Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 285: Black magic lessons taught by "Moody"

"Don't be so angry, Albus." Nick Lemay's lazy voice came through the crystal ball.

"Actually, compared to Grindelwald, I think what he said is quite reasonable." Nick Lemay added, "I think the three contradictions are summed up very well. This is indeed the biggest problem that exists in the magic world today. The drawbacks, and the general plan he proposed later... I think there is still a certain feasibility."

"Feasibility?" Dumbledore asked, raising his eyebrows. "This is a rebellion!"

"Hehe," Nicknamed said, "as if you care about the Ministry of Magic."

"..." Dumbledore opened his mouth, trying to refute but—

"And I remember that even after you parted ways with Grindelwald you had plans to take over the Ministry of Magic in a covert way through Hogwarts," Nicklemay added.

Dumbledore:  …

"Everyone is young, and I was too young at that time..." Dumbledore defended.

"Tiera is also young." Nick Lemay interrupted, "he is younger than you, younger than Grindelwald, and Albus, with all due respect, the ideas he pursues, the ideas he pursues are more I don't know how much taller you were when you were young."

"Lemay..." Dumbledore rubbed his brows helplessly, "I have already deeply realized my past mistakes, so let's not mention this again, okay? The key is, how do we deal with mentioning now? Yella is about to make mistakes."

"I just think it's pretty good," Nick Lemay said. "He doesn't seek fame or profit, he just wants to make this world a better place. I don't understand why you should worry, Albus."

"Haha..." Dumbledore also smiled, "Anyone will say that Gellert told me better than this back then, but what happened?"

"In the end, didn't he become a Dark Lord?" Dumbledore asked rhetorically, "Power is a tempting poison, LeMay, once it is contaminated, no one can escape the temptation of power."

"But I don't think Tiera has this problem." Nick Lemay on the other side of the crystal ball said after drinking a sip of black tea, "Although I am old, I am not old and confused. I can see that Tiera is pursuing What, but never power, more like knowledge..."

"Wait!" Dumbledore interrupted with a sudden expression on his face, "Why did Tiera invite Miss Granger to join the Tarot Club? Miss Granger is just an ordinary student, what qualifications does she have to join the Tarot Club?"

Nick Lemay paused, "Albus, you mean..."

"These words of his...couldn't he have said them to us on purpose?" Dumbledore asked with a solemn expression.

Nick Lemay in the crystal ball also changed his face.


"Good morning~" The next morning, Hermione happily greeted Tiera, Harry, and Ron, and politely asked for a blueberry pie.

Hermione now felt empowered and enthusiastic.

After she finished talking with Tiera yesterday, she decided to never talk about the liberation of house-elves again—

Because she is now a warrior of faith, she already understands that if this evil pyramid is not overthrown, liberating the house-elves alone does not make any sense, because the pure-blooded chaebol at the top of the pyramid will take other magical creatures, even Muggles to be the cornerstone at the bottom of the pyramid.


Pope, Hermione.

"Hehe." Hermione chuckled lightly, reciting the title she just got yesterday.

"Hermione, what's wrong with you?" Ron asked uncertainly.

Harry also looked at her worriedly.

Apparently, Hermione's overjoyed behavior frightened Harry and Ron.

"Huh?" Hermione looked at Ron puzzled, "Oh, nothing, I just think the weather is so beautiful, we should be happy."

After speaking, Hermione smiled again, picked up the knife and fork and ate breakfast.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, confused.

The two days after the start of school were a bit uneventful, and there were no particularly major accidents—

This was the sixth cauldron he had burned, aside from Neville's burning the cauldron in Potions class.

Professor Snape's revenge seems to have reached a new height in the summer, and he unceremoniously punished Neville to stay in school to work. Neville had to go and disembowel a vat of horned toads, and when he came back, his nerves nearly broke.

But what does this have to do with Tierra?

Tiera's experiments were always perfect, so perfect that Snape couldn't pick a single fault.

