Hardy Empire 1945

v2 Chapter 429: I want to give you a baby

The conflict between Hardy and Indonesia has continued without escalation, but it has not stopped. HD mercenary ships cruise in the Strait of Malacca every day, and warplanes will come over Indonesia every day.

The chattering has never stopped.

August 1953.

There was a car accident in Jakarta. An officer named Suhart was hit by a car accident on his way home from get off work. He was overturned and crushed by a large truck. When people found out, his head was already rotten.

And the truck that caused the accident escaped, I don't know who did it.

This Suhart is now a mid-level officer in the Indonesian Military Staff. This person studied at the Royal Dutch-Indian Army Cadre School in Gobang, Central Java. ", to be the staff of the Japanese "Guardian Army" headquarters.

After Japan surrendered in 1945, the August Revolution broke out in Indonesia. Suhart joined the People’s Security Army and is now a lieutenant colonel in the Army Staff.

This incident was not a major event at first, and people did not pay too much attention to it. Afterwards, his family buried Suhart hastily.

After Hardy got the news, he chuckled and nodded.

Although I don't know if this guy will continue to climb to that position in the future, will he do those things, but Hardy is not in the mood to explore, wouldn't it be easier to kill directly.

Maybe there will be a second and third monkey.

That's also something for the future. Anyway, I'm very upset when I hear this name. It's all done, and it doesn't take much trouble. It is enough to send two intelligence assassins casually.


During this time,

Hardy returned to the United States.

In Penang, Malacca, just leave it to his subordinates. He also has to take care of American business. Only by earning more money can he feed more troops.

Not long after,

Hardy received a call from the White House, and Eisenhower asked him to go to the White House to discuss matters about Indonesia.

Hardy’s situation is interesting now.

The main identity is an American businessman.

In addition, he is also the husband-in-law of the British princess.

Governor of Cayman.

And the Governor of the Dominion of Hadi.

Therefore, Eisenhower cannot treat him as a simple businessman or a British nobleman. According to diplomatic etiquette, Hardy is equivalent to the supreme leader of a region.

White House,

Eisenhower and Hardy had dinner, then walked and chatted in the garden, and the two chatted a lot.

Regarding the situation in Southeast Asia, the Malayan issue, the economic investment of the Hadi Dominion, the role of regional control, political orientation, etc.

Finally, I talked about the conflict with Indonesia.

What Eisenhower meant was that someone planned to mediate between the two parties and asked Hardy what he thought.

The think tank has already thought about these issues.

It is impossible to keep conflicting,

After all, stability can develop,

But through this war, on the one hand, it demonstrated the strength of the Hadi Dominion, the determination to fight, and it also used this to warn the Indonesian government.

Hardy is not very demanding,

The first is to punish all troublemakers and the mobs involved in beating, smashing, looting and burning must be severely punished. The second is to apologize and compensate for those killed and injured. The third is to stop unreasonable regulations that hinder free trade. Fourth, to compensate Hardy. Loss of the company.

Not much, 500 million dollars.

When the Indonesian side heard the news, they almost jumped up in anger. This is a naked extortion. The first and the second are barely acceptable, and the third is a naked feeling about other countries’ internal affairs, and they want to use economic means to knock them out. The gate of the country, which makes Indonesia once again feel like being colonized.

As for the last item, 500 million US dollars in compensation, this is definitely a big mouth for the lion.

500 million,

Where did they take out 500 million US dollars.

The mediation is at a stalemate.

Anyway, Hardy is not in a hurry. He is doing his own business every day, so he will let the army go out for training when he is fine.



French girl Elena hugged Hardy and said happily: "Hadi, I went for an examination today, and the doctor said I was pregnant."

"Really, that's great." Hardy kissed Elena happily.

For children,

He is the more the better.

Regardless of whether they were born in marriage or in illegitimate children, they were all his children anyway. He had planned for it a long time ago. He went back to get a family fund in Cayman. All women and children were linked to it. How much money could he receive each year.

As for the legacy,

It depends on the situation.

However, there is a family fund, which can completely guarantee that they will live a life without worries.

"The doctor said, two months before pregnancy, don't do high-intensity exercise." Irina said.

"It's okay, the kid matters." Hardy patted Irina's cheek intimately.

