Zhen.

Seeing the crisis, Lin Zhen suddenly shouted: "You are too naive to kill me with one move!"

A blue light flashed above his head, and the sword ring appeared!

This Lingbao obtained from Nanliang appeared on Lin Zhen's head for the first time!

After the sword ring appeared, Lin Zhen's star force urged the next halo to be released, and when the iron claw was about to approach Lin Zhen's chest, he forced it back a little distance!

Lin Zhen escaped the catastrophe in a few minutes!

Between the halo of the sword ring and the iron claws, a series of sparks burst out, and the ripples in the space are like traces of water, scattered around the contact point.

It caused a space shock, showing how powerful the opponent's blow was. At that moment, it was really dangerous!

Lin Zhen fell to the ground, a drop of sweat on his forehead slipping silently.

In just a second, he walked before the ghost gate closed.

The black-robed man also stopped, making a sound for the first time.

"Jie Jie~~! I really didn’t expect you to have such a treasure, which made you lucky to live a little longer, but that’s all, the old man will abolish this thing from you now and see what else you have Tricks!"

As soon as the black robe man raised his arm, the black iron claw on his left hand emitted a dazzling glare, and went straight to Lin Zhen!

The speed was unparalleled, and it blasted directly on the ring of Lin Zhen's bodyguard sword!

When two treasures met in the air, the black iron claws exploded!

With a loud rumbling noise, Lin Zhen only felt the star power in his dantian trembling, the iron claws burst, and it was like destroying the gods of thunder that the sword ring was shot down from Lin Zhen's head!

The iron claw is destroyed, the sword ring is useless!

" actually destroyed your spirit treasure, and you have to drop my sword ring!"

"I have two iron claws. What can I do if I destroy one? If you kill you, one iron claw is enough!"

The black robe man made another as before, and came straight to Lin Zhen's heart!

The sword ring was destroyed in this way, Lin Zhen was also extremely distressed, and he couldn't help being annoyed when he watched the other party repeat the old tricks.

I really used Lao Tzu as a soft persimmon, today I will try how strong your trick is!

Kaihua~! Lin Zhen swelled up and turned into a monster!

Not moving like a mountain~!

The feet are firmly nailed to the ground!

Jian Gang~!

Jian Gang sprayed out from both hands, all star power was concentrated!

Flames! Ice! Covering the two sword gangs respectively, the snow lotus on top of his head opened up, Lin Zhen gathered all his powers and blasted the opponent's iron claws abruptly!

Since there is no dodge, then don't dodge!