The first class on Thursday afternoon was Defence Against the Dark Arts, and everyone was looking forward to it, because according to the Weasley twins who had already taken this class, this class was simply—


So even before the school bell rang, fourth graders were already waiting in line outside Moody's classroom.

When the class was about to begin, Tiera, Harry, Ron, and Hermione hurriedly sat in the four seats directly in front of the podium, took out their respective "Dark Forces: Self-Defense Guide" and waited, the atmosphere was very special quiet.

Soon they heard Moody's characteristic thumping footsteps coming down the corridor.

He walked into the classroom looking as weird and scary as usual.

They could just see his wooden claw foot sticking out from under the robe.

"Put these things away," he said gruffly, trudging to the podium with his cane, and sat down. "You don't need these textbooks at all."

Ron looked excited as the classmates put their books in their bags.

Moody took out the roster, shook his head, shook his long gray hair away from his twisted, scarred face, and began to roll.

His normal eye moved down the list, his enchanted eye kept rolling back and forth, staring at each student who responded—

His eyes lingered on Tiera and Harry for a moment.

"Okay," Moody said when the last classmate answered, "I got a letter from Professor Lupin about this class. It seems that you already know how to deal with black magic animals. Got a lot of basics - you learned to deal with Boggarts, Redcaps, Shinkpunks, Grindyllos, Kabbahs, and werewolves, right?"

The students murmured their approval.

"But you haven't learned enough, not enough about how to deal with spells..." Moody said. "So I'm going to give you a taste of the magic that the wizards use. I have a year to teach you how to deal with the dark." magic--"

"What, what did you say?" Ron blurted out.

Moody's enchanted eye turned to Ron.

Ron looked terrified, but Moody soon laughed—

When he smiles, the scarred face looks even more twisted and weirder, but it's always comforting to know he can still have a friendly smile. Ron seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"You're Arthur Weasley's son, aren't you?" Moody said. "Your father helped me out of a very difficult situation a few days ago... yeah, I've only taught for a year. Help Dumbledore One favor...just teach for a year, and get back to living my peaceful retirement."

He laughed hoarsely, then clapped his rough big hands.

"Okay, so let's get down to business, spells, they come in many forms, and their magic powers are different." Moody rubbed his hands and said.

"Now, according to the Ministry of Magic, I'm supposed to teach you all kinds of cracking spells, that's all. Logically, you're not in sixth grade, and I shouldn't be telling you what illegal black magic spells look like, because you're at your age. Still too young to deal with this stuff. But Professor Dumbledore complimented you on your courage, he thinks you can deal with it, and in my opinion, the sooner you know what you're dealing with, the better. If the same How can you protect yourself from something you've never seen before? A wizard is going to cast an illegal spell on you, and he won't tell you his plan. He won't give it to you frankly, justly, and politely. You spell. You have to be prepared and be on your guard. You'd better get that stuff out of the way while I'm talking, Miss Brown."

Lavender was startled and flushed. Just now, she showed Parvati the painted fortune-telling map under the table. Apparently, Moody's magic eye could penetrate not only the back of his own head, but also hard wood.

"So... do any of you know, which spells are the most severely punished by the wizarding law?"

Several hands were raised tremblingly, among them Ron and Hermione—

But Moody didn't call out, and let the eye continue to look around.

But Tiera could sense that Moody's magic eye swept over her several times.


Tiera also raised her hand helplessly—

He knew that Barty Crouch Jr.~lightnovelpub.net~ Barty Crouch Jr. was unscrupulous and liked to enjoy the pain of others—

In the original book, he called three people by name:

Ron, whose father dealt with the Imperius Curse, Neville, whose parents were tortured mad by the Crucifixion, and Harry, whose parents were killed by the Death Curse.

But now that there is a Tierra who has personally experienced the Imperius Curse, there is no need for Barty Crouch Jr to hold Ron anymore--

"Mr. Lockhart Jr.!"

Professor "Moody" smiled cruelly in his heart. He knew very well that although most of Tierra's experiences reported in the newspapers were false, Tierra was indeed imperiled by Gilderoy Lockhart. ,

"Get up and answer."