Freelance Artist

Chapter 61: Poem of Xiangyang (Additional update fro

Chapter 61 Xiangyang’s Poem (Little Dinosaur Loves to Eat Fish, Alliance Leader’s Update)

 Readers of Nason Bookstore's "Mystery and Suspense Chronicles" are already familiar with Hou Yehou.

This familiarity is based on the three short stories in front of No Night Hou, even though this is a new writer who has only made his debut two months ago.

But being familiar with it doesn’t mean you like it.

For example, Dani, the front desk clerk of a certain sofa brand, is not interested in this kind of night-time service.

 Dani Kanye Hou’s first work is called "The Human Chair".

 She still can't forget the feeling she had after watching "The Human Chair" that day—

 At that time.

 She was sitting on the flagship sofa that the company had just launched.

 It was a single sofa, very heavy and large, with fine leather wrapped in soft sponge.

 Very flexible.

 It feels very comfortable.

Sitting on such a sofa and reading novels, Dani felt very happy.

However, before she finished reading the novel, she jumped up suddenly. Looking back at the large sofa that could completely hide a person, she felt as if there were ants crawling all over her body!

This is not the most terrifying thing.

 The scariest thing is that there are hundreds of similar sofas in the store where Dani is!

At that moment Dani wanted to run away on the spot!

She felt that the hundreds of sofas in the store exuded an eerie atmosphere!

 It can be used as the front desk of a sofa brand. This is Dani’s job. She occasionally acts as a salesperson to recommend a certain sofa to customers...

 In short.

Dani's working condition was very poor in those days, and she felt resentful all night long. It took several days to adjust.


Last month, "Mystery and Suspense" once again put Bu Yehou's work in the first article, but Dani simply chose to ignore it.

 Look from the back to the front!

As you can imagine, the last article in the last issue of the magazine was also written by Wu Yehou!

 Avoid the beginning!

 The ending that cannot be escaped!

Today Dani ordered "Mystery and Suspense" again.

 When I opened the first article, Dani couldn’t laugh or cry. Sure enough, it was still a work by Hou Yehou. Can this magazine be better?

 Why is it that there is a Nightmare in every issue!

 Is Buyehou the father of your magazine?

Dani complained in her heart and subconsciously wanted to skip the short story of Hou Yehou, but the title of the other person's work suddenly made her feel that it was not unacceptable?

 “Poetry to the Sun?”

 As far as the title is concerned, there is nothing scary or spooky about it.

  On the contrary, this title even has a harmonious warm tone, which is both sunny and poetic.

Let's see.

If it doesn’t feel right, skip it immediately.

 Mainly because the title of Bu Yehou's short story this time did not match the style of the previous stories, which really made her a little curious. Perhaps this was the complexity of human nature, and she was obviously not interested in this author.

 In a moment of thought.

 The story officially begins.

I opened my eyes and found myself sleeping on an operating table. I sat up and saw that it was a spacious room scattered with things. There is a man sitting on a chair. He was thinking about something quietly not far from me. Seeing me wake up puts a smile on my face. 】

 Classic first person.

  All stories in No Night Hou are unfolded in the first person.

However, there is nothing scary about the beginning of this short story:

 A man built a robot.

This robot is “me”.

I was taken to a woods by a man. There was a house here and a cemetery in the distance.

 The "I" in the story is very curious:

 Why do we live in the woods, where are the other humans?

The man said:

  Human beings were infected by bacteria that suddenly covered the air, and almost all of them died.

 Before he was infected, he moved here with his uncle.

 Unfortunately, his uncle was still infected with bacteria and has been dead for a long time.

The cemetery far from the house belongs to his uncle.

 Tsk tsk.

 Dani shook her head while looking at it.

As expected of you, Hou Buye.

  At the beginning, I used this man's words to say in an understatement that mankind is almost extinct.

The writings of this Nightless Marquis are always as cold and ruthless as ever. There is a frowning rationality in his descriptions of life and death.

 As if life and death were that simple.

 Fortunately, there are no thriller elements in this story so far.

  Dani continued to read, and then shook her head even more.