Jelena stretched out her tongue and licked her lips. "The doctor said there is nothing wrong with it."


During this time,

Princess Margaret of Great Britain is very happy.

Since she married Hardy and was no longer restricted by the royal family, her whole mood became relaxed.

When the child is born, she can take the child to play.

Hardy also gave her a job, which is to manage the global luxury goods industry of Hardy Group. Of course, she has a professional management team under her.

But even so,

Many places also need her to worry about.

Hardy asked her to do this, the only purpose is to make her feel fulfilled,

Hardy’s secret to dealing with women is,

Keep them busy,

If they are idle, things will happen. As long as they are busy, everyone has their own business and the capital to settle down. They will feel safe, safe, and not so aggressive.

The mind will also be open-minded.

Once a woman has nothing to do, her goal will only be on the man, and then all kinds of things will be born, arrange her full time, make her feel busy and fulfilled, they will not just stare at you.

Marguerite herself likes luxury goods,

As a royal princess, she wears all luxury items on weekdays, so she also knows these things well. Coupled with her identity, whether she attends any event, such as a clothing conference or a cosmetics conference, she will become the focus. Huge traffic.

This can also play a great role in advocacy for the luxury brand in the opponent.

This is called making the best use of everything.

The Hardy Group specializes in a magazine for luxury goods. It is now the world's hottest luxury introduction magazine. The cover of the latest issue of the magazine is a photo of Margaret attending the jewelry conference.

In the photo, the princess is holding a beautiful child. Valley

It's Hardy's cub, David Hardy.


this day,

Hardy came to the Santa Clara Valley in San Francisco.

There are already some research laboratories and technology factories here. Hardy's idea is simple, try to buy as much land as possible, and then open an investment company.

Because here is the location of the famous ‘Silicon Valley’ for later generations.

In 1933, it became a naval research and development base, and some technology companies serving the navy appeared around it. Later, the navy research and development base was relocated. The US Space Commission occupied the original naval research and development base for space research, and some appeared to serve aviation research and development bases. Technology company.

Later, the aerospace industry also moved away, but many private science and technology laboratories were left behind.

And there is an advantage in the surrounding area. Stanford University, the University of California at Berkeley, and several other universities in the University of California system are all nearby. This is also one of the main reasons why it became Silicon Valley later.

Talent concentration.

Hardy sent people to talk to the state government to buy a large amount of land from the government, and at the same time ordered people to set up a high-tech venture capital company on the road next to Stanford University.

‘Hadi Technology Investment’.

The main investment direction is technology research and development and team.


William Shockley was working as a researcher at Bell Labs in New Jersey. A few years ago, Shockley and two colleagues invented the transistor and applied for a patent. Two years ago, he developed a new type of junction transistor.

William Shockley was later known as the father of the transistor.

During this time,

He had a new idea,

Bell Labs used his invention patents to make a lot of money, but he could only get a small bonus and a research fund. This research fund is still used for research, and the research will continue to be Bell Labs makes money.

He wants to make more money and wants to be a millionaire.

this day,

He saw an advertisement in the Global Times, "The Hardy Group established a'high-tech research venture capital company' in Silicon Valley to provide financial support, venue support, and future market support for talents to create a future technology company incubation pool. "

William Shockley was instantly tempted.

There is another coincidence. The Santa Clara Valley is the home of William Shockley. He grew up here, graduated from Caltech, then went to Massachusetts to study for a Ph.D, and was later hired to Bell Labs.

It's better to ask.

With a tentative mentality, William Shockley got through the phone of Hardy High-tech Investment Company. The other party was a reception manager. After chatting with William Shockley for a while, he learned that he was a researcher at Bell Labs and had He was very interested in mature products and invited him to the company to talk in detail.

The contact between the two sides feels pretty good.

Then he agreed to invest in William Shockley, and William Shockley received the first $1.6 million investment to establish the Shockley Laboratory.

As for the equity of the investment company, it is naturally divided according to the results of the negotiation. William Shockley accounts for 40% of the laboratory’s research results and patent profits, but the management power belongs to the investment company. In other words, William Shockley’s main work is still Doing research, but if something is produced, the patent Hardy Company holds, and the profits generated are divided into shares.

