Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 48: contradiction

Unknowingly, Tiera had been at Hogwarts for two full months, and the time quickly advanced to Halloween.

In addition to her weekly homework and self-study, Tiera now has to allocate part of her time to help Gryffindor's Quidditch team configure potions - of course, the cost of potion materials is borne by the Academy. .

Many seniors and sisters who have graduated, including Professor McGonagall, are willing to bear the cost.

Especially since Professor McGonagall already knew Tiera's potion brewing level.

Because the potions prepared by each pharmacist have significant differences in effect, even if they are training, they must drink one or two bottles, which can not only improve the quality of training, but also adapt to the disappearance of potions. slight discomfort.

And after using the potion identification spell recorded in "Explanation of Potions" to confirm that there is no problem with the newly configured tranquilizing potion, all the trainers at Hogwarts changed the potion to this potion, which has a stronger effect. Crimson Potion.

In addition, Tiera also needs to follow Snape to learn about potions for an hour every Sunday night, and face a lot of thinking questions left by Snape after the course, and Wei Wei who has some new inspiration from time to time. Sly Twins.

This made Tiera's campus life enriched all of a sudden. At the same time, Tiera also felt her potion, and her level of transfiguration and alchemy also improved by leaps and bounds.

Unlike Harry, who was struggling between Quidditch and homework, Tiera felt very excited.

Not only because of the new knowledge learned, but also because of the effect of Harris' Pharmacy.

Herris Pharmacy can strengthen Tiera's soul, that is, her spiritual existence. After taking it for several months, Tiera can clearly feel her spirits up, her reaction speed increases, and her memory is enhanced.

But Tiera still went to bed at 9:30 in the evening, woke up at 6:00 in the morning, and slept for an hour at noon.

Sometimes he couldn't sleep at all, and he was in high spirits, and Tiera would also lie on the bed with his eyes closed, trying to relax his body completely, or directly take the egg white of Mist Snake Egg - a kind of living in a seaside cave, Small magical creatures that have been raised by wizards in large numbers, feed on small shrimp or small fish, are non-toxic and live in groups. Their brains are the main material for brewing a hypnotic fog, hence the name.

Their snake eggs are rich in protein and also have a little sleep aid. They are used to subdue little wizards whose magic power is out of control. After taking them alive, they can quickly fall asleep without any side effects. Instead, they nourish the body.

You can buy sixteen of them from the grocery store in Diagon Alley for only seven silver sikotiers, which is very cheap.

In addition, Tiera also asked the house-elves at Hogwarts to give him an extra glass of milk, a piece of rye bread for breakfast, a small tuna salad for lunch, and a bowl of fruit for dinner.

This is to protect his physical existence, that is, his underage body, so he must ensure enough sleep and nutrition.

Because Tiera's mental power far exceeded the upper limit of his age, it also caused some burden on his body.

At the same time, Tiera, who has always insisted on combining work and rest, decided to relax on Halloween.

Thanks to China's excellent traditional culture and the rich festival culture of the West, Tiera can find some reasons to take vacations for herself every month.

For example, on the 22nd of last month, which is September 22nd, the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, which happened to be Sunday, Tiera did not go to the library for a day, but stayed in the dormitory with Harry and Luo Eun chatted and spanked, and asked for four toothless chocolate cakes for dinner.

That was the first time Tiera used Transfiguration outside of the classroom. He turned the four pieces of chocolate that were too sweet into four pieces of moon cakes with "Mid-Autumn Festival Reunion" printed in a twisted shape, which were distributed to Tiera. Harry, Ron and Hermione.

On October 1st at the beginning of this month, Tiera also didn't go to the library. In order to celebrate her motherland with peace of mind... This year should be her 42nd birthday, Tiera used transfiguration on the flesh-colored glove of her left hand. Small five-star red flag.

In this way, Tiera misses her hometown that she can never go back to and her parents that she will never see again.

Since today was Halloween, Tiera decided to give herself another chance to indulge.

After getting up early this morning, he rarely went to the restaurant with a book to read, but continued to lie on the bed looking up at the ceiling doing nothing.

There is a Halloween party tonight, Tiera thought, he has been too busy for more than half a month, and he really needs a good rest.

Last night, Tiera had put the five incendiary bombs he had made by combining Transfiguration and superficial alchemy into the pocket of his wizard robe last night.

After all... there is still a tough battle to be fought in a while.

If nothing else, Professor Quirrell will release the troll guarding the Philosopher's Stone at the Halloween party tonight.

In the past two weeks, since Harry received the Nimbus 2000, the contradiction between them and Hermione has become increasingly irreconcilable~lightnovelpub.net~ Now Hermione has hardly spoken to Harry and Ron, Except for the occasional "borrowed" or "please let me go" when we meet in the classroom or common room.

Even Tiera was ignored. Whenever she met in the library, Hermione would either bury her head in the book in front of her that she couldn't fully understand, or pretended not to see Tiera. Even though Tiera greeted her politely, she pretended to be in a hurry and ran away suddenly.

Aside from making Harry a little sad about this situation, Tiera and Ron were eager to get rid of Hermione.

Although Tiera is an adult, she doesn't really like a witch like Hermione who likes to pretend to be a little adult.

Not to mention Ron, I wish I never saw her again in this life.

However, it backfired.

Harry and Ron were late for today's spells lesson because they were excited about their first Halloween here, so they were still discussing until Tiera fell asleep.

Therefore, when Harry and Ron came to the Charms classroom, in addition to the seat that Tiera had occupied for Harry, Ron could only sit at a table with Hermione.

Both Ron and Hermione looked rather annoyed.

This made Harry feel very fortunate. Fortunately, he had a friend like Tiera, who would not only help him with his homework, but also help him occupy a good seat.

Especially when Professor Flitwick told the little wizard present that he was learning the floating spell today, Harry was even more shocked.

Because Harry had been pestering Tiera to teach him the spell ever since Tiera used it in his first flying lesson a few weeks ago.

And five days ago, Harry had been able to briefly suspend a roll of parchment in mid-air.