 Because the man said lightly:

“I had a check-up yesterday and found that I am also infected with bacteria. After I die, you can just dig a hole next to my uncle’s grave and bury me. This is the reason why I made you sick.”


 The man who may represent the last life in this world is also going to die.

 And "I" is just a robot.

This story is still not scary, but the description of life and death makes Dani feel more and more ruthless and cold.

 In the following days.

 I began to care for this man in his final days.

 As a robot, I have no emotions and cannot understand the meaning of life and death.

 The man realized this and said:

“In order for you to bury me properly, I want you to understand what ‘death’ is.”

 See this.

 Dani suddenly became happy.

 What is death?

Can an absolutely rational text like "Bu Ye Hou" describe the weight of life?

She suddenly became curious:

How will Bu Yehou write about "death" next?

 The writing is as rational as ever, but with a few more details of life.

We live in the forest and have a vegetable garden at our door. Rabbits often eat the vegetables.

I had nothing to do but catch the rabbit.

  But I was only given the same functions as an adult woman, so it was impossible to catch the rabbit.

 The rabbit seemed to be laughing at me and disappeared into the forest.

 The man seemed very happy and kept smiling.

He smiled and said: "Slowly in life, you will become more like a human being."

 When I got home, the man was still laughing. Although I didn’t quite understand it, I felt a little itchy deep in my heart. My body temperature began to rise. I didn’t know what to do for a while, so I could only scratch my head.

 That’s it.

It seems that this is a kind of feeling called "shyness".

 I suddenly felt a little disgusted with him who was always smiling.

 During lunch, he tapped the table twice to get my attention.

I raised my head and looked at him while I was drinking soup.

 He picked up the vegetables with a fork, and there were many marks of rabbit bites on them.

“Why are my salads and soups filled with rabbit-bitten vegetables? Why don’t you eat them like this?”

 “It’s just a matter of chance. It’s a matter of probability.”

I replied while eating a vegetable salad that had not been bitten by rabbits.

Dani chuckled.

I didn’t expect that Bu Yehou would write such a humorous plot.

Although I'm not a fan of Never Night Hou, Dani has to admit that the details of this period of life are described very well, and it gives people a warm feeling.

 The robot becomes "shy".

 The robot learned to "prank".

 As the man said, "I" will gradually become more like a human being in life.

 “It seems to be different from the style before Bu Yehou.”

  Dani said to herself.

 The story continues. The man said he was going to die in a week, as if a proper examination could tell the date of death, but I still don't understand the meaning of death.

 As a robot, my death is predetermined.

I put my wrist to my ear and could clearly hear the sound of the motor, ticking every second, and I would die when the motor stopped working...

 When a man has five days left to live.

 The rabbit came to eat the leaves in the vegetable garden again. I still wanted to catch this little guy, so I rushed out without hesitation.

 It started to rain.

 I chased the rabbit to the edge of the cliff.

This little animal with white fur had nowhere to escape. It quietly let me hold it. I felt the small warmth in my hands, which seemed to be getting hotter and hotter.


 The cliff began to collapse.

I fell hard, holding the rabbit tightly in my arms.

The moment I landed, a strong impact penetrated my whole body. Half of my body was damaged, one leg was broken, and there was a huge **** from the abdomen to the chest, but it was not fatal to the robot.

 I looked at the rabbit on my chest.

 There was something red on the white fur, and I knew it was blood.

 The rabbit's body slowly became colder, and the body temperature seemed to have flowed away from my wrist.

I returned home with the rabbit in my arms, limping on one foot, and things falling out of my body from time to time.

 The heavy rain kept falling.

I returned home with difficulty and asked the man if I could save the rabbit.

 The man shook his head and said that the rabbit couldn't bear the impact of falling and fell to death in my arms.

I thought of the lively rabbit chasing among the vegetables, and then looked at the rabbit in front of me, whose white fur was dyed red and his eyes narrowed into a thin line, motionless.


 I opened my mouth to say something, but no word came out.

 I felt the pain coming from deep in my chest. I should have nothing to do with pain.

 But why do I feel pain?

 I lost my strength and knelt down.

 I have been given the ability to shed tears.

 He looked at me with an extremely sad look and said:

 “This is death.”

