Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 485: Department~ committee recommended

At this time, the dealer also found that not the advertisement was made, the popularity was improved, and the product would be sold. Like the problems they are beginning to worry about, this time it is not an exclusive distribution of products, and even can be said that they are following the trend.

At the beginning, dealers are also worried that the supply of products is in short supply, and the supply of Taihua Trading Company is too low. But now it seems that even if they publicize some cooperative shopping malls, they still compete with Motorola, and they can only grab the market with His Majesty and NEC.

If sales continue to do so, then after a few months, after the supply has surged, there will be a backlog of products. For them, capital turnover can be very stressful.

After doing a car agent, almost everyone has a loan, or owes money to other bosses. Once the pager is unable to make money, the distributors may not be willing to continue to purchase, and they will still be responsible for more than two million yuan each month. Their company can be dangerous!

These channels are all easily raised by Feng Yu. How can these channels disappear? Feng Yu still has a big move that is useless. This big move comes out, Feng Yu guarantees that sales will be significantly improved!

Feng Yu comforted these dealers and gave them peace of mind. At the end of this month, if the sales volume has not improved, then the bottom of the sales will be reduced next month.

Feng Yu said this, the dealers have regained their confidence, Feng is on the sales, but there is a very good set. It is only a temporary difficulty. They can also see it themselves. As long as they have stayed for one year and defeated their Majesty and NEC, sales growth is expected.

It’s just that they worry that they are quite a year away. Even if the backlog of 500,000 yuan a month, there will be a backlog of two million in four months, this will consume their liquidity, the pressure is too great!


"Lu Shao, can this be done?"

"Please personally eat, what can't be done? You can rest assured, wait for my call, I will not come out tonight, I will definitely be able to come out tomorrow!" Lu Shao patted his chest to guarantee.

Feng Yu asked Lu Shao to help, about a division of the information industry ~ Department ~ grow up, this is the credit industry ~ Department of finance ~ Division of the Secretary ~ long, Feng Yu looking for him to solve the sales problem of Aihua pager!

Lu Shao's efficiency is very high, and he or his family has a face. In the evening, the secretary was invited to eat.

"Fan Shi ~ Chang, this is the boss of Aihua Electronics, Feng Yu, Feng Zong. Feng Zong, this is the Fan Shi ~ long you have always wanted to see, today I will be able to invite you to come." Lu Shao Introduced to both parties.

"Fan Shi ~ long, hello, I have long wanted to ask Fan Shi ~ grow out to eat."

"You are the boss of Aihua Electronics? It is really young and promising. You can't help Aihua Electronics. The self-developed pager has been successfully developed. The ministry will praise you." Fan Si~ said with a smile.

At the same time, he was very curious. This Feng always asked him what he was doing. He was responsible for finance. If Feng Yu wants a policy, he should look for policies and regulations, or the head of the industrial policy department. What are you looking for?

"Fan Shi ~ Long, I don't know what the income of our information industry is? What is the source? How about the income of the subordinates? Is the money of those research enough?" Feng Yu asked.

Fan Si~ looked at Feng Yu very long, and looked at Lu Shao, this Feng is not sick, the financial problems in our department, he asked what is so clear?

Lu Shao also looked at Feng Yu with a look of confusion. He didn't know what Feng Yu wanted to do. He thought that Feng Yu just wanted to know, or through this relationship, he would know more leaders. . It seems that Feng Yu’s question is very strange now.

"What does Feng always mean by asking?"

"Fan Shi ~ long want to give the Ministry to earn income?" Feng Yu smiled and asked. In this year, the national money is not enough, and the ministries and commissions are surely lacking money. Feng Yu proposed a way to generate income. I don’t believe that this is a long-term policy!

"Create income? How to generate income?" Fan Si ~ long tempted. Don't look at him's finances in this department. It seems to be a bad thing, but this job is really bad. Every division needs money, but there is not so much money in the department. It is always easy to offend people who don't give it. It also led them to do financial, the most difficult to promote, otherwise the last deputy ~ Department ~ long vacancies, he will not compete for failure!

"Fan Shi ~ Chang knows that Aihua pager produced by Aihua Electronics is right? We are the only company that independently develops and produces pagers in China, and all the shareholders are all Chinese! Our success also represents China. Advances in technology have made it impossible for foreign businessmen to monopolize this part of their profits and monopolize our information industry..."

Fan Si ~ Chang Yue listens more and more frowning, how has Feng always boasted? And boasting is endless. I know everything you said, but what do you mean by this? What is the relationship with income generation in the Ministry?

“So I hope I can cooperate with the ministry and add a line of text to our advertisement: ‘Information Industry~ Ministry recommended products’, we can pay, don’t know if this will work?”

What? Information industry ~ Ministry recommended? How can this be! What does Feng think about it, how much it costs? If it weren't for Lu Shao, he would have thought of getting up and reprimanded.

"Feng, it is impossible for the Ministry to let you appear in the advertisement. This is no matter whether it is me or our department~ It is impossible to agree! So this money, we can't earn. Lu Shao, nothing else. What happened, I will go first today, and I will ask Lu Shao to drink the next day.” Fan Si~ stood up and greeted and prepared to leave.

"Fan Shi ~ long, wait a moment, I still have a sentence, after listening to this sentence, Fan Si ~ long to go, I do not stop." Feng Yu said without hesitation.

"What, you say." Fan Si ~ long frowning, Lu Shao's face I don't want to give, who can you move out?

"We have a lot of cooperation with the Ministry of Information Industry and the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. Can we make a notice to let the counters selling the pagers of the post offices push our Aihua pagers? Every e-mail station sells an Aihua pager. We love Aihua Electronics and can pay ten yuan to the ministry!"

I want to get such a big support if I only have ten dollars. This Feng is really a good calculation! However, this is indeed a road to income generation. Although he is responsible for finance, he is also the finance of the information industry. He knows a little about the market of pagers.

“How much sales do you have in a year when you love China?”

Hearing Fan Si ~ Long asked, Feng Yu knew that his conditions touched the other side.

"This year's output can reach almost 300,000 units, and next year can exceed 3 million units! Even if only half of them are sold in post and telecommunications, this year, at least 1.5 million yuan can be handed over to the ministry, and more than 15 million next year! Feng Yu added a tone to the 15 million.

Fan Si ~ long eyes, this Aihua Electronics, how big is the output? If you can bring in 15 million yuan in income to the Ministry, then wait for next year's deputy ~ Department ~ long retirement, it is up to him!