Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 29: castle

Tiera wakes up at six o'clock in the morning due to the biological clock that has been cultivated for many years.

After lying on the bed with his eyes open until 6:00 to wake himself up, he quickly got up, washed up, and then after giving some bird food and insects for Raven, he opened the cage and let it move around on its own.

"Ah—" Raven called out softly and flew out of the bedroom window.

Tierra said he wasn't worried about Raven flying away or missing.

As his pet, Raven was the first magical creature to take Merlin's pill. Therefore, for Tierra, Revan has a similar dependence on the mother bird.

In addition, the raven has always been a smart bird, letting him fly out might be able to understand the structure of the castle earlier than Tiera.

Hogwarts is very different from what he saw in the movies in his last life, at least more than twice the size of the castle in the Harry Potter area of ​​Universal Studios that he once visited.

The decoration style has also changed slightly.

After Tiera brushed her teeth and washed her face, she left the Gryffindor bedroom and wandered around.

Of course, he didn't want to go to the corridor on the third floor, the real Philosopher's Stone was already in his hands.

Instead, prepare to get acquainted with Hogwarts in advance.

The strength of mental power seems to correspond to the enhancement of magic recovery ability.

Therefore, although Tiera was very tired yesterday and her magic power was almost exhausted, Tiera felt relaxed and energetic after a night's sleep.

The physical dimension, the spiritual dimension, and the spiritual dimension are mutually influenced.

This was clearly recorded in Merlin's notes.

The growth of material latitude, that is, the normal growth and development of little wizards, will drive the growth of spiritual latitude and magic.

The strength of the spiritual latitude will also drive the growth and recovery of the spiritual latitude, but in the physical latitude, it is only clear ears and eyesight, and the responsiveness is enhanced, which is far less obvious than the impact on the spiritual latitude.

The three dimensions of ordinary young wizards are very fragile.

But Tiera was obviously not among the average young wizards.

He was originally an adult, and his soul strength is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary young wizards.

This makes Tiera's spiritual latitude stronger than the average adult wizard.

This also makes his spiritual latitude more stable than that of ordinary little wizards.

The effect of this stability is that the recovery and growth rate of his magic power is accelerated, the reaction speed of his body is accelerated, his strength is slightly increased, and the required sleep time is greatly shortened.

In his previous life, he couldn't get enough sleep if he wanted to sleep ten hours a day, and he didn't get up before ten o'clock every day.

Now, at six o'clock in the morning, I can even walk around Hogwarts.

This kind of mental power is also powerful because Tiera can take Herris medicine at this stage without fear of being broken by the influence of the medicine, turning herself into a madman or a fool.

After all, this is a reagent that Merlin invented for himself to resist the influence of the outer gods. He would not consider what would happen to those little wizards who had not yet entered the school if they drank his potion.

But since it is a drug, the dose is the toxicity.

Tiera began experimenting with potions at a concentration of ten to the minus seventh power.

A gradient increases the concentration of the agent one gradient at a time.

At first, it was determined that the concentration of the medicine that is most suitable for him is the negative square of ten.

That is, the concentration after diluting it a hundred times.

After the effect of the drug at this concentration weakened... that is, after drinking it no longer produces illusions, Tiera increased by 1%, 1%.

Now the final concentration is 6%, which allows him to have hallucinations, but not too strong to shock.

The first-year classes start at nine in the morning.

Therefore, Tiera was not in a hurry. After leaving the Gryffindor lounge, she first asked the oil painting on the wall for directions, and walked all the way down to the lobby of Hogwarts.

It's a pity that it's too early, and this place is empty.

Tiera had to keep going down and came to the basement of Hogwarts.

Tiera crossed the Potions classroom, the Slytherin lounge, and Snape's office, and came directly to the door of the Hogwarts kitchen.

The elf who just woke up there is busy preparing breakfast.

One of the elf who seemed to be the leader saw Tiera's arrival, ran over in a hurry, hunched over, stared at Tiera's toes and said, "Oh, esteemed wizard master, what do you have? order?"

"Well... I just came to see if I have anything to eat. I woke up a little early and I'm a little hungry now."

"But the wizard master, there is only bread and milk here, and the delicious breakfast is not ready yet."

"Then bread and milk, thank you"

Tiera's thank you seemed to flatter the house elf. She quickly grabbed a bag of freshly baked bread and a bottle of milk, and raised her hands humbly above her head.

"You're a very, very good, very capable house-elf." Tiera was a little embarrassed by his attitude, but then thought that these house-elves were the complete slaves of wizards, neither Need a salary, and no bonus, so I can only praise him a few words.

Sure enough, the leading elf was ecstatic as if eating honey, and an ugly, humble but somewhat cute smile appeared on his wrinkled face.

Tiera quickly left the basement and walked towards the library on the fifth floor while eating.

Living and growing up in the red flag, Tiera has never seen this kind of scene, this kind of naked, undisguised slavery.

I have to say that the Anglo-Saxons are really good at keeping slaves, the house-elves of the wizarding world, and the black Africans of the Muggle world.

The Hogwarts library does not lock its doors except for the forbidden area.

But because it was too early, Mrs. Pince, the librarian, hadn't appeared.

Tiera still consciously stood outside and drank the last bit of milk before entering the library.

The library is very big. I don't know if it has been cast a traceless extension spell. It seems to be far more than it should have.

Tiera did not rush to read, but spent more than an hour walking along the gap between the bookshelves and tapped the book cover with her fingers.

Book titles flooded into his mind one by one.

The blessing of the great race of Yith, the object of blessing is to people, not places.

So even if Tiera was not in the library, he could still read the knowledge in those books.

In the end, Tiera pulled out a book called "Principles of Modern Magic" and opened it on the table.

It wasn't until Mrs. Pince came to the library at 8:00~lightnovelpub.net~ that Tiera put the "Principles of Modern Magic" back on the shelf, and then took out the "Principles of Potions" and "Introduction to Alchemy" that she had long been interested in " to Mrs. Pince for registration.

"It's the first time I've seen a little wizard who came to the library so early on the first day of school to borrow books." Mrs. Pince returned the two books to Tiera after completing the registration.

"I'm a Muggle-born child. I can't compare to the children of other wizard families who have been exposed to magic since childhood, and I'm not as smart as other Muggle children, so I have to work hard." Tiera said.

"I remember." Mrs. Pince's stern face suddenly softened a lot, and hard-working and motivated children are liked by everyone, "You are the child who should go to Ravenclaw at the sorting ceremony yesterday, why did you choose What about Gryffindor?"

Mrs. Pince herself is a Ravenclaw, so she is very puzzled about Tiera's choice.

"I want to be with my friends." Tiera gave a decent answer, "I met the Weasleys on the train that came here."

Mrs. Pince nodded, accepting Tiera's explanation, but immediately said sternly, "Stay away from the Weasley twins, they are two unlucky **** and will be expelled from Hogwarts sooner or later. of."

You're right, Tierra thought, the Weasleys did get fired in the end.

"Okay, let's go to class, I remember that the first class of your Gryffindor should be Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class, but don't be late. Professor McGonagall hates people who are late. When she was young, she liked to put Students who arrive late are turned into pocket watches, but unfortunately after Dumbledore came to power, he promulgated a prohibition against using transfiguration to punish students." Seeing Tiera nodded, Mrs. Pince nonchalantly wentssips about the professors' old past.