I grabbed my head with both hands and realized that death is the pain of losing something.


 Dani felt her heart twitching hard.

She was thinking before, can a writer like Bu Yehou, who often writes about death, really write well about the meaning of life and death?

 Now she knows.

It’s not that Buyehou doesn’t understand—

 Death is the pain of losing something.

 The story uses a robot's perspective to describe death. It should be rational and cold, but when she saw this, her eyes suddenly turned red.

 The story is not over yet.

 While the man was repairing my damaged body, I became angry with him for the first time:

"I hate you!"

 Why do you want to make me?

 If I had not been born in this world, if I had not fallen in love with anything, I would not be so afraid of death and separation.

 I burst into tears.

 I like this man.

 But this man created me just to let me bury his body.

 If it’s so painful, it’s better not to have a heart. I hate the heart he gave me.

 He had a sad expression.

His life is also passing away bit by bit.

 I think he will soon be as immobile as a rabbit.

 “How many hours are left?”

 In the final countdown of his life, I looked outside and asked him.

 He was silent for a while, and then told me how many seconds he had left in his life.

I have a question.

 If he died of a germ, could he keep time so accurately?

“I can also know the time of my death accurately, because robots like me are programmed to stop moving at the beginning, and so are you…”

 Why are you pretending to be human?

 I put my ear against his chest and heard the subtle sound of the motor in his body.

 The magazine opens here.

  Dani’s hand suddenly stopped.

  She suddenly felt great sadness, and at the same time her eyes widened in shock. This was a shocking reverse design!

 It turns out that this man is also a robot!

Biyehou is good at writing a huge reversal at the end of the story, but this reversal brings a shock to the soul.

 The idea of ​​the story has been sublimated!

 The previous understanding of death by "I" is: the pain of losing something.

 The article here does not say it clearly, but it is actually saying that life is growth and inheritance!

 This is the meaning of life!

 Dani didn’t want to admit it, but she was really deeply moved.

 She thought about the day her grandpa left, and smiled and squeezed her hand.

 It turns out that it is so gratifying to have someone who can hold your hand at the moment of death.

She has always been unable to let go of her grandfather, but now Dani realizes that the kind old man’s smile before leaving actually showed his openness to life and his calmness to death.

 The uncle in the story has been dead for two hundred years.

 The man has been thinking about the uncle who made him all these years.

 The man who was given life and humanity finally collapsed in two hundred years of loneliness, so he created me and also gave me humanity and life. Life always longs for the company of another life.

 I forgive him.

 Because I know how he felt when he made me, maybe I will do the same thing in the future. I hugged him tightly at this moment.

 “Thank you for making me.”

Love and loss make people’s hearts scream. If this is the case, why not just make me a doll who loves nothing and has no heart.

 I once thought so.

 But now I am grateful to this man.

   If I had not been born in this world, I would not have seen the vast grasslands on the hills. I can't happily look at the bird's nest without giving it my heart. No more frowning because of the bitterness of coffee. Touch every shining point in this world. What a valuable thing this is. 】



 The two protagonists of this story are two robots.

 But Dani can no longer simply regard these two characters as robots.

Just like in the human world, children may have the same feelings towards their parents. This is the inheritance of human beings.

 Generation after generation, we learn to love and die.

 Survive in the cycle of light and darkness until the children grow up and continue what their parents did.

 Dani suddenly understood Bu Yehou. Perhaps it was because he knew enough about life and death that his words were always cold, but this was not a sign of respect.

  Or awe.

“Perhaps there is a warm heart under the dark appearance of Bu Yehou. I shouldn’t have prejudices based only on the first few stories. Just like this "Poetry of Xiangyang", he is a writer worthy of recognition..."

  thinking so.

  Dani turned to the last chapter.

As expected, the last chapter is also written by Hou Yehou.

 She continued to read the stories written by Yehou with great expectations.

 The last story is called "The Away Couple".

 See half of it.

Dani closed the magazine expressionlessly and added to herself:

"forget it."


 ps: The minimum limit is 6,000 words per day, and then I will add more updates for the leader. Thank you again to the little dinosaur who loves to eat fish.

 (End of this chapter)