Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 28: Gryffindor lounge

"Isn't he serious?" Harry, who found himself a little unusual, asked Percy in a low voice.

"Impossible," said Percy, frowning at Dumbledore, "the strange thing is that wherever we are not allowed to go, he usually gives reasons, for example, there are many dangerous beasts in the woods, as everyone knows. I think he should at least make it clear to our prefect."

"Now, before everyone goes to bed, let's sing the school song together!" Dumbledore exclaimed. Harry noticed that the smiles of the other teachers seemed to freeze, even Hagrid.

Dumbledore flicked his wand lightly, and a long golden ribbon flew out of the wand, twisting and coiling like a snake above the high dining table, forming lines of text.

"Everyone chooses their favorite tune," said Dumbledore. "Get ready, sing!"

So all the teachers and students sang loudly: "Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, please teach us knowledge, whether we are bald old people or children with broken knees, we The mind can take in some interesting things."

"Because now our minds are empty, full of air, dead flies and trivialities, teach us some valuable knowledge, give us back what we have forgotten, you just do your best, and leave the rest to us, we will work hard to learn , until it becomes dung."

Everyone sang the school song in seventy-eight.

Sitting on either side of Tierra, the Weasleys continued to sing along with the slow melody of "Funeral March." Dumbledore used his wand to conduct the last few bars for the two of them, and his applause was loudest when they were done singing.

"Music!" he said. "More glamorous than anything we've done here! It's bedtime. Everyone, go back to the dorms."

Tiera followed Percy and the other first-year Gryffindors out of the dining room and up the moving marble steps.

"I will definitely get lost," Tiera said.

This place is much bigger than in the movie, and the complex staggered movement between stairs makes this castle like a moving labyrinth.

"Yeah, there are too many stairs here, and they keep moving." Harry echoed behind him, yawning as he spoke.

He was too sleepy, too full, exhausted from meeting new friends, exhausted from the branch.

Percy led them through a corridor full of whispering portraits, through layers of drapery, and into a deep corridor.

At the front of the corridor, a bundle of walking sticks floated in the air, and Parcy was only a step away from the people behind, so everyone behind them fell down on him.

"It's Peeves." Percy said to the first-year freshman with some disgust, "a ghost who likes to play pranks."

He raised his voice again and said, "Peeves, show up."

He was answered with a loud, piercing, popping sound like a deflated balloon.

"Are you asking me to find the **** Barrow?"

With a sound of "Poof—", a fat, ball-like dwarf suddenly appeared, with a pair of evil black eyes and a big mouth, floating cross-legged in the air, holding the bundle of canes firmly in both hands.

"Hohohoho!" He giggled slyly, "It turns out to be a nasty first-year kid! It's so fun!"

He suddenly jumped at Tiera and the others for the New Year, so frightened that the little wizards standing a few rows in front were taken aback.

"Go away, Peeves, or I'll tell the **** Barrow, it's not a joke!" Percy yelled.

Peeves stuck out his tongue and disappeared. The cane hit Neville right on the head, and then they heard him take off, his armor clanging as he flew by.

"You should be on guard against Peeves," Percy said, leading everyone onward. "Only Barrow the Bloody and Headmaster Dumbledore can stop him, and he doesn't even know what our prefects say. Can't hear you... here we are."

At the end of the corridor hangs a portrait of a very rich woman wearing a long pink palace dress.

"Password?" she asked.

"Dragon scum," Percy replied.

I saw the painting staggered forward, revealing a circular hole in the wall. After they all walked through the hole in the wall, they found that they had reached the Gryffindor common room.

It's a cozy circular room around an unlit fireplace, fanned out with plush armchairs.

Percy guided the little witches into one door, to their bedroom, and then led the boys into another door.

Going up a spiral staircase, they were clearly in a tower.

A minute later, Tiera and Harry finally found their own bunks, five four-poster beds hung with crimson flannel drapes.

Five luxurious beds form a circle around the hearth.

In addition to Tiera, Harry and Ron, Gryffindor Swordsman Neville Longbottom and Demolition Wizard Seamus Finnigan were also in this dormitory.

Their boxes and pets had already been delivered, including the boxes containing books that Tiera had sent long ago, all lying quietly beside his bed.

The five little wizards, even Tiera, were exhausted and didn't want to talk any more, so they put on pajamas and fell asleep one by one.

Hmm... Only Tiera took out the toothpaste and toothbrush from her bag and went to the bedroom toilet to brush her teeth, and wiped her face with a towel.

No matter how tired you are, you have to keep it clean.

I definitely can't take a shower today.

Tiera thought with regret, although he had already learned the cleansing spell by himself, UU reading www. uukanshu.com But he still enjoys the pleasure of taking a bath.

But he didn't even use the cleansing spell today.

Because he was so tired today, not just from a few hours of train travel.

In addition to spending more of Tierra's energy on resisting the prying eyes of the Sorting Hat, he also allocated a part of the magic power to maintain the existence of the cursed worms, otherwise once his magic power was exhausted, the cursed worms would be destroyed. Worms cannot sustain themselves, and they immediately seek out the nearest living organisms to parasitize.

Although Tiera has been studying magic for more than five years since she was six years old, he has already read everything that can be read in Merlin's notebook. As far as the accumulation of profound magic knowledge is concerned, he asks himself that it is no less than this school. Any little wizard.

However, due to the lack of basic knowledge and the limitation of magic power, his use of magic is still at the rookie level.

And because of this, the Merlin pills he put on Peter Pettigrew have gradually lost their effectiveness.

This kind of pill is essentially a curse. Although Merlin's improvement can control magical creatures, the strength of this control effect depends on its own magic power.

With Tierra's current level of magic power, it's great to be able to control the train from driving. If it were replaced by Ron or Neville, Merlin's pills might only have an effect of an hour.

"Well, it's better to use this pill sparingly." Tiera thought.

I don't know if it will cause drug resistance if I use it too much.

Tiera fell asleep on the bed after brushing her teeth, without even saying goodnight to Harry.

In addition to relying on potions, a wizard's magic power can only be recovered by rest, that is, sleep.

Harry also fell asleep quickly, and after a while, only the sound of even breathing was left in the dormitory.