In this way, the Shockley Lab was established and began to advertise in newspapers. Because of his research on transistors, he had a certain reputation in the electronic technology industry. He quickly attracted many talents, including Noyce, Moore, and Blanc. , Claire, Horne, Luster, Roberts and Grinicke.

And these young people,

He was the founder of Fairchild, and later founded companies such as Intel and AMD.

The main direction of the laboratory is still transistors, but now it has gone a step further and is preparing to study silicon wafers and silicon wafer transistors.

In fact, as early as Bell Labs, Shockley has been doing research in these directions and has relatively mature ideas and goals.

Now that we have a laboratory and get a large investment, all that is left is to do experiments.

After seeing the report from the investment company, Hardy was immediately attracted by the news. It was his decision to invest in Silicon Valley because he knew it was the core place of the future of high-tech. The sooner he intervened, the better.

I didn't expect to attract these people.

However, it is not surprising to think about it. They are all scientific and technological talents, but they often do not have funds. They need capital support. Now that there is such a venture capital company that is willing to invest in high-tech R&D, it will naturally attract many talents in this area.

But now that I'm in my own bowl,

Then don't even think about running.

Hardy decided to keep them. In fact, these young people in later generations went out to start businesses because they wanted to achieve greater success and wealth.

This is totally fine,

You can continue to invest in them. They started in the previous life and only gradually developed after getting the investment.

And those technology companies of later generations,

He believes that after the success of Silicon Valley's research companies, more talents will be attracted to come here. At that time, Hardy will hold a large number of shares in technology companies.

This is the greatest wealth in the future.


Time flew to 1955.

Under the mediation of the United States, Britain and other countries, the Hadi Dominion and Indonesia reached a settlement agreement, mainly because Indonesia could not bear it.

The Hadi Dominion continued to carry out armed harassment on the Indonesian mainland, leaving Indonesia unable to live and work at ease, and the losses were very large.

Finally had to succumb.

Indonesia promised to thoroughly investigate the incident of beating, smashing, looting and burning, arresting more than two hundred key elements, and providing compensation to the enterprises that lost it, and at the same time apologizing and compensation to the dead and injured.

For Hardy’s investment in Indonesia, the Indonesian government promised to buy it at market price, but Hardy refused to sell. The Indonesian government had no choice but to promise to protect any foreign investment and treat these companies equally.

In the end, Indonesia made war compensation, but 500 million was definitely not available, and finally agreed to compensate 120 million US dollars in installments.

The affairs of Hardy and Indonesia have come to an end.

In fact, although Indonesia now oppresses the Chinese economically and controls the Chinese politically, it has not yet developed to the point of massacre in later generations. That is what happened after Suharto came to power~lightnovelpub.net~ In order to avoid that from happening, Hadi had already killed Suhart ahead of time and allowed the Chinese to spread within Indonesia. The Hadi dominion gave all citizens equal rights and welcomed them to immigrate.


There has been a large-scale wave of Chinese immigrants from the Hadi Dominion in Indonesia.

The population of Penang, Malacca, and Singapore has increased significantly, and it has also brought a lot of wealth, because many of these immigrants are people with some assets.

March 1955.

Elena gave Hardy a daughter, a beautiful little guy who looked like a porcelain doll, with blond hair and sky-blue eyes.

Hardy smiled and said, "My child, in the future, there will be various hair colors and various eye pupils. It must be very interesting to look back together."

This little guy, Hardy, named Anna, and the English name and Chinese name are common, just like the daughter Anne gave birth to him by Han Yizhen.

And this daughter,

The Hukou was not registered in the United States, it was on Cayman Island.

Not only Anna, but also Elena's account was moved to Cayman, in order to transfer the property later and inherit the inheritance conveniently.

Cayman at this time,

There are already more than 3,000 citizens, and almost all of those who can put their permanent residence in Cayman are either rich or expensive or family children. There are also some employees of Hardy. It is not easy for ordinary people to join Cayman.

After Elizabeth Taylor learned that Elena had a child, they entangled Hardy and acted like a baby when they met, "Hadi, I want to give you a baby too, no, I have several."

"Of course it can."


"You are only 22 years old. Are you afraid that having children will affect your career? Is it possible to deform your body?" Hardy persuaded.

"Don't be afraid, I want it now, give it to me~~~!"