Hardy Empire 1945

v2 Chapter 428: Southeast Asia Little Overlord

Hardy sent troops to bomb Indonesia's naval bases and air bases, which wiped out Indonesia's navy and air force overnight.

The Indonesian president was furious.

They clamored to send troops to attack Penang, Malacca and Singapore. For a while, the situation in Southeast Asia suddenly became tense.

However, there are two different voices in Indonesia against the Hadi Dominion.

One faction is the main war faction and was bullied to the head. Naturally, it has to find ways to retaliate. The Hadi Dominion and Indonesia are separated by a strait and close at hand. Even if there is no navy, fishing boats and freighters can transport the army there.

There are only a few people in the Dominion of Hadi, as long as one hundred thousand troops are sent in the past, the Dominion of Hadi can definitely be broken.

The other faction has a different view. On the one hand, the Hadi Dominion occupies the name of a British possession. Indonesia's sending of troops in the past is equivalent to a declaration of war against the United Kingdom. Can Indonesia bear the consequences of a war with the United Kingdom?

The second aspect is the Dominion of Hadi. Even if the army does not have as many people as theirs, now Indonesia's navy and air force are all gone, but Hadi has more than a dozen destroyer frigates and dozens of torpedo boats.

Now Hardy’s ships are distributed throughout the Strait of Malacca. As long as they take a little action, Hardy’s navy will rush over, and their troop carriers cannot reach the opposite shore at all.

A strait of hundreds of miles,

Now it is the moat.

There is also the air force.

Only this time, there are more than 200 planes. From this we can see the strength of the Hadi Dominion Air Force. If the Indonesian army does not have the ability to win the Hadi Dominion in one fell swoop, the consequences will be hard to imagine.

Moreover, there are not only people from the Hadi Dominion, but the British garrison in Malaya now has 7,000 people and two ships. These 100,000 people cross the strait to fight. Whether they can win or not.

After being said by his subordinates, the Indonesian president calmed down a little bit.

Half a day later,

The Indonesian government announced that the Hadi Dominion launched a sneak attack on Indonesia, bombing 34 ships and 67 fighter jets, and challenged Indonesian sovereignty. From now on, Indonesia and Hadi Dominion will enter a state of emergency.

At the same time, he telegraphed the British government, asking the British government to comment on this matter. The Dominion of Hardy is the dominion of the British and asked them what they plan to do and whether they are going to really go to war with Indonesia.

The last is to file a complaint with the United Nations against the Hadi Dominion for launching a war.

Another point,

It is to secretly generate electricity to Moscow, report what happened here, and ask the boss for help.


The fact that the Hadi Dominion sent hundreds of fighter jets to bomb Indonesia soon appeared in the newspapers, and the whole world knew about it.

Many people exclaimed,

Is there going to be war in the Far East again?

It was a great eastern country before,

Then there is the peninsula. The peninsula has only been over for more than a year, and the Hadi Dominion clashed with Indonesia.

But look at the detailed report.

The Hadi Dominion has the upper hand. It has sent planes to blow up all the Indonesian navy and air force. Without the navy and air force, it is equivalent to losing the foreign combat capability. Even if the Indonesian army is far more than Hadi, it will not help.

The Indonesian government announced some information, intending to win sympathy.

However, their propaganda ability is far inferior to Hardy. Hardy's Global Times is now a major global newspaper, so I dare not say that the number one is almost the same.

Over the past year,

The Global Times has not less to report on Indonesia,

Of course,

It's not a good thing.

Economic plunder, the people have no freedom, the law is unfair, and so on. The Global Times has carried out a wave of critical reports on the previous incidents of smashing, looting, looting, and so on. This has made Indonesia's impression in the eyes of Europeans and Americans very bad.

It is hard for Indonesia Bo to sympathize.

And Hardy is also conducting publicity.

The Global Times gave a detailed description of this incident, of course, the tone must be towards Hardy.

The conflict between the two parties started with Hardy Investment Company. In order to plunder other people’s assets, the Indonesians implemented a series of unequal laws. In the eyes of Europeans and Americans, these laws are completely naked plunder.

Worse than robbers.

Then came the incident of beating, smashing, looting and burning. Hardy Company suffered losses and citizens of the Hadi Dominion were killed. Hardy asked Indonesia to provide a reasonable solution to severely punish the thugs who beat, smashed, looted and burned, but Indonesia dismissed it.

"After the Hardy Company sent an investigation team to conduct an in-depth investigation, it was discovered that the Indonesian government had planned this incident of smashing, looting, looting and burning, so they would not deal with the thugs."

