Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 450: Pig's Head Bar

Since Harry agreed to Hermione's request, Hermione didn't bring it up for two weeks, instead starting what she called "pre-class preparation" for the Defence Against the Dark Arts class.

During this period, Ron participated in four more Quidditch trainings, and after Harry saw it, Ron's Quidditch skills finally reached the entry level.

In Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class, the three of them successfully cast the spell to make the mouse disappear. To be precise, Hermione had gone a step further and practiced the spell to make the cat disappear.

Then, on a windy night in late September, when the three of them were sitting in the somewhat empty library, looking up the ingredients for Snape's potion, Hermione finally started talking about it again—

"I've been working hard these days," Hermione said, "but there's still no whereabouts of the Resurrection Stone..."

"Um..." Harry responded in frustration, "It's okay, we can look for it, and Umbridge certainly didn't find it."

"That's true," said Ron. "Umbridge has been following the devil these days, locking himself in the office and reading those books."

"I thought about it too," Hermione added, "Since Tiera predicted Umbridge's appearance, he must have expected Umbridge to remove all the books from Hogwarts. ."

"Um..." Harry responded.

"So he must have hidden the Resurrection Stone somewhere only we can get it, not Umbridge."

"Um..." Harry said.

"So I guess instead of wrestling with the Philosopher's Stone, we'd better focus on our own business," Hermione said.

"Um..." Harry said.

"So I think you can start planning your lessons," Hermione said. "What can you teach us about Defence Against the Dark Arts."

"Um... eh?" Harry suddenly realized what Hermione had just said, "Prepare for class? Prep... why so fast? What are you going to prepare, when?"

"I persuaded a group of people..." Hermione said, "Accurately speaking, there are many people, many people want you to teach them Defence Against the Dark Arts."

"One, one, a group of people?" Harry said in surprise, "I, I thought it was just the two of you..."

"How is that possible, Harry." Hermione said, "We have to deal with hundreds of Death Eaters. It's not enough for the three of us and the Order of the Phoenix alone. We must try to win over as many people as possible. and power."

"We're going to Hogsmeade on the first weekend of October, and I've informed everyone who is interested to meet us in the village and discuss this matter." Hermione said, "There are quite a few people. Promise to come."

"Why do we have to get it off campus?" Ron asked.

"Because..." Hermione changed, and continued to copy the potion formula while lowering her head. "If Umbridge finds out what we're going to do, I don't think she'll be very happy."

Harry had been looking forward to the weekend at Hogsmeade, but when that day came, Harry was getting nervous again.

The morning we went to Hogsmeade was clear, windy and sunny.

After breakfast, they lined up in front of Filch, who checked their names against the long list of classmates whose parents or guardians had allowed them to visit Hogsmeade.

"Where the **** are we going?" Harry asked when they reached Hogsmeade. "Three Broomsticks?"

"No, no," said Hermione, "no, it's always crowded, it's too messy, it's too noisy, it's not very confidential. I'll ask the others to meet us at Pig's Head, another bar, you know. , not on the main road. I also think it's a bit...you know, it's not safe, but classmates don't usually go there, so I don't think we'll be overheard."

They made their way down the road, past the Joko Joke Shop - where, as expected, they saw Fred, George, and Lee Jordan.

Passing the post office, every once in a while, some owls flew out of it, and then they turned into a small road next to it, and there was a small bar at the intersection.

A tattered wooden sign hangs from a rusted bracket on the door, depicting a severed boar head, blood soaking through the white cloth that wraps it.

As they approached, the sign creaked in the wind. The three of them hesitated outside the door.

"Come on, let's go in," Hermione said, looking a little nervous. Harry led the way in.

The inside is completely different from the Three Brooms Bar, the large bar of Three Brooms always makes people feel bright, clean and warm. Pig's Head Bar is only a small, dark, and very dirty room, exuding a strong smell of sheep mutton.

The bay windows were so thick with grime that the light barely penetrated, and candles were lit on the rough wooden table. At first glance, Harry thought the ground was compacted mud, but when he stepped on it, he realized that centuries of dirt had accumulated on the originally stone floor.

Harry remembered Hagrid's mention of the pub in first grade: "There's a lot of fun guys in Hog's Head."

He said that, explaining how he won a dragon egg from a hooded stranger in a bar.

Harry also wondered at the time why Hagrid didn't find it strange that the man had always kept his face covered when they were dating.

It was only now that he discovered that hiding his face seemed to be quite fashionable in the Hog's Head bar.

There was a man at the bar, his whole head wrapped in dirty gray bandages, but still able to pour cup after cup of something smoking and burning through a gap in the bandage on his mouth.

At a table by the window sat two hooded figures who, if they hadn't been speaking in a strong Yorkshire accent, Harry would have thought they were Dementors.

The bar owner flashed sideways through a back door and greeted them.

He was what looked like a grumpy, dirty version of Dumbledore, tall and thin, with that long, dirty beard covering most of his face.

"What?" he muttered.

"Three butterbeers, please," said Hermione.

The man bent over and pulled out three dusty, filthy bottles from under the counter and placed them heavily on the bar.

"Six xikes," the old man said.

"I'll pay," Harry said quickly, passing the silver coin.

The bartender's eyes moved to Harry, and stayed on his scar for a moment~lightnovelpub.net~ Then he looked away and put the money Harry gave him into an old wooden cash drawer, the drawer slid open automatically , swallowed the money. Harry, Ron and Hermione retreated to the table farthest from the bar and sat down, looking around, waiting for the classmates Hermione had asked to come over.

"So, who do you think is going to meet us?" Harry asked, unscrewing the rusted cap of his Butterbeer and taking a gulp.

"Just three or two people..." Hermione said, looking at her watch, looking at the door anxiously and nervously, "I told them to arrive around this time, I think they all know where... Oh, look , this is probably them."

The door of the bar was opened again, and a thick, dusty sunlight divided the room in two, and disappeared again in a blink of an eye, blocked by a large group of people who rushed in.

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