Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 286: 3 Great Forbidden Spells

"Uh, yes... so..." Tiera lowered her head and stood up with a pale face, "I... I know... I know one..."

"Say it, say it, what is it?" Fake Moody said excitedly, staring at Tiera, as if watching his pained expression—

But Tiera suddenly raised her head, her face was neither happy nor sad, and her eyes were staring at the front. His eyes seemed to penetrate Professor Moody and focused on a certain point behind his head.

"You—" Tiera said in an ethereal voice, "you're going to die—"

"You will die before the semester ends!"

"No, no, no..." Tiera said suddenly again, "not death, you will live... oh, you will live easily... what you will suffer is not death, no, but..."

"It's the Dementor's Kiss!"

Then Tiera suddenly shook her head—

He woke up as if he had just woken up from a big dream.

"Ah, hug, sorry..." Tiera said timidly, "I, I just, I just lost my mind... Well, I know an unforgivable curse, called the Imperius..."

Tiera's voice became smaller and smaller, until finally Tiera closed her mouth and looked around innocently—

"Ah... why is everyone silent?" Tiera asked Harry in a low voice.

"You just made another prophecy..." Harry whispered, "You said...you said..."

Harry didn't go on, but glanced at Professor Moody quietly.

But Moody didn't speak, didn't even tell Tiera to sit down, but gave Tiera a vicious look, limped to the side of the podium, opened a drawer, and took out a glass bottle. Three **** spiders were crawling inside.

Moody reached into the bottle, grabbed a spider, limped over again, and threw the spider on Tiera's desk.

Then Moody pointed his wand at it and murmured, "Out of body!"

The spider jumped away from Moody's palm, dangling a filament, and began to swing back and forth, as if sitting on a high swing.

It straightened its legs stiffly, then turned around and did a somersault, breaking the filament.

It fell on the table and started somersaults in circles.

Moody flicked his wand, and it stood up on its hind legs again, doing a kind of tap dance, yes, tap dance.

Everyone laughed-

Only Moody and Tiera didn't laugh—

Tiera actually wanted to laugh too, he kept smiling inside because it was really funny—

But Tiera's face still pretended to be dull and unbearable.

Harry also stopped laughing when he saw Tiera's expression.

"You think it's funny, don't you?" Moody asked in a gruff voice. "Would you like it if I gave you this?"

The laughter disappeared almost immediately.

"Totally under my control," Moody whispered—

At this point the spider group got up and started rolling around, "I can make it jump out of the window, or drown itself, or jump into the throat of one of your classmates..."

Ron shivered involuntarily.

"Many wizards were under the Imperius Curse many years ago," Moody said. "That was a time when the Ministry of Magic was really busy trying to figure out who was being forced and who was doing what they wanted."

"The Imperius Curse can be resisted, and I'll teach you how to do it, but it requires a lot of personality, and not everyone can master it. You'd better avoid getting hit by it. Stay vigilant at all times!" he Suddenly, he shouted loudly, startling everyone.

Moody grabbed the somersaulted spider and threw it back into the glass bottle.

"Does anyone else know what spells? Illegal spells?"

Hermione raised her hand high again aggressively, and Neville raised her hand too—

"Go ahead," said Moody, his enchanted eye twitching and looking at Neville.

"There's a...there's a... Cruciatus," Neville said softly but clearly.

Moody looked at Neville very intently, this time with both eyes.

"Are you Longbottom?" he said, his enchanted eye down to examine the roster.

Neville nodded nervously, but Moody didn't ask any further questions. He turned his back to the class, took a second spider out of the glass bottle, and placed it on the podium. The spider was motionless, looking terrified.

"The Cruciatus," Moody said. "You need to zoom in a bit so you can see—"

Immediately afterwards, Moody pointed at the spider with his wand, "Get bigger fast!"

The spider swelled up. It is now bigger than a tarantula. Ron, unable to hide it, moved his chair back, as far away from Moody's podium as possible.

Moody raised his wand again, pointed at the spider, and said softly, "Gouging out the bone!"

Immediately, the spider's legs were all shrunk, clinging to the body.

It flipped and twitched violently, swaying from side to side, and it made no sound.

Moody didn't take his wand away, and the spider started shaking, twitching even harder—

"Stop!" Hermione screamed.

Harry turned to look at Hermione.

Instead of looking at the spider, she looked at Neville. Harry followed her gaze and saw Neville's hands clasped tightly on the table in front of him, his knuckles turning white, his eyes wide and full of fear.

Moody raised his wand, and the spider's legs slackened, still twitching.

"Shrink fast," Moody murmured.

The spider shrank back to its original size, and Moody put it back into the bottle.

"Extremely painful," Moody whispered. "If you can chant Cruciatus, you don't need thumb clips or knives for torturing people... This spell was very popular at one time."

"Okay... Does anyone else know what spell?"

Hermione raised her hand a third time, but her hand trembled slightly.

"Go ahead," Moody said, looking at her.

"The Avada Suo," Hermione whispered.

Several people turned to look at her uneasily.

"Aha." Moody said—

His slanted mouth twitched again, revealing a faint smile, "Yes, this is the last and most powerful spell. Avada Sombra... Death Curse."

He reached into the glass bottle, and the third spider seemed to know the impending doom, crawling desperately around the bottom of the bottle, trying to avoid Moody's fingers, but he grabbed it anyway and placed it on the podium , the spider began to crawl desperately on the wooden table top again.

"Avada Suo!" Moody yelled.

A dazzling green light pierced one's eyes, and there was a chaotic sound, as if an invisible behemoth was flying through the air—

At the same time, the spider turned over and lay on the table on its back. There was no scar on his body, but he was undoubtedly dead. Several students struggled to hold back the shouts they wanted to make.

"It's not nice," he said quietly. "It's unpleasant. And there's no breaking the spell. There's no way to defend against it. There's only one person known to have escaped this spell, and he's sitting right in front of me right now."

Moody's eyes—

Moody's eyes were on Harry's at the same time, and Harry could feel the whole class turn their heads to look at him—

But Harry just stared at the empty blackboard, as if fascinated by it, when in fact he saw nothing—

"Don't worry, Harry." At this time, Tiera patted Harry's hand lightly, and said in a voice that was clearly whispering but everyone could hear. , "Voldemort will be utterly ashes under your wand."

"Tsk tsk, let me tell you, he died tragically." Tiera said again in a voice that was clearly whispered but everyone could hear, "Tsk tsk tsk...ashes I tell you...tsk tsk tsk... not a single piece... tsk tsk tsk... nothing but dust and dirt... tsk tsk tsk..."

Harry noticed that one of Professor Moody's magical eyes began to stare at Tiera.

----Dividing line---

Thank you for your support. As of now, I have received a total of 709 monthly passes in March. Thank you very much!

But the experiment has been too busy recently, so I can only regret to tell you that it can only be updated once a day from April.

Happy April Fools by the way.

So here comes the question-

Is the daily update an April Fool's joke? Or am I being serious?