One sentence convicted the Indonesian government.

As for the conflict that followed, someone hired a HD mercenary company to retaliate against the incident. HD mercenaries attacked the military camp in Surabaya where the beating, smashing, looting and burning took place, and they also killed those gang members who were the leader.

The Indonesians subsequently retaliated by sending warships to block the entrance to the Strait of Malacca, and not allowing the Hadi Dominion, as well as ships from Hong Kong and Japan to pass, greatly harming the interests of many places.

The HD mercenary company's bombing of Indonesian naval bases and air bases is to give Indonesia a small warning.

After reading this report from the Global Times,

Many people say you are called a "little warning"?

More than 30 warships and more than 60 aircrafts were blown up. This is all the naval and air forces in Indonesia. You call this a small warning.


United Nations,

The verbal battle began again at the conference.

The Indonesian representative clamored that if the Dominion of Hadi did not give a reasonable explanation and high compensation, they would prepare to start a war against the Dominion of Hadi.

The British representative said indifferently, “We have already investigated, this matter has nothing to do with the Hadi Dominion, it is the autonomous behavior of the Hardy Mercenary Corps.”

Britain helped Hardy with its own purpose. On the one hand, the dominion of Hardy is indeed a British possession, and Hardy is still the son-in-law of the princess of the British Empire. People all over the world know that if Indonesia is beaten, the British Empire will be shameless. .

Although the British Empire has fallen, the strength is still not comparable to Indonesia, and it is not at all an order of magnitude.

There is also the British wanting to use Hardy to see if it can keep its last colony in Southeast Asia.

The Indonesian representative felt that the British were so shameless.

Said loudly to the British representative: "The fighter that attacked us in Indonesia came from the Dominion of Hadi, but you said that it has nothing to do with the Dominion of Hadi. This is shirking responsibility. We cannot accept this answer in Indonesia."

Whether you accept British talents or not.

The British representative looked at Indonesian humanity:

"Here I want to warn Indonesia that Penang, Malacca, and the Dominion of Singapore are the British Empire's possessions and are protected by the British Empire. If the Indonesian army dares to set foot on the Hadi Autonomous Territory, it will be regarded as a declaration of war against the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom will never Will ignore it."

The Indonesians are so angry.

You obviously ate two bowls of noodles but only paid for one bowl of noodles. Aren't you bullying the honest person? !

But he also knew that these people were just protecting Hardy, and he might not win the lawsuit in the United Nations.

Even Hardy dared to do this, because behind it was the support of Britain and the United States.

The Indonesian guessed right,

Hardy's actions have indeed won the support of the United Kingdom and the United States.

Until the end of the conference, no substantive results were discussed. A reporter interviewed a representative of the United States, what did the United States think about this matter.

The representative of the United States said very elegantly:

"The U.S. is very concerned about the conflict between the Hadi Dominion and Indonesia. We hope that the two sides maintain good-neighborly and friendly relations. We are concerned about the maintenance of peace and stability in Southeast Asia. Therefore, we hope that both sides can exercise restraint and take measures that are conducive to dialogue. It can focus on lasting peace and stability in Southeast Asia."

This official accent is called a slip.

No useful words were said.

But talking nonsense is also an attitude, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that the United States will definitely not support Indonesia.

And Hardy,

He is an authentic American. The Hardy Group is also an American company, as well as his relationship with previous presidents.

All fools understand the attitude of the United States.


It didn't take long for the Soviet Union to stand up and consider fully supporting all operations in Indonesia. At critical moments, it may send warships and fighter jets to the war.

At this time, the first secretary Khlu Xiaofu, the corn madman was also an irritable old man. When he asked for help from Indonesia, he would naturally lend a helping hand, so he issued such a severe warning.

Soon after the Soviet Union issued a warning, Britain and the United States also responded the next day.

Britain stated that any military action that invades British territory is a declaration of war on the British Empire, and Britain will join the war at all costs.

Churchill was not afraid of intimidation.

The United States said that it is seriously concerned about the development of the situation in Southeast Asia and hopes that many parties will maintain restraint and calmness to avoid causing greater conflict.

at the same time,

The United States has publicly ordered military bases stationed in Japan and South Korea to actively prepare for the outbreak of war again.

This is for the Soviet Union.

If the Soviet Union participates, then the United States must also participate.

For a while,

The little Hadi Dominion has become the focus of the world, and some newspapers also commented that if one is not handled properly, it may trigger another world war.

But Hardy was not nervous at all.

