Extraordinary Sailing (Extraordinary Voyage)

Chapter 33: Traces and shipwreck mourners

   In fact, I started to eat raw fish in the Han Dynasty in the previous life of Ai Wen. It's just that there are more parasites in freshwater fish, and they are gradually no longer popular, and they have been carried forward by coastal island countries.

Captain Geer took the lead to give Aiwen a face, picking up a slice of fish that can be seen transparently to the sun, first praised Aiwen's knife skills, and then put it in the mouth, and the fish was fresh and sweet. conquer.

   I am used to fish soup and grilled fish. This novel way of eating has a special flavor.

   "Well, yes, it is sweet and tender, you guys try it too."

   the effect of the ups and downs, the crew members tried to eat them one after another, and became fans of the new way of eating sea fish invented by Aiwen.

   Then the chef brought the carefully prepared barbecue to the table, and the officers who stayed behind on the "Warrior" on the opposite side were also invited to join the lunch on the Silver Wing, where the guests and hosts enjoyed food and wine.

   The leisurely time did not last long. As the crew members who fetched water returned one after another, they brought back an exciting news. They accidentally found traces of other people's activities on the water source of the small island!

   "Let's follow up!"

   Although it is not certain whether it is the one-eyed Becky, no one wants to give up on this rare clue. After a short repair, the two warships quickly raised their sails and chased in the direction where the other party might leave.

   The howling sea breeze filled the sails.

   As an observer, Aiwen stood on the observation deck of the mainmast, and a strange thought suddenly popped out of his mind.

  The other traversers were chased and killed by forces of all sizes all day long, and they were busy running their lives, and they had already mixed up to the point of chasing and killing others, shouldn’t they be ashamed of the masses of traversers?

   then waved back the joke-like thoughts in his head.

   He touched his chin. The hunter experience of more than three years reminded him that the role of hunter and prey is not static. As a hunter, he must always be alert to counter-killing of prey.

   Especially when this prey is also a cunning predator!

   But the one-eyed Becky's style of acting made him vaguely feel this way. This guy stayed in hiding, staying in the jurisdiction of the Third Fleet, and definitely had other purposes.

   This time tracking continued for a whole day, and finally found traces of other ships near a large stretch of rocky islands that stretched for dozens of miles.

   It was a half-full oak barrel, which looked like it accidentally fell into the sea, and then just floated into the sight of the warship following the current.

   The crew picked it up from the sea.


   opened the wine barrel with no special appearance, and a smell of wine wafted out. Even Ivan, who rarely drinks, knew that this was the most common rum at sea.

But first officer Perry solemnly poured a glass, smelled the smell and tasted it, and said with certainty: "This barrel of wine is not from the Black Sea shore, at least not from the rum of the Tulip Alliance countries. "

   greeted most of the crew's suspicious eyes.

The first officer asked the crew to pour a glass of rum stored on the ship, put the two glasses together, and explained: "The Tulip Alliance countries have frequent exchanges and there are many wineries. But in fact, their wineries are all located in the southern continent. The colony, where there is enough sugar cane as a raw material, the sugar industry and wine industry are very developed."

   "No matter how the process is changed, whether it is blended or not, there is only that kind of sugarcane as the raw material. So the sugarcane wine on the Tulip Alliance has a common aroma, which is different from other producing areas."

   Aiwen also picked up two glasses of wine and smelled it, trying to find the difference between the two, but found nothing. I can only silently look at the chief mate with the attitude of Xiaomeng's new admiration for the boss, and sure enough, Jiang is still hot.

"In other words, a foreigner who didn't take the normal route and ran to a place where this kind of bird doesn't **** inexplicably. I think 80% of them are pirates, and it's most likely our target'One-eyed Betsy'!" The deputy uttered his inference.

   Although there are many explanations for the existence of this foreign wine, most people on board agreed with the first officer's statement, and Ivan did not intervene in this kind of thing that he was not good at.

   "Let’s notify the Warrior."

   Under Geer's gesture, the news was quickly announced to the Warrior via semaphore. Then the Warrior wrote back, suggesting that the two warships should be separated here, and each is responsible for one side of the Rocky Islands. Once they find the trace of the other side, they will send a signal to the other side.

   And without waiting for the Silver Wing to respond, the Warrior was already impatiently heading toward the outside of the Rocky Island, where the ocean currents flowed, and theoretically the possibility of finding the opponent was higher.

"Your Captain, is this really good? After all, it was the clue that the Silver Wing discovered first." The navigator on the Warrior asked hesitantly. He was also one of the officers on the left-behind warship who was invited to share lunch on the Silver Wing. Now I feel that my captain's behavior is really not kind.

   "What's wrong? Didn't we also share with them what we found yesterday at the source of water? Now that we have caught the one-eyed Becky's tail, we should rely on our own ability. Whoever catches it is whoever catches it."

   The rugged-looking captain with a big blue beard is a lieutenant colonel even though his rank is lower than that of a lieutenant colonel. But there is no affiliation with Geer, only because of the command of the command to cooperate with the sea, naturally not afraid to compete with him.

   Looking at the Warrior who rushed out first, the officers and soldiers on the Silver Wing were not very good-looking, and the appearance of eating alone was too ugly. Just with a little clue, you want to leave others alone?

   And does this guy see One-eyed Becky as meat on the chopping board, just wait for him to go to the pot? Is it so reckless?

   "Give me all the logbooks. It is not our fault if something goes wrong." Geer didn't say much, just instructed the lieutenants on the ship to record the course of the matter and put the responsibility away first.

   "Let him go, one-eyed Betsy is not easy to deal with, let's go inside."


   At the same time, on a sea boat with black sails.

   "Your Excellency, UU reading www.uukanshu.com good news! Gagong said that a fish has taken the bait!"

   The tattooed chief mate rushed to the stern of the ship, bent over ninety degrees, and reported the news to the captain wearing a three-cornered pirate hat with only one eye.

   The one-eyed captain turned around when he heard the words, and the only remaining eye seemed to have a poisonous thorn, so that the first officer moved his eyes and dared not look at each other unconsciously.

   The strength and madness of his own captain "One-eyed Betsy" is a hundred times more terrifying than the rumors of the outside world. Even those who have followed him for many years dare not be disobedient.

"Go tell Gagong, if his visceral divination is not accurate this time, he will use his own viscera next time! Do you understand!" It seemed as if the suppressed and disgusting sound from the rotting mud on the seabed reached the first mate's ears. He felt uncomfortable, but he didn't dare to show any strange color on his face.

   "Yes, yes, I'll go tell him now." The first officer nodded like smashing garlic, did not dare to say a word, let alone hesitate, and hurried off the ship's bow.

   just secretly said in my heart.

   "Although Ga Gong is only an indigenous wizard who knows a little bit of fur witchcraft, he is also the second most terrifying figure on this ship.

  It's just cutting open the stomachs of animals and using their internal organs for divination. This method makes people shudder to think about it. I'd better not provoke him. "

   Looking at the back of the first mate leaving, the one-eyed Betsy was very satisfied with his deterrence.

   turned around and rubbed a black stone sculpture placed on the back of the prow image, a trace of eagerness flashed in his one eye.

   As long as you can sink another warship and complete the ritual, this powerful marine treasure "Sunken Shipwreck Song" can be unlocked.

   And myself-the great one-eyed Captain Becky can also complete the transformation of extraordinary roads and become a rare and powerful "wreck mourner"!