Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 36: Youngest Quidditch player

"Here, see if you can catch it!" Malfoy yelled, throwing the glass ball high into the air, then quickly landed on the ground.

He was already thinking of quitting, and Harry's sudden display of flying talent made him feel bad.

However, he had just dropped one meter when he heard a soft "wingardium"

The broom continued to fall, but Malfoy was left where he was, silently fixed in the air.

"Ah-ah-ah-help!" Malfoy was frightened and waved his hands and feet in the air.

Harry was already chasing the memory ball thrown by Malfoy and flew to the castle tower long ago.

So he didn't hear Malfoy's cry for help, otherwise he would have turned his head to look at it.

Crabbe and Goyle, and the other Slytherin students were a mess on the ground, but no one dared to take Malfoy on a broom.

"You put Malfoy down!" The chubby Goer yelled at Tiera, but Fukang also got close, because at this time, Tiera had a wand and a broom in his hand.

Crabbe and Goyle, who had been beaten up on the train last time, had seen Tierra's strength, so they only dared to fight from a distance.

"Put him down!" Pansy, the ugly little witch, also agreed, "Otherwise, I want you to look good when Mrs. Hodge comes back."

"Mrs. Hodge's order is not to touch the broom until she comes back." Tiera smiled lightly, and said with a righteous look, "Malfoy violated Madam Hodge's order, and there is no one to protect him. I use the broom to go to the sky without permission, and when I saw Malfoy was about to slip off the broom, I used the Levitation Charm to save him from injury."

"Mrs. Hodge should praise me!"

As soon as Tiera said these words, the surroundings immediately fell silent.

All this is true, Mrs. Hodge did strictly forbid the little wizards to ride their brooms to the sky.

"No! Malfoy is about to come down, and you suddenly pinned him in mid-air with a Levitation Charm!" Pansy suddenly reacted.

"Really? What I saw was that Malfoy was about to fall off the broom." After finishing speaking, Tiera looked at the little wizard of Gryffindor and said, "Mrs. Hodge should give Gryffindor extra points, right?"

"Yes!" Almost all the little Gryffindor wizards echoed excitedly when they heard the extra points.

As an adult, it was easy for Tiera to stir up the little wizard's emotions.

While the two groups were facing each other, Harry flew back slowly, still holding the memory ball in his hand.

"Yeah-yeah-" the Gryffindor crowd shouted.


But their cheers were soon interrupted by Professor McGonagall who was running towards them.

"And Malfoy, what, what's going on?" McGonagall saw Draco Malfoy suspended in midair at a glance.

"Professor McGonagall!" Tiera stepped forward and said before McGonagall went mad, "Malfoy violated Mrs. Hodge's order, went to the sky privately, and snatched the injured student Neville's. Memory ball! Harry tried to stop Mr. Malfoy, but Malfoy threw the memory ball into the distance without repentance. As a result, his center of gravity was unstable and he fell off his broom. I used a suspension spell to temporarily hold him in the office. "Professor McGonagall, please put Malfoy down."

Tiera said a lot in one breath, and her face also showed an anxious look at the right time.

Being interrupted by Tiera like this, Mag's anger was relieved a lot, and he looked back and forth on Tiera and Harry with some surprises.

Seeing Tiera inexplicably, what's going on with him here?

"Mr. Wu, how long have you kept Malfoy suspended in mid-air?" Mag asked.

"Um...about...about a few minutes?" Tiera replied uncertainly.

At this point, Harry got off the broom, and stood behind Tiera with his head bowed obediently with his hands behind his back.

Tiera didn't have a systematic wizard education, so she didn't know how huge the magic power required to suspend a living creature in mid-air was for a first-year wizard.

"Harry, come with me." Mag waved his wand, and Malfoy, who was suspended in mid-air, landed on the ground as lightly as a feather.

As soon as Malfoy landed on the ground, he suddenly burst into tears. Hearing that, Tiera felt a little guilty, making him reflect on whether Malfoy had gone too far.

"Harry, come with me." After that, Professor McGonagall strode towards the castle, while Harry mechanically followed behind Professor McGonagall.

Because Malfoy, the backbone, was frightened, Slytherin did not form any effective resistance, and was quiet as a chicken until Mrs. Hodge came back.

Of course, after Mrs. Hodge came back, there was no movement, only Malfoy, who had recovered, kept staring at Tiera hatefully.

Seeing that her goal has been achieved, Tiera is no longer ready to provoke Malfoy for a while.

Dinner time~lightnovelpub.net~ Harry came back with a happy face. Although he was dirty, he was in high spirits.

He tells Ron and Tiera what happened after he and Professor McGonagall left the field.

Ron was about to put a steak and kidney pie in his mouth when he forgot halfway through it.

"Seeker?" he said, "but first-year students never...you must be the youngest academy team player for many years."

"It's been a century," Harry said, picking up the pie and stuffing it into his mouth, feeling particularly hungry after a thrilling encounter in the afternoon.

"Wood told me." After Harry said that, he glanced at Tiera, and he found that Tiera was also looking at him with a smile, the same faint smile on his face.

On the contrary, Ron reacted greatly. He was too surprised and shocked, and just sat there and stared at Harry blankly.

"I'll start training next week," said Harry. "Don't tell anyone that Wood wants to keep it a secret."

At this moment, Fred and George Weasley entered the dining room. As soon as they saw Harry, they walked over quickly.

"Fine," George whispered. "Wood told us. We're the college team, too. We're hitters."

"Tell you guys we're definitely going to win the Quidditch Cup this year," said Fred. "We haven't won since Charlie left, but this year, our team is going to be great. You must be great. , Harry, Wood was incoherent when he told us about it."

"However, we have to go. Li Jordan thinks he has found a new secret passage that leads to the outside of the school."

"I guess it's the passage behind the statue of Gregory the sycophant. We found it the first week we were in school. Goodbye."