Fancy Manual for Teasing the Male God

Chapter 689: Queen of Cooks

Sitting in the sedan chair, Qin Wansha turned on her brain to check it at will. Now the progress has reached 34%. Qin Wansha guessed that once today is over, I am afraid that I will lose another 10%.

This small sedan looked a lot from the outside. Although it must not reach the standard that people of the palace can take, it is not wrong to think of Qin Wansha's status as a citizen.

Just looking at the solidified window decorated in the sedan chair, Qin Wansha could only smile, and sigh that Gu Wanru's thoughts are really meticulous.

Without seeing the outside scenes, Qin Wansha naturally didn’t know if the route she was currently on was really going to Ning Palace. However, the guards whom Li Xiujin sent to her were not vegetarian, and Qin Wansha was not really worried. These ones.

When the soft sedan suddenly stopped and landed, the hardwood flower-carved double door in front of the sedan was also opened from the outside. The'housekeeper of King Ning's house' still looked arrogant, looking at Qin Wansha with contempt in his eyes, and said: " We're in the palace, please ask the girl to get off the sedan chair."

Qin Wansha slowly got up, but before she got out of the sedan chair, she woke up badly and asked specifically: "This housekeeper, why does it take such a long distance from my house to the palace?"

The butler's eyes flashed, but he said without any guilty conscience on his face: "You tell what identity you are, and if you want to take you into the mansion, you have to bypass the eyeliner of many people. It doesn't hurt our prince's reputation!"

Looking at the arrogant face that seemed to be a member of Prince Ning's Mansion, Qin Wansha was amused, but did not say anything.

After she walked out, Qin Wansha discovered that she was in front of a small door with a plaque with the characters'Ning Wangfu' hung on the door.

"Cough!" After clearing her throat, Qin Wansha forced herself to suppress the smile that she was about to squirt-just such a small door that two people squeezed side by side, and deliberately hung such a plaque, for fear that others might not know This is what the'Ning Wangfu' seems to have, Qin Wansha really feels that her IQ and knowledge are both doubted.

The butler did not notice at all, and still deliberately said sarcastically: "In your capacity, besides going to the side entrance of our palace, is it possible that you want to go to the front entrance?!"

Qin Wansha thought that she had to go not only to the main entrance of the Ning Palace, but also to the main entrance of the palace. After thinking about it, Qin Wansha stopped, turned around and put an irritated face on the housekeeper: "Look at the housekeeper’s speech and attitude, If you want to come to Lord Ning, you should not want to see me. If I don't go in and ask for trouble, please do it yourself!"

With that said, Qin Wansha turned to go back.

After receiving Gu Wanru's order, she deliberately humiliated Qin Wansha's housekeeper all the way. He was anxious, and immediately reached out to Qin Wansha's shoulder and grabbed it: "You stop me! You really think you are--"

With a sound of "pop!" Qin Wansha slapped her hand viciously before the butler said something even more unpleasant to her.

"Diao Nu!" Qin Wansha's eyes were sharp, and she shouted: "You really treat yourself as the steward of Prince Ning's mansion!"

The housekeeper stared at him and his heart trembled. The original aura was directly stunned by Qin Wansha's two-stage counterattack--could it be that his identity was discovered? ! But it doesn’t matter, anyone has already reached the door anyway, as long as he...

Before the butler looked fiercely and wanted to take the next step, Qin Wansha had already recoiled, and stopped at a distance of only half an arm from the butler, her eyes full of arrogance: "This slap, I am the one who will take the place. Your master rewards you, so you must remember it firmly today. You are just a dog that obeys orders. Treat the guests invited by your master's courtesy. Remember to be respectful!"

The people in the door seemed to have heard the voice outside. A mean-looking woman in a green dress immediately opened the door and walked out. Seeing the situation right now, she immediately said, "The money steward! You are really confused! How can this be? The guest who neglects the prince!"

With that said, the woman walked out quickly, and as soon as the housekeeper saw her, her original anger instantly dropped.

However, Qin Wansha took the opportunity to slap again, and the clear voice made the housekeeper stunned, and at the same time the woman who hurried out was stunned on the spot.

Qin Wansha put on a different face at this time, glanced at the two with a proud and open smile, and then said: "I reward you for this slap. I am grateful for your care in this way. How, the money housekeeper, you still Don't you thank me."

The woman was angry, but she gave the housekeeper a vicious look, and then hurriedly shouted: "Miss Yu, our prince has been waiting for you in the mansion for a long time. This old slave and maid will teach you something for you-the housekeeper. ! Don't apologize to Miss Yu yet!"

Steward Qian had evil thoughts, so he had to bow his head when he was born before the woman's eyes, only gritted his teeth and slashed at Qin Wansha like a knife: "It's the old slave who neglected the lady--"

"Pop!" There was another applause.

As soon as Steward Qian said half of her face was hit to the side, and then, Qin Wansha, who had expressed a great deal of expression, withdrew her hand, rubbed her soft palm, ignored Steward Qian, and said to the woman: " There are really a lot of flies in front of this palace. Let’s go. Isn’t your master waiting for me? What are you still standing here?"

The woman never thought that Qin Wansha would be so temperamental, and she was shocked in her heart, but more, she was still vigilant-this woman is not easy to mess with, but since her lady ordered it, no matter what , We must do it last.

"Miss, please here." The woman said, and she greeted Qin Wansha to go inside. After that, the woman did not forget to raise her head and shot a warning look at the money steward.

Steward Qian was full of sullen eyes, but seeing the woman's color, he had to grit his teeth and endure the humiliation.

After all, he felt a little more comfortable when he thought that after the **** of Yu's family entered this mansion, he would come out again to be the dirty goods with broken melons.

Watching those people enter the ‘Ning Wang’s Mansion’ and watching the gate of the mansion close, the housekeeper Qian touched his beaten red cheek and gave a cold smile.

Immediately, he was hit in the back of the neck, his eyes turned black, and the sneer on his face had not been recovered, and he fell to the ground unconsciously.

The secret guards who were in charge of protecting Qin Wansha immediately separated their hands, and neatly dragged down all the people lying down at the door, and the rest immediately followed the mansion.

And Qin Wansha, who was walking towards the mansion following the woman's guidance, dismissed and pointed at the sights in the mansion, while mocking the hospitality of the'Royal Mansion'.

The woman kept smiling and leading the way, until a courtyard entered her eyes, she smiled and stopped, and then signaled Qin Wansha to go in alone: ​​"Our father is equal to the lady in it, Miss Yu, please."