God is Coming

v3 Chapter 566: Fall

The waiter came over, put a glass of wine in front of each of them, and said, "This glass is for gift."

Sinoe snapped his fingers at her and said, "The strongest wine, three more glasses each."

The maid smiled and said: "Our wine, after three glasses, few people can stand."

Sinoe patted her **** hard and said, "Go get the wine! Uncle, I'm not an ordinary person."

The maid glared at Sinoe, she didn't seem to be really annoyed, and said, "Don't blame me if you drink to death in a while!"

In a blink of an eye, three glasses of wine were placed in front of each of them. The three cups here are not ordinary three cups, each cup is the size of a fist, and the inside is full. These three cups are more than one catty.

Sinoe took a cup and said, "This cup is dry, I'll tell you how I recognized it."

Xino drank it, slammed the cup on the table, and looked at Chu Jungui provocatively.

Chu Jungui picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and drank it without rush, just like drinking water.

"Yes, good drink! Come, have another glass, I'll tell you more!"

Sinoe drank it again, and Chu Jun returned to finish the drink slowly.

"Last drink! I'll do a good job for you after I drink it!"

Sinoe drank it again, but Chu Jungui's wine glass stopped in the air, and then put it down again.

"Why don't you drink?"

Chu Jungui said: "You have mixed up this virtue yourself, what good work can you give me?"

Sinoe was stunned, looked at the return of Chu Jun, and then at himself, and suddenly burst into laughter, before stopping the laughter for a long time, and said, "That's true, it's really impossible to do this job if you change someone else, but you don't Same, only you can do this!"

"I'm just an ordinary person..."

"Can ordinary people beat me to the point where I can't find Yinxin?" Sino snorted. He lowered his voice and said: "I'll just say it straight. I have an instinctive instinct for recognizing people. As long as I have seen it, I will not forget it. Although the biological disguise on your body is clever, but your movements and demeanor , Especially the kind of temperament that you can’t hide at all!"

Xiao Kaitian couldn't help it, and said quietly: "Boss, do you have the temperament to give me someone? Why didn't I see it?"

Chu Jun stayed silent and flicked heavily on the storage box, shaking Xiao Kaitian dizzy.

Sinoe continued: "I have never missed the recognition of people, and you don't have to deny it. I will tell you something."

Now that he was discovered, Jun Chu did not pretend, he straightened his body slightly, his aura rose suddenly, and said, "Say."

"Do you want to know why I fell to this point? Actually, most of it is thanks to you." Sino smiled bitterly.

"What does it have to do with me?"

Sinoe picked up the wine glass in front of Chu Jungui, took a big sip, and said, "I lost a lot in the battle with you and paid a large ransom. The key thing is that the fleet I brought is the Federal Fleet. Be held accountable for misconduct. It’s normal to be held accountable if you lose. It’s okay even if you get slapped. In fact, I was only demoted by one level, or temporarily demoted. At most, I was transferred to a second-rate fleet to continue to command the battle. If I don’t meet your pervert, I can rise back as much as I fight a few more battles!"

Sinoe was very proud, and then he sighed and said, "I was right. I can always get back a bit of setback. But I didn't expect that at this time, the person I trust is stabbing in the back. It was very fatal. My brother, my own brother, actually hooked up with my fiancee, and he didn't know what method was used to make Grandpa change his mind and revoke my inheritance qualification!"

"In my anger, I had a quarrel with my grandpa, which resulted in my grandpa's illness getting worse. The family decided to lower my authority and was not prepared to support my development in the fleet. This is nothing, it's not a big deal with my ability. After a few years of hard work, is it not the same to return to the original position? However, my lovely brother obviously doesn't think so."

Sinoe showed a trace of pain and said slowly: "He found my adjutant, whom you have met, Jane. I don't know when they were in contact or when they were in collusion. All in all, my brother took I arrived at a testimony, a testimony issued by Jane, detailing a series of my illegal activities."

"For example?" Chu Jungui asked.

"For example, I misappropriated the fleet's equipment maintenance funds and replaced my private fighter plane with a limited edition paint. But without the name of the fleet, I can't get the qualification of the limited edition at all! Besides, those fighters It's all my own, and I've been fighting for the fleet. Have I ever charged a penny? How much is that painting worth?!" Sino looked very angry.

"Your contribution to the fleet and your violation of the law are two different things and cannot be offset by each other." Chu Jun said calmly.

Sinoe sighed heavily, and said sighly, "I know. It's just that the people above know what I do, and no one cares. But after Jane's report was sent, there was no more room for maneuver. You can say it. Yes, these are two things. There is no way to offset each other. It can only mitigate my punishment. The military court finally sentenced me to be expelled from the military. Ha! I have fought for 10 years, and finally I was fired! Bring the wine! Are people dead?!"

The maid ran all the way, put a plate of wine on the table, and said angrily: "Is this enough? Don't be afraid to die!

Sinoe grabbed a cup of sprinkles and poured most of it, then blushed and said, "My fiancée betrayed me, and I am not so sad. But Jane, she...why would she do this?"

Chu Jungui was deeply impressed by the courageous young adjutant, and he didn't expect that she would be so heartless. At that time, she gave Chu Jungui the feeling that she could die for Sinoo without hesitation.

Sinoe took a deep breath, but a tear still slid out of the corner of his eyes and rolled down the weathered skin.

Xino grinned and said, "Let you see the joke. Actually, I treat my fiancee, but I am more respectful and a little afraid. Her family power is still higher than us. The reason why my grandfather is willing to inherit Leaving it to me is also because of her family. Only then will her family agree to our marriage. But Jane really hurt me, and I don’t even want to know why she did it now~lightnovelpub.net~ Why are you here?"

"Escaped." Sino said calmly.


"Yes, I have become a shame to the family now, and they wish I would disappear automatically. If I stay there, I am afraid that I am now a corpse."

Chu Jungui frowned slightly, "It's all relatives, isn't it?"

"Family?" Sinoe smiled, "If the definition of relatives is broad, then there will be more than 1 million people related to our family. So relatives are not important."

Xino's body was slightly before, and he lowered his voice and said, "Now, let's talk about that good job!"

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