Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 47: Nimbus 2000

Tiera keenly heard the taste of skipping classes from these words.

Just as Tiera was about to say something, the owl flew in with a large number of packages.

Tiera got a cardboard box containing the potions raw materials he had just written to Slug and Ziggs Pharmacy this week, thanks to Harry's investment and his own exchange in pounds from Gringotts. Jin Galleon, Tiera's current funds are still very sufficient, most of which are magical materials from magical animals, this time Tiera also went to the pharmacy to buy some herb seeds.

After all, he has a whole planet of land, and it would be a pity not to plant anything.

Although he majored in molecular crop breeding in his last life as a graduate student, he mainly worked in the laboratory, but due to the serious loss of young people in the village where their experimental field is located, the youngest temporary workers their research group can hire are all 72 years old...

So most of the field planting had to be done by him and his brothers and sisters, rolling up their sleeves together...

Therefore, Tiera has a certain grasp of some basic agricultural planting skills.

Actually, long before she received the admission letter, Tiera wanted to plant something in the few acres of medicine garden surrounded by Merlin.

But first, he didn't have any way to obtain herb seeds, and second, he was alone and weak.

That's why Tiera was so anxious to learn Transfiguration.

In addition to making magic items, it is also possible to make automatic seeding devices.

The Weasleys didn't receive any emails this time, apparently because their pocket money was almost spent, so they had to use it sparingly.

But the most striking of all owl messengers is the slender package carried by six long-eared owls.

Tiera understood what it was just by looking at it.

The Nimbus 2000 that Professor McGonagall bought for Harry!

After the six owls flew over Harry, they released their claws at the same time.

The heavy package just slapped on the table in front of Harry, and the loud noise attracted the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

The six owls fluttered their wings and just flew away, and Hedwig, who was all white, flew into Harry's arms with a letter in his mouth.

Harry tore the letter first, only to see it read: "Don't open the package on the table, it contains your new broom Nimbus 2000, I don't want everyone to know you have a new broom lest they all want it .

Oliver Wood is waiting for you at the Quidditch pitch at seven tonight for your first training session.

Professor Mi McGonagall

Harry handed the text to Ron, unable to hide his joy.

"Nimbus 2000!" Ron sighed enviously, "I've never even touched it."

Harry pulled up Tiera and Ron and hurried out of the hall, trying to find a place where no one was there to unpack and get out a broom before the first class.

However, it wasn't that the foes didn't get together. As they passed through the hall, the three happened to meet Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle who were about to enter.

"Look, someone actually gave poor Potter a gift again!" Malfoy yelled, trying to grab the package out of Harry's hands.

But then Malfoy was taken aback by Tiera who was standing behind Harry and looking at him sideways.

The outstretched hand also paused.

Tiera quickly pushed Harry and Ron past Malfoy.

"It must be a broom." Malfoy could guess just by looking at the shape of the package, and shouted excitedly, "You wait for the punishment, Potter, first-year students are not allowed to bring brooms to school! I'm going to tell Professor McGonagall! Potter, you're breaking school rules!"

Hearing Malfoy's voice behind him, Tiera, Harry, and Ron looked at each other, and the three little wizards saw a smirk on their faces.

"This is not some old broomstick," Ron said at first, unable to hold back, "this is... um..."

It seemed that Tiera was quick-witted, pressed Ron's mouth before he could say it, then put his arm around Ron and held Harry in the other, and quickly walked up the stairs.

"Really, I really should thank Malfoy." Harry smiled when they reached the top of the marble staircase and could no longer see Malfoy and his two little valet, "if he hadn't stolen the If I don't get on a broom to pick up Neville's glass ball, I won't get caught by Professor McGonagall. If I don't get caught by Professor McGonagall, I won't be able to score. team…"

"So you think this is a reward for you breaking the school rules?" A slightly angry voice came from behind the three of them.

Hermione hurried upstairs, looking dissatisfied at the package in Harry's hand.

"I thought you stopped talking to us," said Harry.

"Yeah, don't talk about it now," said Ron. "It makes us very comfortable."

"Hmph~" Hermione gave the three people a cold look, You Qi glanced at Tiera, and strode away with her nose raised high.

"Seriously, brother." Ron nudged Tiera with his elbow, "I wouldn't believe it if Hermione didn't care about you."

Next to him, Harry also pricked up his ears.

"My heart is only learning." Tiera said, rolling her eyes at the same time, thinking, you can hurt her now, and you will suffer when you get married.

Although he and Harry were separated by Snape in Potions class, they still used to do other classes together.

Tiera noticed that it was difficult for Harry to settle down and listen to the class carefully. He looked at the clock hanging on the classroom wall for a while, and twisted his buttocks to adjust his sitting posture.

Presumably Harry's thoughts had already flown to the dormitory, and his new broom was lying under his bed.

It's finally seven o'clock...

To be precise, it was 6:40. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Harry only took two mouthfuls of rice, and immediately left the castle and came to the Quidditch pitch.

Tiera also came.

After all, Harry is his little gold owner, so this is a good opportunity to gain favorability.

And he also wanted to test the effect of tranquilizers in Quidditch matches.

According to George and Fred, although the use of such potions is prohibited in Quidditch matches, because of the intensity of the Quidditch game, if only a small amount is consumed, these potions will quickly become absorbed in the wizard's body. will be consumed clean.

Afterwards, even using the inspection spell, it couldn't be detected.

So drinking a small amount of these potions that can increase concentration is an unspoken rule in Quidditch.

Not to mention some official Quidditch teams, even the Quidditch teams of the four Hogwarts Houses will also have a so-called "medical assistant".

That is, a pharmacist who specializes in preparing potions.

Gryffindor's pharmacist was originally a seventh-year senior, Bobby Burns, a short wizard with fluffy hair.

But because he has now graduated and worked as an intern in Slug and Giggs Pharmacy, he is temporarily held by Captain Wood.

Among the little wizards who know this year's first grade through the Weasley twins, in addition to a genius Seeker Harry Potter, there is also a genius little pharmacist-Tiera Wu, who can only fail in the first grade. After deploying the tranquilizing potion on one occasion, Oliver Wood also recruited Tiera into Gryffindor's Quidditch team.

"We will definitely win the Academy Cup this year." Oliver Wood, a lanky boy with soft, light brown hair, patted Tiera on the shoulder.