Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 35: flight

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Tiera, Harry and Ron came to the green grass in front of the school, where there were already more than two dozen brooms neatly laid out on the grass.

When they arrived, the field was already full of little wizards from Gryffindor and Slytherin. The three of them were the last to arrive, because Tiera had the habit of taking naps every day from 12:30 to 2:30. Or from one to three, Tiera would sleep for two hours.

This is not for rest. Tiera's mental strength is enough to support him without sleeping for several days and nights. This is just his habit. Although his scientific research life was busy in his previous life, it was precisely because he was busy that he needed to take a nap.

And Harry was waiting for Tiera, and Ron was waiting for Harry, so the three were the last to arrive.

But it seems that before their teacher appeared, they quietly sneaked into the little wizards.

This time, Ron learned to be smart. Instead of ranting like the first Transfiguration class, he pulled Harry and Tiera closer to Hermione.

A minute after Harry, Ron, and Tiera arrived, Mrs. Hodge, the flying teacher, walked into the green grass.

Mrs. Hodge has short gray hair and eagle-like yellow eyes.

"Okay, what are you all waiting for?" Mrs. Hodge said resolutely. "Everyone is standing next to a broomstick. Quick, quick, quick, hurry up!"

Tiera looked down at his broom, it was worn and old, some branches were poking out, and the same was true for others. First-year freshmen were not allowed to bring their own brooms, otherwise Tiera would be sure, Malfoy would definitely bring his broom, which is said to be a Nimbus 2,000, and show it off in front of Tiera and Harry.

"Stretch out your right hand and put it over the broom handle," Mrs. Hooch shouted in front, "and then say: Get up!"

"Get up!" everyone shouted.

Harry's broom jumped into his hands immediately, but there were only a few brooms that obeyed.

Tiera's broom jumped on the ground, but it didn't jump on his hand.

Hermione's broom just rolled on the ground.

And Neville's broom didn't move at all.

Then Mrs. Hooch showed them how to get on a broom without slipping off her head. She walked up and down the line, correcting their grip.

Contrary to Tiera's expectations, the broom didn't feel awkward when he rode it on, on the contrary, there seemed to be a soft force supporting his butt, which made Tiera much less disgusted with riding the broom.

After all, when I got to Quidditch in a barrage at a certain station in my last life, the most discussed question was whether the broom would be a distraction.

"Okay, as soon as I whistle, you kick your legs off the ground, pushing hard," said Mrs. Hodge, "hold the broom steady, raise it a few feet, and then lean forward slightly and drop back to the ground vertically. Listen to my whistle, three, two..."

However, Neville was so nervous that he was afraid of being left on the ground, so he didn't wait for the whistle to touch Mrs. Hooch's lips before he kicked it hard and flew up.

"Come back, come back!" cried Mrs. Hooch, but Neville went straight up like a cork from a bottle, twelve feet, twenty feet.

"Ah-ah-" Neville with a pale face slid off the broom.

With a bang, he fell to the grass and shrank into a ball.

Fortunately, the soil in the grass had just been turned over and was very soft. Although Neville was injured and crouched on the ground moaning constantly, he was still alive.

Mrs. Hodge bent down and picked up Neville, her face as pale as Neville's.

"Broken wrist." Harry heard her whisper, "Okay, kids... it's okay, let's go, let's go to the hospital together."

She turned to the rest of the class and said, "I'm taking this kid to the hospital, and none of you are allowed to move! Put the brooms back in their place, or else you'll be kicked out of Hogg before you can even say a word of Quidditch. Watts' gate!"

"Come on, poor little one." The last sentence was to Neville.

Then Mrs. Hodge disappeared at the castle gate with Neville in her arms.

They had just gone out of hearing when Malfoy burst into laughter.

"Did you see him in such a terrible state, that stupid big guy?" The other Slytherin students also echoed.

"Shut up, Malfoy," Parvati Patil said sharply.

"Yo he? Are you protecting Longbottom?" said Pansy Parkinson, an ugly-looking Slytherin girl. "I didn't expect you to like a chubby little tearbag, Patil."

"Look!" Malfoy said, rushing to grab something on the lawn. "It was given to him by that big fool Longbottom's grandma."

He held up the memory ball, which gleamed in the sun.

However, at this time, Tiera still came up with a broom.

A broom is longer and thinner than a book.

But how could Malfoy, who has already suffered a loss, still hit the same trick? Before Tiera's broom swept him, he stepped on the broom and flew, causing the little wizard below to exclaim.

It seems that apart from the helicopter part, at least Malfoy can really ride a broom.

"Come and catch me, nerdy Muggle!" Malfoy yelled in midair, staring fiercely at Tiera. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Bring back Malfoy!" Harry yelled at him.

Malfoy smiled viciously, tossing Neville's memory **** in his hands.

"Come and get it if you want." Then after seeing Tiera take out his wand, Malfoy flew even higher.

Harry grabbed the broom.

"No!" Hermione shouted, "Mrs. Hooch told us not to move, you will cause trouble for us all."

Harry ignored her. He got on his broom and kicked the ground hard, so he rose, the air whizzing through his hair, his robes fluttering behind him, and soon he was as high as Malfoy.

James' genetic strength is unmistakable.

This surprised Malfoy.

"Bring it here," Harry called, "or I'll knock you off the broom."

"Oh, is it?" Malfoy said. He tried to laugh, but there was a toad stuck in his throat.

Harry seemed born knowing what to do. He leaned forward, gripping the broom tightly with both hands, and the broom shot at Malfoy like a javelin. Malfoy barely dodged.

Harry turned back sharply again, grabbing the broom firmly. A few people below are applauding.

He once again enjoyed the feeling of being in the limelight.

It's just that this time it was completely and completely done by his own strength.

Harry glanced down at Tiera.

Still with that faint smile on her face, Tiera mixed in the crowd and gently applauded Harry with her palms.

For some reason, Harry was suddenly a little disappointed.

He prefers to see surprise or surprise on Tiera's face.

Instead of that always faint smile.