Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 451: Tavern tyranny

"Two or three people?" Ron raised his eyebrows half-jokingly and half-jolly.

First came Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas and Lavender, followed by Parvati and Padma Patil, and Cho and her chattering gang of roommates One, then Luna Lovegood, who was alone and in a trance, as if inadvertently walked in, followed by Katie Bell, Arya Spinnett and Angelina Johnson, Colin and Dennis Creevey The brothers, Ernie McMillan, Justin Finchley, Hannah Abbott, and a Hufflepuff girl Harry couldn't name, with a long braid on her back, three pulls The Vinclaws, Harry was sure they were named Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner and Teri Butt, and Ginny, followed by a tall, thin, yellow-haired boy with an upturned nose, Harry vaguely remembered he was a member of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, and at the end were Fred, George, and their friend Lee Jordan, all three holding in their arms large paper bags full of I bought something from the Joko Joke Shop.

"Two, two or three?" Harry said to Hermione hoarsely.

"Yeah, yes, it seems that this idea is very popular." Hermione said cheerfully, "Ron, do you want to bring some more chairs?"

The bar owner was wiping a glass with a rag that was as dirty as it had never been washed, and was stunned when he saw this. His bar had probably never been so crowded.

"Hey," Fred said, walking to the bar first and quickly counting his companions, "Excuse me, can you get us... twenty-five butterbeers?"

The bar owner glared at him for a moment, then threw down the rag in exasperation, as if he had been interrupted in the middle of something very important, and began to bring out grey bottles of Butterbeer from under the bar.

"Thank you." Fred said, passing the beer to everyone. "Everyone should pay, I don't have the money to buy so much beer."

Harry watched numbly as the crowd of chattering men took beer from Fred and fumbled for coins in their robes.

Harry couldn't imagine what so many people were there for, and then he had a terrifying thought--

They were probably here to hear him, so he turned to Hermione angrily.

"What do you say to other people?" he asked in a low voice. "What do they want?"

"I already told you, they just want to hear from you, whatever you want to say," Hermione reassured him, but Harry looked at her angrily, and she added hastily, "Not yet. What are you doing, let me tell them a few words first."

"Hey, Harry," Nacheng said, smiling broadly, and sat down across from him.

Harry forced a smile at him, but said nothing.

After chatting for a while, the students who came to the Pig's Head Bar also gathered around Harry and found a place to sit down.

"Um...cough..." Hermione said, her voice a little higher than usual because of her nervousness. "Um...um...Hello everyone."

The gang turned their attention to her, but still kept their eyes on Harry from time to time.

"That's it...well, you all know why you're here...if anyone wants to learn Defence Against the Dark Arts...I mean...learn the real skills, not what that Umbridge taught us. That rubbish." Hermione's voice suddenly became firmer and more assertive, "No one would call that thing Defence Against the Dark Arts—"

"Well said, well said!" Anthony Goldstein said, before clapping.

"Well, yeah, I think we might as well, well, figure things out on our own," said Hermione, who paused, looked at Harry sideways, and continued, "I mean learning how to protect yourself effectively, not only It's to learn the theory, but also to practice the real spell--"

"But I think you must pass the owls exam in Defence Against the Dark Arts too?" Michael Corner asked.

"Of course," Hermione said immediately, "but more importantly, I need formal training in defense, because, because..."

She took a deep breath before she finished, "Because Voldemort is back."

The whole pig's head bar fell silent in an instant.

Thanks to Tiera's operation, at the funeral last semester, Dumbledore showed the whole process of Voldemort's resurrection recorded by Tiera to the teachers and students at Hogwarts.

So even though the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet kept slandering Dumbledore and Harry over the summer, not many people bought it.

"With Voldemort's resurrection, our peaceful life will also be broken." Hermione stood up and said, "The era of change has come, and under the seemingly peaceful appearance of the wizarding world, there is actually a turbulent undercurrent, a mass of filth."

"Maybe some people will ask, what does Voldemort's resurrection have to do with us?" Hermione said again, "Maybe some people think that Voldemort's resurrection has anything to do with me, and what does it have to do with me and us?"

After saying this, Hermione paused and carefully observed the expressions of her classmates who were sitting——

Sure enough, as expected by Hermione, the expressions of most of the people sitting were as if they had nothing to do with them hanging up high.

"Maybe some of you relatives are in foreign countries, and you think that even if Voldemort really regains power, you can go abroad." Hermione continued, "There may be some of you who are pure-bloods and feel that Voldemort will not settle for yourself. on the head."

"No, you're wrong," Hermione said firmly. "I'm very disappointed. You've already taken four lessons from Headmaster Dumbledore, and you still haven't made any progress."

"There's a famous saying in the Muggle world—" Hermione said, clearing her throat

"They came to arrest the Jews first, and I didn't speak because I'm not a Jew.

They came to arrest the union members again, and I didn't speak because I was not a union member.

When they came to arrest Catholics again, I didn't say anything because I was a Protestant.

When they finally came to arrest me, there was no one to speak for me. "

"We are not independent, nor single," Hermione said. "We are not just an individual, as Dumbledore said, we are a community with a shared future for mankind."

"What was Voldemort's goal?" Hermione asked rhetorically, "to know all Muggles."

"And there are 5.7 billion Muggles in the world today," Hermione said. "We all know that Voldemort's purpose was to rid the world of all Muggles."

"But think about it, that's 5.7 billion people! Not 5.7 billion pigs!" Hermione suddenly increased her voice, "That's 5.7 billion people who have hands and feet, can move and talk, and can hold weapons. , Muggles who can fight and have an organized army."

"Even if it's Voldemort~lightnovelpub.net~ even if Dumbledore and Voldemort join forces to deal with such a Muggle world, there is no chance at all." Hermione said solemnly, "Our two most powerful wizards in the wizarding world have no chance at all. Even a joint effort would not be as great a threat to Muggle society as a pandemic."

"That's why we need power," said Hermione, standing on the chair. "Voldemort's plans, or actions, will inevitably lead to a conflict between the wizarding world and the Muggle world."

"What we're going to face is not just a Voldemort," Hermione said, holding up her glass, "but a conflict between the wizarding world and the Muggles."

"That's what's really deadly."

"That's why we really need to have power!"

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