Because this is not a peninsula, in the peninsula battle last year, if it weren't for rabbits, Teddy Bear would say whether he was willing to send troops.

At first, Mao Xiong called very fiercely, but in the end he changed his mind. He didn’t even send out soldiers and only provided weapons and equipment. In the end, some pilots would be sent to participate in the battle, and they were still in the name of the Soviet Union. So the whole war, Mao None of the bears officially entered the war.

Why is this happening?

Because the Soviets did not want to go to war with the United States.

And Southeast Asia?

There won't be any rabbit masters here, and Teddy Bear is beyond reach. The geographical location is far less than that of the United States, which has military bases in Japan and South Korea, and it is even more impossible to send a large army.

The United States now has about 300,000 troops stationed in bases in Japan and South Korea, dozens of naval vessels, and even an aircraft carrier formation. Teddy Bear wants to send troops to help Indonesia. How many troops will it need to use?

In order to guarantee victory, how can it be far greater than the figure of ‘300,000’, but now the Soviet Union simply does not have the ability to send troops overseas.

Their life is also very difficult.

So who else can help Indonesia?


So Hardy is not worried at all.

Don't look at the big guys slapped the table and quarreled. In the end, they won't do anything, that is, drinking and drinking. In the end, it depends on Hardy and Indonesia.



A large group of fighter jets flew over Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.

Did not drop the bomb,

But it was so scared that all the people screamed and avoided, ran into the air-raid shelter, and waited for a long time for the planes to fly by before they dared to crawl out tremblingly.

presidential palace,

The president and a group of officials came out of the air-raid shelter angrily after the plane flew away, their faces all covered with depression.

During this time,

The dominions of Indonesia and Hadi entered a state of tension.

Hadi bullied Indonesia’s navy and air force and lost all his losses. He dispatched dozens of planes every day to fly to this city today and to that city tomorrow. The main reason is that the Dominion of Hadi is too close to Indonesia. The nearest place is separated by the strait. It was more than a hundred miles away, and the farthest place was more than 2,000 kilometers. The bombers ran back and forth twice a day.

In addition to patronizing the city, it is patronizing the barracks.

And it’s irregular,

Visits from uncertain locations.

Sometimes a bunch of bombs are dropped.

Although the Indonesian side also used anti-aircraft artillery to counterattack, Hardy’s plane flew very high and did not require dive bombing or precision bombing. It is estimated that the bomb was dropped and then left, and many times it was thrown into useless places.

But even so, it makes Indonesians panic all day long.

There is no way to carry out normal work and life.

Now Indonesia has no way of harassing Hardy. Their air force has been blown up, and they can only watch Hardy's planes raging on their heads.

Indonesia turned to the Soviet Union for help.

The Soviet Union promised to support a batch of aircraft, but this news was learned by a spy and then directly published in foreign newspapers. It immediately caused a lot of discussion. At the UN General Assembly, a representative asked if the Soviet Union was prepared to participate in this dispute?

The Soviets were a bit bitter when asked ~ lightnovelpub.net~ If the Soviet Union admits that it is ready to participate, then the United States and the United Kingdom will certainly take action, and this may enter a new round of competition.

In the end, although the Soviet Union did not withdraw the aircraft support it promised to Indonesia, it still did not act.

Indonesia lives in fear and harassment every day, but there is nothing to do.

If it is a war of aggression,

Hardy wants to conquer Indonesia's territory, then Indonesia still has some ways, the big deal is to fight with you.

At the end of World War II, the Japanese withdrew, and the Dutch planned to regain control of the Indonesian colony. At this time, the Indonesians demanded independence and then started a war with the Dutch.

At that time, the Netherlands sent a hundred thousand troops, but in the end they came back. The reason was the Indonesian guerrilla warfare, the Dutch occupied a place, the locals did not cooperate, the guerrillas carried out sneak attacks, and the Dutch couldn’t afford it. Indonesia is independent.

But Hardy did not intend to occupy Indonesia.

He just harassed blindly.



Bomb again.

You will never have peace.

You still can't take me to anything. No one outside can help you. Hardy is really bullying people, but Hardy knows who these are, and that's how it should be with them.

If it hadn’t really taken into account the international reputation, and the United States and Britain would not let him do too much, Hardy might really throw bombs in their cities every day, instead of frightening and frightening outside.

And this local war between the Dominion of Hadi and Indonesia.

Also let many people see Hardy's strength.

Although Hardy's territory is not large, the proper force is good, although it is not comparable to those real big countries, but in Southeast Asia, the proper Jiangdong Xiaobawang.


It should be called the Southeast Asian Little Overlord.